Monthly Roads Update - October '24
Please note, several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently, below are updates for some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like specific flood restoration updates on, please register your contact details via our notification list form.
Blue Knob Road - Site 1: Testing of additional soil nails, installed to address the localised collapse due to a recent weather event, has not been as effective as contractor CMC had expected. A third-party geotechnical engineer has since been engage by CMC to investigate the causes of the soil nail failure and recommend potential remediation measures.
Blue Knob Road - Site 2: CMC’s subcontractor has completed the installation of the sacrificial formwork and placement of shotcrete. This will allow backfilling with no-fines concrete to begin in the first week of November 24, followed by preparations for installing the guardrail footing and reconstructing the road.
Blue Knob Road - Site 3: CMC’s subcontractor has completed the installation of permanent soil nails on Walls 3 and 4. Excavation of the remaining portion of the rock embankment on Walls 1 and 2 is ongoing, which will allow the commencement of soil nails installation next week.
Leycester Road
Works are advancing well on Leycester Road with all stormwater drainage works now completed. Granular overlay on the pavement surface is approximately 80% done, with stabilisation scheduled for the week beginning 11 November 24. Please note during stabilisation works there will be significant delays at times. These works will take approximately 10 days. Motorists will be notified of road changes via roadside signage and Emergency services have been notified of the potential delays.
Leycester Road - October 2024
Repentance Creek Road
All drainage and granular overlay pavement works are completed, with stabilisation works scheduled to commence week beginning 11 November 24.
Terania Creek Road (Bridge)
No update this month for Terania Creek Bridge No.1. Restoration works remain at 75% completed.
Terania Creek Road Bridge 1 remains 75% Completed
Branch Creek Bridge
Construction of the Branch Creek bridge on Terania Creek Road is well underway with site establishment and initial earthworks completed. Piling operations commenced on Tuesday 22 October and are expected to take two weeks to complete, (demobilising by approx. 8 November 24.)
Branch Creek Bridge – October 2024 Piling Rig – 4 November ‘24
Tuntable Creek Road
Works are progressing well at Tuntable Creek Road with all shoulder and drainage works completed. Pavement granular overlay is on track to be completed by 8 November '24 with stabilisation works scheduled for the week beginning 11 November '24. Please note, during stabilisation works, there will be significant traffic delays for motorists. These works are expected to take approximately 2-days to complete.
Tuntable Creek Road – October 2024
Gwynne Road
1.2 kilometres of pavement restoration work has started on Gwynne Road (from intersection with Jiggi Road) scheduled to continue for approximately 12-weeks until completed (late January 2025) subject to weather conditions. Gwynne Road will remain open to traffic with works completed under stop/go controls. There will be no impact to Emergency services vehicles.
Gravel Roads - Grading Works
Work continues to grade more than 150 kilometres of unsealed, gravel roads across the LGA which suffered substantial damage from additional declared natural disasters in December 2023 and April 2024. Lismore City Council has deployed six crews to try and optimise efficiency and resource allocation. Grading works by Roach Contracting were recently completed on Rankin Road, Greengate Road, and Unara Road (drainage and grading works.)
L-R Rankin and Unara Roads – Grading works completed – October 2024 |
Cosy Camp Road
Residents and community have been advised of road and culvert restoration works on Cosy Camp Road Corndale will commence from Monday 11 November 24 for approximately 3 weeks. The road will remain open via single lane, with works completed under stop/go signalling from traffic controllers. Motorists will be notified of road changes via roadside signage and updated through There will be no impact to Emergency services vehicles. Works will include minor earthworks and stripping of topsoil, rebuilding road verge, headwall replacement, clearing and regrading table drain, guardrail installation and road signage installation.
Stanger Road
Construction is scheduled to commence towards the end of November. Works include road widening, realignment and guardrail installation. The road will remain open to traffic while this works is under construction
Repentance, Leycester, Tuntable Creek Road
This package of stabilisation and pavement works has been awarded with works expected to start from the middle of November 24.
Skyline Road
The tender period has been extended to mid-November and is now expected to be awarded by the end of November ‘24. Works will include horizontal drainage installation and pavement reconstruction.
Suffolk Road Culvert
Tender is now out for offers. It’s expected to be awarded by the first week of December ‘24. Council will reconstruct the creek crossing on Suffolk Road with a new precast concrete culvert. The alignment of the road and its culvert will remain within the current road corridor.
Lismore Flood Pump and Infrastructure Fibre Optic Cables
This tender, under the Flood Restoration Portfolio’s ‘Resilience’ program will closed 14 November. There has been plenty of interest in the restoration works.
East Drain Clearing Program.
This tender is currently out to market with the works expected to start towards the end of November 24.
Paterson Bridge
IFC designs have been issued. Procurement activities commencing soon, with funding secured. Construction scheduled for March 2025.

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