Clunes Pedestrian Refuge
Council has received funding to undertake traffic and pedestrian safety facilities in Main Street, Clunes.
These road safety works are funded under a grant from the Road Safety Program, School Zone Infrastructure Sub Program 2021/22 Safer Roads Program administered by Transport for NSW. This program provides road safety treatments where there are clusters of casualty crashes.
What do the works involve?
The works will primarily affect the vicinity of the Clunes General Store and surrounding area.
The Grant funding has been provided to:
- Install Pedestrian Refuge in Main Street, Clunes including kerb blisters on both sides of the road. This is to provide pedestrians a safer travel across Main Street and provide a centre refuge to wait.
- Install kerb blisters on both sides of Main Street including pram ramps to provide improved sight distance of pedestrians and easier access from the footpath.
- Enhance signage and pavement markings to alert drivers of the approaching pedestrian refuge.
Why do the works?
This section of Main Street Clunes has recorded several accidents over recent years, including pedestrian injuries. There has been one recorded accident between the years 2013-2018, which included pedestrian injury. Additionally, there have been four recorded accidents from 2000-2018 including one serious injury.
A Road Safety Audit of the area was undertaken by qualified consultants to identify potential hazards or risks to the travelling public or pedestrian movements within the precinct, which highlighted determined safety issues with pedestrians crossing Main Street as a High-Risk Level.
The approved grant nomination was based on these findings.
When are the works to start?
Planned construction works are scheduled to start Monday 16 January 2023. Updates will be shared via Your Say – Maintaining Our Roads and Bridges page. Roadside signage will be in place to notify road users and pedestrians of the work zones.
On Street Parking Review
In completing these works to improve the safety of pedestrians, two on street parking spaces will be removed to allow for the installation of pedestrian kerb blisters. An extension of the parking bays adjacent to Clunes Store is being reviewed, and subject to funding to provide an additional 10 parking spaces.
Please send any feedback about the road safety works and on street parking to PO Box 23A, Lismore NSW 2480 or via email Please include the title ‘Clunes Safer Roads Project’. Feedback will be received until Friday 2 December 2022.
Please note that all feedback/ submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents, in accordance with the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act, 2009. Further information about making a submission is attached to this notice.

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