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  • Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (Sept 2023)

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    Please note, several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently, below are updates for some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like specific flood restoration updates on, please register your contact details via our notification list form.


    Bungabbee Road

    Recently the Bungabbee Road bridge approaches works were completed to repair damages from the 2022 natural disaster. The works involved re-construction of the damaged approaches and re-instatement of guard rails, drainage, and scour protection around abutments.

    Dudgeon Road Bridge

    Works were scheduled and completed last month to repair the flood damaged Bungabbee Road bridge approaches. The works involved re-construction of the damaged approaches and re-instatement of guard rails, drainage, and scour protection around abutments.

    Major Flood Recovery Works Map

    Our interactive map recently underwent upgrades to improve user experience and include other flood recovery departments. Water and wastewater along with Flood Restoration Building projects have now been implemented into the map and in the coming month the flood restoration buildings will all be included. The map assists the community with finding efficient, up-to-date information about restoration works.


    Nimbin Road

    Works are continuing for the Nimbin Road landslips. Site Km1, located 1 Km from Nimbin has all the concrete works and piling complete with the installation of block wall in progress. This site is on schedule for the road to be fully open before Christmas. Site Km4, located 4 Km’s from Nimbin is currently undergoing construction of gabion walls, these are used for scour protection, which prevents soil from being washed away and helps strengthen the road. The site also has piling in progress with approximately 30% completed.

    Keerrong Road

    Works have commenced on Keerrong Road for excavation of slipped material and reconstruction of the road embankment. The works are scheduled for approximately 3 weeks, subject to weather, contractor, and material availability. A full road closure will be required around the works zone throughout the works period. A detour is available via Pinchin Road, motorists will be notified ahead of the closure via roadside signage, updated through Residents will have access to their properties via Pinchin Road and The Channon Road but will be unable to drive through the landslip work zone. Please adhere to all road closed signs and directions from any traffic controllers.

    Geotechnical Investigations

    The Lismore City Council (LCC), Flood Recovery – Roads and Bridges team recently secured interim funding for additional geotechnical investigations and survey to commence on several flood affected roads. Initial investigations took place in 2022 to inform the designers about the geological conditions and failure mechanism. This information was used to apply for funding to repair. Additional investigations are now required to inform the final design.

    Geotechnical drilling is a type of drilling that is performed as part of the construction process to assist with better understanding a site. Investigations involve collecting rock and soil samples to obtain data regarding surface and subsurface examination. These samples provide valuable insights into the physical properties of the site, enabling engineers to design and construct remediation works to deliver roads that are safer and more durable.

    Roads approved for investigations include Bice Road, Bishops Creek Road, Black Road, Blue Knob Road, Boyle Road, Cawongla Road, Cosy Camp Road, Cross Road, Gungas Road, Johnston Road, Koonorigan Road, Lillian Rock, Martin Road, Mountain Top Road, Oakey Creek Road, Orion Street, Rock Valley Road, Skyline Road, Stanger Road, Stony Chute Road, Terania Creek Road, The Channon Road, Tuntable Creek Road, Upper Tuntable Falls Road, Wallace Road, Whian Whian Road, Yeager Road and Zouch Road.

    Cawongla Road

    Significant changes to the traffic control measures at the Cawongla Road Landslide site, near Martin Road, were recently implemented. It was identified that the site was deemed unsafe due to technical issues with the traffic lights, including repeated battery charge depletion, and concerns about safety. Therefore, the traffic lights previously regulating traffic flow have been replaced with a “Give Way” sign and a “Stop” sign. This decision was prompted by multiple incidents of road users running the red lights, posing a serious safety hazard. The new signage system aims to simplify traffic management while mitigating potential hazards. All signage has been installed as per the amended traffic guidance scheme, and a comprehensive risk assessment was conducted before implementing these changes to ensure the safety of all individuals travelling through the site.

  • Geotechnical Investigations & Survey (Aug 2023)

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    Interim funding has been approved for geotechnical investigations and survey to commence on the roads identified below. This process will be taking place over the next 4 months.

    Commencing - 4th of September
    Bice Road, Black Road, Cawongla Road, Gungas Road, Koonorigan Road, Martin Road, Mountain Top Road, Orion Street and Yeager Road.

    Commencing - 18th of September

    Bishops Creek Road, Blue Knob Road, Boyle Road, Cawongla Road, Cosy Camp Road, Lillian Rock, Mountain Top Road, Oakey Creek Road, Rock Valley Road, Skyline Road, Stanger Road, Tuntable Creek Road, Upper Tuntable Falls Road and Zouch Road.

