Planning Agreement with 214 Lismore Pty Ltd
Consultation has concluded

Draft Planning Agreement between 214 Lismore Pty Ltd and Lismore City Council
The Draft Planning Agreement relates to the approved Development Application No. 5.2014.236.2 for a four-storey commercial building comprising offices, cafe, car parking with associated civil works at DP 1229664 Lot 1, 214 Molesworth Street, Lismore.
The proposed Draft Planning Agreement accompanies a Section 4.55(2) application to modify consent 5.2014.236.2 lodged with Council on the 26 June 2018, which seeks consent for the deletion of Condition 55 and the amendment of Condition 5.
The Section 4.55(2) application would result in 32 on-site car spaces no longer being available for use by the public and the loss of one car space parallel to New England Lane. The car parking spaces within the ground floor carpark would only be accessible to tenants or those authorised by the development.
To off-set the adverse impacts related to the loss of publicly accessible and on-site car parking within the site, the proponent is seeking to enter into a Planning Agreement with Lismore City Council in accordance with Section 7.4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for the completion of construction works to formalise 34 on-street car parking spaces in Victoria Street, within the Lismore CBD.
The Draft Planning Agreement will provide for a significant improvement to the provision of publicly accessible on-street parking in Victoria Street (Lismore CBD) through the creation of 34 bitumen sealed all-weather car spaces inclusive of stormwater management measures through the installation of kerb edges.
Relevant documents can be viewed online in our Document Library or in hardcopy at our Corporate Centre, 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah.
Submissions can be made online below, emailed to or sent to the General Manager, Lismore City Council, PO Box 23A, Lismore, NSW 2480.
Submissions must be received by 4.30pm on 16 March 2019.