Public Notice
PUBLIC NOTICE: Adoption of DCP Chapter 4 – Rural and nature-based tourism development
Pursuant to Clause 14 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, notice is given that the Lismore Development Control Plan (DCP) Chapter 4 – Rural and nature-based tourism development was adopted by Council at its meeting of 20 June 2023.
The DCP chapter replaces Chapter 4 – Rural Tourism Accommodation. DCP Chapter 4 (Rural Tourist Accommodation) was introduced in 2018 to provide planning controls and criteria for accommodation on rural land following the adoption of LEP Clause 6.11 Rural and nature-based tourism development. Following the NSW Government’s agritourism reforms, changes to current DCP controls have been made to ensure that Council can effectively control types of development permissible on rural lands, and that Council’s controls are aligned with those that can be accessed through an exempt or complying development pathway.
Further detail is contained in the post-exhibition report presented at the ordinary meeting of Council on 20 June 2023.
Access to this report can be found at
The amendment to the Lismore DCP is in effect from 17 July 2023.
The DCP can be viewed on Council’s website at
Consultation has concluded