    Commencing - 16th of October

    Blue Knob Road, Cross Road, Johnston Road, Stony Chute Road, Terania Creek Road, The Channon Road, Tuntable Creek Road, Wallace Road and Whian Whian Road

    There will be some implications on traffic during this process, please adhere to all road signs and directions from any traffic controller. We apologise for any inconvenience. Further details will be provided once available.

    Further Information

    Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email and include the title ‘Geotechnical Investigations & Survey.’

  • Cawongla Road - Updated Closure Dates

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    Following further community consultation, the culvert replacement works have been rescheduled to assist in reducing the closure period and maintain access for Larnook Public School during the school term. There will be one minor culvert replacement in November 2022. Access for road users will be maintained throughout works for this culvert, via a constructed side track.

    For the safety of motorists and due to the nature of works, a full 24hour hard road closure is required for both work sites during the January - February 2023 works period. Works are occurring concurrently at both sites.

    Site 1: One culvert replacement adjacent to 169 Cawongla Road, Cawongla approximately 1.25km south of the Quilty Road and Cawongla Road Intersection.

    Site 2: Three culvert replacements approximately 500m south of Larnook Public School, adjacent to 1224 Cawongla Road, Larnook. One culvert will be replaced in November 2022 (road access via constructed side-track), the following two in January 2023.

    Please review the road closure locations to determine whether accessing from Kyogle Road or Rock Valley Road is most appropriate for your property. Due to the nature of works, access through the work sites is not possible.

    Road closure is expected to be in place approximately 6 weeks during January - February 2023, subject to weather, material and contractor availability. After this time, road will open to single lane traffic while final stages of the works are completed. Council is proposing to complete the works under extended working hours to ensure the works are finalised as soon as possible. Additional works may include but not limited to extended hours on weekends.

    These works have been rescheduled following consultation with Larnook Public School to enable access for students, families, and staff of the school. Any changes affecting school access will be communicated from the school principal and relevant bus companies directly.

    Council has consulted with Richmond Waste; rubbish collection will be impacted. For collection service updates and information, Richmond Waste has provided their Operations Department number to contact directly – 02 6621 7431.

    Larnook RFS have a plan in place for service vehicles due to location of the station. Council will advise other emergency services. However, in the scenario emergency services are required please note the road closures on your call to assist, and consider if your closest hospital may be Nimbin, Kyogle or Lismore.

    What are the works?

    The roadworks comprises reconstruction of a total of four collapsed culvert lines. This includes the following work:

    • Clearing of vegetation and trees adjacent to the embankment failure
    • Excavation and removal of the existing road surface and embankment material
    • Reconstruction of arch culvert
    • Road embankment reconstruction at each culvert location
    • Road pavement reconstruction

    Tree clearing, temporary fencing and site establishment will commence from the first week in October, in preparation for the works to commence.

    These works are the commencement of flood remediation works for Cawongla Road. Funding is currently being reviewed for further pavement repairs. Temporary patching is currently being carried out for sections of Cawongla Road until further funding is approved by Resilience NSW. Additional works are also being reviewed for Martin Road, with updates to be shared shortly. We thank the community for their feedback.

    What do I need to do?

    Please commute through the detour at low speed, obey adjusted speed limits and directions from any traffic controllers, and drive carefully. Please also adhere to all road closed signs. We will ensure all driveways and farm gates that intersect the road match any changes to the road profile and are safe for property owners/residents. At times the roadworks may create dust, which will be managed by a water cart during work hours.

    Who should I contact with questions/concerns?

    We apologise in advance for the disruption and delays you may experience whilst we upgrade the road. We ask that commuters please plan extra travel time during the construction period, in particular the road closure period.

    Additionally, to receive updates directly please contact Lismore City Council via email or call (02) 6625 0500 to register your details and feedback. Please reference ‘Cawongla Road’ in your correspondence.

    Additional FAQs

    Will there be works planned for Quilty Road?

    Two weeks of remediation works will be carried out on Quilty Road prior to Cawongla closure occurring. This includes:

    Shoulders widened to allow passing vehicles

    Pothole patching with gravel overlay to improve driving conditions

    Landslip damage has been cleared, with gravel road graded

    Repair of damaged culverts

    Vegetation management, cutting back the vegetation at the sides of the road to allow more space for vehicles

    *Please note, that not all traffic will be diverted via Quilty Road. Just motorists accessing properties between the two work sites.

    Landslip and current conditions on Martin Road

    Council are currently prioritising projects in regards to public safety, with consideration for minimising further damage and maintaining access between communities.

    Martin Road is known to Council and works are being reviewed. The high priority is on Cawongla Road for now, due to the collapsed culverts posing future risk to a number of road users.

    Cawongla Road Closure Period

    This work is expected to take six weeks, estimated to start first week of January, and carry on through to February. Start dates will be advertised closer to the time, pending weather, contractor and material availability. Six weeks has been advertised as the designated closure period, which takes into account additional time for unforeseen delays.

