Accessible Parking Update
Community feedback in conjunction with Council's Access and Inclusion Advisory Group consultations, has led to a review of the Accessible Parking spaces for the Clyde Campbell Solar Carpark.
This is a positive outcome for our greater community, to ensure shaded parking spaces are available for all.
If you would like to Have Your Say on this project, please utilise the Q&A function of this page, email or write in to PO Box 23A, Lismore NSW 2480.
4.1 Request for Accessible Parking Zones - Clyde Campbell Carpark, Lismore
Request has been received for the installation of two (2) accessible parking spaces, in addition to two (2) dedicated EV charging carparking spaces in Clyde Campbell Car Park, Lismore.
There are two (2) existing accessible parking spaces on the southern side of the car park.
The matter was raised with Councils Project Delivery Manager who is overseeing construction installation for sun shading works in the car park.
There is also a request for the inclusion of two EV charging car parking spaces in the same location.
RECOMMENDED that Council support the request for the installation of two (2) accessible and two (2) dedicated EV charging car parks, within the Clyde Campbell Solar Carpark.
Voting for: Councillor Jeri Hall, Caleisse Dunston, Snr Const Rod Ferris and Harry Gregg.
Voting against: Nil.
This project is now complete.