Information on Maintaining our Roads

This page is designed to provide an understanding of how Council maintains our road network and some of the challenges we face.
Community satisfaction surveys consistently tell us that maintaining roads has the highest level of importance yet the lowest level of satisfaction of all services Council provides.
While Council is working hard to improve and maintain its road network, it’s also important for Council to manage community expectations.
“There are so many benefits to living in Lismore and surrounds – the strong sense of community, the natural beauty, the slower pace of life, and the abundance of access to fresh produce. But there are some downsides too – one of which is a road network that is not perfect,” Civic Services Manager Darren Patch said.
“It is unrealistic to expect that our roads will be as good as those in metropolitan areas. We have a $70 million roads backlog and we do not receive adequate funding from other tiers of government to adequately maintain our 1200km road network.
“We will never have roads like the big cities here in Lismore however we do have a plan for long-term improvements. Change will be incremental and take place over many years, but over time our residents will see improvements across the whole Lismore Local Government Area.”
To read more about our roadwork realities, please download our Fact Sheet.
Click below for more information
- View a list of roads we are maintaining this financial year
- Report a road hazard or pothole
- Information on current delays, accidents and road closures in the Northern Rivers
Please see our categories below to learn more about how we maintain our roads.