    Due to old culverts needing to be removed and replaced, it is estimated earthworks to complete this task will require a potential 8+ metre excavation, resulting in a worksite inaccessible for motorists. A number of road access options have been considered, and will continue to be reviewed as works progress.

    Community Consultation

    Council has met and will continue to communicate with Larnook Public School and Larnook RFS representatives to ensure community needs are considered for these works. Additionally, to be emailed direct updates, you can register your contact details with Council.

    Plans to manage the closure period are still being finalised with Larnook Public School, this includes the bus services. Direct communication will come from the school for families, students and staff when the plan is finalised.

    Updated mail out to residents was sent October 14 to 200+ addresses. The letter was an early indication of the closure, and plan of works. Further more specific information will be shared closer to the closure date. Additionally, this early notice was also shared with a number of local businesses, Kyogle Council and emergency, transport and postal services.

  • Flood Recovery Heavy Patching Program

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    Flood Recovery Heavy Patching Program –

    Restoration of road surface, possible change in road level.

    Segments of the following have been identified for heavy patching works to repair flood damage to road surface.

    Precinct 1

    Graham Road

    Gundarimba Road

    River Bank Road

    Rous Road

    Skyline Road

    Tregeagle Road

    Tuckurimba Road

    Tucki Road

    Wybelena Road

    Precinct 2

    Bagotville Road

    Broadwater Road

    Kilgin Road

    Mathieson Lane

    Precinct 3

    Tatham Road

    Precinct 4

    Nimoola Road

    Pelican Creek Road

    Precinct 6

    Back Creek Road

    Precinct 7

    Axford Road

    Martin Road

    McGuinness Road

    Rock Valley Road

    Precinct 8

    Boggumbil Road

    Davis Road

    Jacobson Road

    Jiggi Road

    Potessu Road

    Rosehill Road

    Precinct 9

    Anderson Road

    Basil Road

    Cecil Street

    Crofton Road

    Gungas Road

    Lillian Rock Road

    Moffitt Road

    Sibley Street

    Symonds Road

    Thorburn Street

    Precinct 10

    Booerie Creek Road

    Boyle Road

    Keerrong Road

    Precinct 11

    Koonorigan Road

    Pinchin Road

    Terania Creek Road

    The Channon Road

    Tuntable Creek Road

    Precinct 12

    Dorroughby Road

    Duncan Road

    James Street (Dunoon)

    Middleton Way

    Nightcap Range Road

    Rocky Creek Dam Road

    Precinct 13

    Corndale Road

    Hunters Hill Road

    Grace Road

    James Gibson Road

    Precinct 14

    Boatharbour Road

    Eltham Road

    Humpty Back Road

    Regional Roads

    Blue Knob Road

    Coraki Road

    Dunoon Road

    Nimbin Road

    Wyrallah Road

    Bridge Street (Wyrallah)

    Kyogle Road

    These works are subject to change to due weather conditions, availability of contractors and funding. Updates will be posted on this article.

    Shall you wish to be kept up to date directly, you can register your details via the Your Say ‘Submissions’ tab HERE. Alternately, please contact Lismore City Council via email or call (02) 6625 0500 to register your details. Please reference ‘Flood Recovery Heavy Patching Program’.

    How will the works affect traffic?

    Roads will be open to residential access only during the time of works. Traffic controls will be in place, which will cause minor delays and disruptions. Please note roadside signage, updates on myroadinfo and updates in the online Your Say article for communication about temporary disruptions to your property access during this period.

    What do the works involve?

    These roads need to be fixed to improve the structural integrity and driving conditions for road users. Works include cleaning drains and culverts, cutting off high road shoulders, digging out and replacing soft spots with rock. The gravel overlay is placed where required, before stabilising with the addition of slag lime. This is then compacted, trimmed, and sealed. Followed by line marking edge line.

    The road surface may receive a final wearing seal several months after the initial bitumen seal has cured.

    This pavement overlay may potentially change road levels between 0mm to +150mm and resurfacing of the existing road width due to additional layers of new road base material.

    All driveways that intersect the road will match any changes to the road profile. If there are any changes, you will be contacted should your driveway/access need modification. We will also do maintenance to roadside drainage as needed.

    What happens now?

    If you wish to make comment on the works, we ask that you do this by 4pm Monday, 15th August 2022 referring to ‘Flood Recovery Heavy Patching Program’. Feedback can be received via any of the following:

    • Via the ‘Submissions’ tab of this article HERE.
    • Email to
    • Call to Council (02) 6625 0500
    • In writing to Lismore City Council, PO Box 23A, Lismore 2480