Development Control Plan housekeeping amendments

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What are Development Control Plan housekeeping amendments?

The Development Control Plan (DCP) provides detailed planning and design guidelines to support the preparation of development applications and their assessment by Lismore City Council. Lismore’s DCP is divided into themed chapters.

Over time, the DCP needs housekeeping amendments that update references to State level legislative change and department names, update references to Council strategies, reflect updated best practice in the building and development industry and to correct errors and improve clarity. Housekeeping amendments are not intended to change the meaning of the DCP and should occur every couple of years. The last housekeeping amendments for the Lismore DCP were in July 2022.

What are the proposed housekeeping amendments?

There are proposed housekeeping amendments in 7 of the 22 chapters in Part A of the Lismore Development Control Plan 2012. The proposed changes are highlighted in each chapter in tracked changes in the following chapters:

The Introduction chapter keeps a record of changes to the DCP and will also be amended to indicate these housekeeping amendments have been made.

The chapters with the proposed changes are available on this page in the Documents Section of this page.

How to Provide Your Feedback

You are invited to provide feedback on any or all of the chapters with proposed amendments.

Review the Proposed Changes

We recommend reviewing the proposed amendments before submitting your feedback. Tracked change documents for each chapter are available in the Documents Section on this page.

Make a Submission

  • Online - see the online submission form below
  • Email:
  • In writing: Lismore City Council, 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah NSW 2480

Submissions close: 4.30pm, Monday 17 February 2025.

What are Development Control Plan housekeeping amendments?

The Development Control Plan (DCP) provides detailed planning and design guidelines to support the preparation of development applications and their assessment by Lismore City Council. Lismore’s DCP is divided into themed chapters.

Over time, the DCP needs housekeeping amendments that update references to State level legislative change and department names, update references to Council strategies, reflect updated best practice in the building and development industry and to correct errors and improve clarity. Housekeeping amendments are not intended to change the meaning of the DCP and should occur every couple of years. The last housekeeping amendments for the Lismore DCP were in July 2022.

What are the proposed housekeeping amendments?

There are proposed housekeeping amendments in 7 of the 22 chapters in Part A of the Lismore Development Control Plan 2012. The proposed changes are highlighted in each chapter in tracked changes in the following chapters:

The Introduction chapter keeps a record of changes to the DCP and will also be amended to indicate these housekeeping amendments have been made.

The chapters with the proposed changes are available on this page in the Documents Section of this page.

How to Provide Your Feedback

You are invited to provide feedback on any or all of the chapters with proposed amendments.

Review the Proposed Changes

We recommend reviewing the proposed amendments before submitting your feedback. Tracked change documents for each chapter are available in the Documents Section on this page.

Make a Submission

  • Online - see the online submission form below
  • Email:
  • In writing: Lismore City Council, 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah NSW 2480

Submissions close: 4.30pm, Monday 17 February 2025.

  • CLOSED: Submissions have concluded.

    Welcome to the online submission process for the proposed housekeeping amendments to the Lismore Development Control Plan (DCP). This is your opportunity to provide detailed feedback on the proposed changes and help ensure the DCP remains accurate, clear, and aligned with current legislation and best practices. 

    All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available on Council’s website, in accordance with the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

    Consultation has concluded
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