Planning Proposal for 1A & 1B Northcott Drive, Goonellabah
Consultation has concluded

Planning proposal to amend the Lismore LEP at Part 1A and 1B Northcott Drive, Goonellabah
At its ordinary meeting on 9 October 2018, Lismore City Council resolved to support a planning proposal to amend the Lismore Local Environment Plan (LEP) 2012 to rezone part of 1A and 1B Northcott Drive, Goonellabah (Lot 2 DP 777930 and Lot 1 DP 1213247) from Zone RU1 Primary Production to Zone R1 General Residential in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to facilitate residential development.
The planning proposal seeks to amend the minimum lot size for land proposed to be rezoned to Zone R1 from 40ha to 400m² and apply a maximum building height of 8.5m to part of the land consistent with other R1 zoned land.
On 29 October 2018 the Department of Planning and Environment issued a Gateway Determination with conditions including the requirement for additional reporting on land contamination. The Minister for Planning has delegated the finalisation of the LEP to Council.
The planning proposal is on public exhibition from 17 January 2019 to 22 February 2019.
Relevant documents can be viewed online in our Document Library or in hardcopy at our Corporate Centre, 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah.
Submissions can be made online below, emailed to or sent to the General Manager, Lismore City Council, PO Box 23A, Lismore, NSW 2480.
For enquiries, phone Strategic Planner Sally Slater on 1300 87 83 87.
Submissions must be received by close of business on Friday, 22 February 2019.