Landholder contact details sought ahead of rail trail design
The first step towards delivering the Bentley to Lismore rail trail will get underway soon.
Lismore City Council wants landholder input on the project, which is 100% funded by the Federal Government’s Building Better Regions Fund.
The project will convert 16.3km of the old rail corridor between Bentley and Lismore to a trail for recreational use to boost tourism, recreation opportunities and local economies. It will link onto the Casino to Bentley section currently being completed by Richmond Valley Council.
Extensive planning and research underpin the development of the Northern Rivers Rail Trail. Please refer the attached fact sheet for further details on the project.
Get involved and let us know what’s needed
If your property borders the proposed rail trail we want to consult with you to ensure we get the best outcomes for everyone.
Please provide your contact details (Name, Address, Phone, Email) using one of the methods below by Wednesday 11 January 2023. Any residents that we don’t hear from will be followed up with door knocking between Thursday 12 January and Friday 20 January 2023.
The Lismore to Bentley section of the Northern Rivers Rail Trail is now open.
For more information visit Northern Rivers Rail Trail