Public Exhibition - Revised Flood Prone Lands DCP

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Consultation has concluded

This consultation has now concluded. Thank you for your feedback.

Your submissions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.

Submissions will then be considered and incorporated into the final document as appropriate. The final version of the documents will be presented to Council for formal adoption.

Lismore is updating the rules for building in flood-prone areas to better prepare for future flood events.

The Revised Flood Prone Lands Development Control Plan (DCP) outlines the rules for building on flood-prone land in the Lismore local government area. It takes a risk-based approach to planning and development in these areas and only applies to new development that requires a development application. Existing development is not affected.

The DCP outlines where certain types of development are acceptable, and where they are not. It also outlines requirements such as minimum floor levels, flood compatible materials and structural soundness.

The DCP has been developed using modelling, mapping and recommendations from the Lismore Floodplain Risk Management Study and draft Floodplain Risk Management Plan.

As part of the new DCP, Council is considering increasing its Flood Planning Level. The Flood Planning Level determines the minimum height habitable floors must be built to for new homes, and for major works like house raising. For commercial and industrial uses, a percentage of development must be above the flood planning level.

Council has developed a video to help explain the new DCP and flood planning level.

Council is seeking feedback from the community to ensure that the controls we are proposing are appropriate and supported.

You are invited to review the draft documents and provide your feedback via submission until 4pm, Monday 17 July 2023.

You can provide your feedback via a submission in the following ways:

  • Online: see the submission form below
  • Email:
  • In writing to the General Manager, Lismore City Council, PO Box 23A, Lismore, NSW 2480

Council staff will be available to answer questions:

The Living Lab, 11 Woodlark St, Lismore from 1pm - 4pm

  • 21 June
  • 27 June
  • 28 June
  • 4 July
  • 5 July
  • 11 July
  • 12 July

The Farmer's Markets, Lismore Showgrounds from 8.30am - 11.00am

  • 24 June
  • 8 July

Please note: The draft DCP is separate to the Northern Rivers Reconstruction Corporation’s (NRRC’s) Resilient Homes Fund. Questions and comments regarding house buy-backs, house raisings and retrofits should be directed to the NRRC.

This consultation has now concluded. Thank you for your feedback.

Your submissions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.

Submissions will then be considered and incorporated into the final document as appropriate. The final version of the documents will be presented to Council for formal adoption.

Lismore is updating the rules for building in flood-prone areas to better prepare for future flood events.

The Revised Flood Prone Lands Development Control Plan (DCP) outlines the rules for building on flood-prone land in the Lismore local government area. It takes a risk-based approach to planning and development in these areas and only applies to new development that requires a development application. Existing development is not affected.

The DCP outlines where certain types of development are acceptable, and where they are not. It also outlines requirements such as minimum floor levels, flood compatible materials and structural soundness.

The DCP has been developed using modelling, mapping and recommendations from the Lismore Floodplain Risk Management Study and draft Floodplain Risk Management Plan.

As part of the new DCP, Council is considering increasing its Flood Planning Level. The Flood Planning Level determines the minimum height habitable floors must be built to for new homes, and for major works like house raising. For commercial and industrial uses, a percentage of development must be above the flood planning level.

Council has developed a video to help explain the new DCP and flood planning level.

Council is seeking feedback from the community to ensure that the controls we are proposing are appropriate and supported.

You are invited to review the draft documents and provide your feedback via submission until 4pm, Monday 17 July 2023.

You can provide your feedback via a submission in the following ways:

  • Online: see the submission form below
  • Email:
  • In writing to the General Manager, Lismore City Council, PO Box 23A, Lismore, NSW 2480

Council staff will be available to answer questions:

The Living Lab, 11 Woodlark St, Lismore from 1pm - 4pm

  • 21 June
  • 27 June
  • 28 June
  • 4 July
  • 5 July
  • 11 July
  • 12 July

The Farmer's Markets, Lismore Showgrounds from 8.30am - 11.00am

  • 24 June
  • 8 July

Please note: The draft DCP is separate to the Northern Rivers Reconstruction Corporation’s (NRRC’s) Resilient Homes Fund. Questions and comments regarding house buy-backs, house raisings and retrofits should be directed to the NRRC.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The Revised Flood Prone Lands Development Control Plan (DCP) outlines the rules for building on flood-prone land in the Lismore local government area. It takes a risk-based approach to planning and development in these areas and only applies to new development that requires a development application. Existing development is not affected.

    PLEASE NOTE: Any comments or submissions to Council may be made publicly available (without identifying contact details) as part of the Council Business Paper.

    Consultation has concluded
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