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  • Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (May 2024)

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    Please note, several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently, below are updates for some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like specific flood restoration updates on, please register your contact details via our notification list form.

    Environmental Rescue at Rogerson Road
    What happens when a handful of bats put a major flood restoration project on hold? When it came time to replace three large steel storm water drainage pipes with reinforced concrete pipes ones on Rogerson Road, McKees Hill, project coordinators discovered at least half a dozen micro bats had made a hole in one pipe, their home.

    Myotis Macropus: One of Australia’s most fascinating species because they’re the only bats in Australia to capture fish for food. They have large feet which they use to trawl for food near the water’s surface. Work crews had to play a waiting game until two juvenile bats were old enough to fly. But then the challenge was - how to catch the youngsters and offer them an alternative roosting venue. Eventually patience and thermal imaging cameras confirmed the two young bats took to the skies for the first time, just after sunset on 1st May.

    That night the hole was sealed, and a timber bat box installed as an alternative roost. Four bats settled into their new home but the remaining two had to be caught and housed in the box. Once the culvert work is complete it’s hoped all the bats, and their box will be relocated into the new concrete pipes.

    Crofton Road
    Road pavement restoration works on Crofton Road are on track to be completed by the end of May. Until then the road will remain open under traffic control to have minimal impact on residents, please allow extra time for delays.

    Gungas Road
    Works commenced at the end of April on Gungas Road to desilt the creek crossing at Black Sheep. This involved the removal of debris to allow the creek to flow across the full width and reduce the chance of overtopping the crossing in the future.

    Nimbin Road
    Wet weather continued to cause delays to the completion of works on Nimbin Road at the site near Shipway Road. By mid-May the road was open to two-way traffic with the final clean up completed by 24 May 2024. During the past month, works were completed for the construction drainage along the retaining wall and placement of road base layers along the full width of the road. The road has now been sealed with asphalt and guardrails installed.

    Oakey Creek Road
    In May, temporary works were completed at a landslip site along Oakey Creek Road that was identified as a safety hazard.

    Multiple Road Works
    The works involve grading over 120km on 53 unsealed gravel roads which have been significantly damaged as a result of declared natural disaster events in December 2023 and April 2024. Roads with the most severe damage have been given the highest priority to ensure that critical routes are restored first. Council is deploying six separate works crews and efforts have been made to cluster the works geographically to optimise efficiency and resource allocation. Motorists will be notified of road changes via roadside signage. We apologise in advance for any disruptions you may experience while we carry out this essential work. For further information visit

    Blue Knob Road
    Works began in late May to rectify the first of two landslip sites on Blue Knob Road. These works will occur for approximately 12 months which will include an additional two sites along Blue Knob Road. The road will remain open under stop go traffic control to have minimal impact on residents.

    Eureka Road, Graham Road & Haywood Lane
    Works have commenced to replace culverts with bridges and all side tracks are in place with existing culverts removed. Future piling work is scheduled to commence in mid-June.

    Newton Drive
    Works on several minor upslope landslips and a single pipe culvert were heavily impacted this month due to weather conditions. Crews are hoping for favourable weather in June to progress the pending works which will to be completed under traffic control and will have minimal impact on the residents in this area.

    Rogerson Road
    Through successful collaboration with environmental professionals the juvenile micro bats were temporary relocated during April. This will allow works to commence replacing the steel drainage pipes with cement ones. Thank you to the community for your understanding and patience while the works continue.

    Stony Chute Road
    Following the February 2022 natural disaster, Stony Chute Road suffered extensive damage. With funding secured restoration works are now underway. The works will continue for approximately three to four weeks from 15May 2024, subject to weather conditions.

    Terania Creek Road – Bridge Updates
    Concrete approaches, scour protection, and guard rail installation are complete for Bridge 3. Final work is due to be complete late May. For Bridges 1 and 2 side track installation is nearing completion with work to recommence in June.

    Upper Tuntable Falls Road
    Landslip remediation works will be complete at the Upper Tuntable Falls slip site this week. Some minor grading and drainage works will continue into June on Upper Tuntable Falls Road, with completion expected mid June.

    Gwynne Road
    The design for 1.2 kilometres of new pavement is nearing completion and once finalised the work will be put out to tender with works predicted to begin in approximately 6 weeks.

  • Oakey Creek Road - Temporary Landslip Repairs (Apr 2024)

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    Council wishes to advise of upcoming works on Oakey Creek Road. The temporary land slip repair works will occur for approximately two to four weeks, from early May 2024 subject to weather conditions.

    The road will remain open but with works completed under stop/go, traffic control to have minimal impact on residents. Motorists will be notified of road changes via roadside signage and updated through There will be no impact to Emergency services vehicles. Please adhere to all road signs and directions from any traffic controllers and ensure extra care is taken around workers on foot.

    We apologise in advance for any disruptions you may experience while we carry out this essential work.

    What are the works?
    Following the February 2022 natural disaster, Oakey Creek Road suffered extensive damage. Funding has now been secured for temporary land slip repair works identified on the map below.

    Further Information
    Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email and include the title ‘Oakey Creek Road – April 2024 Update.’

  • Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (Feb 2024)

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    Please note, several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently, below are updates for some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like specific flood restoration updates on, please register your contact details via our notification list form.

    Geotechnical Investigations
    During the last 5 months geotechnical investigations have taken place across the entire Lismore shire region. These works have involved using a drilling rig to understand subsurface conditions at the many landslip, bridge and culvert crossing locations. This information is vital in determining the most appropriate restoration design solution for these locations. All landslip, culvert and bridge geotechnical investigations have now been completed. We would like to thank residents for your patience and resilience during this time.

    Dorroughby Road
    The Dorroughby Road landslip restoration is well underway with embankment stabilisation completed last month. Wet weather has extended the closure slightly, however, drainage and road pavement works are scheduled to occur during March. See below progress photos, thank you to all the Dorroughby Road residents for your patience during this time.

    Nimbin Road
    Works are progressing on Nimbin Road at the site near Shipway Road. The retaining wall construction is now complete, and the road pavement works commenced end of February. Excitingly, traffic has temporarily moved onto the newly constructed northbound lane in preparation for an expected opening in April.

    Guardrails Project
    During the past month our guardrails project has been underway, replacing or installing new guardrails. This is multisite works to repair traffic barriers at road sections damaged during the 2022 natural disaster. Generally, the sites are at road sections over creek crossings. Each work site will require traffic control and the repair will generally be completed within 2 days. Recently, guardrails were completed on two sites at Nimbin Road, Rock Valley Road, Cawongla Road, Corndale Road and two sites at Boatharbour Road. Other road closures will be updated as scheduled work on Live Traffic.

    Tuntable Creek Road
    Works are currently underway on Tuntable Creek Road near Young Road. These involve reshaping of table drains, slashing and minor landslip remediation from Young Road heading back down the hill approximately 500m. The works are expected to be completed first week of March, pending weather conditions.

    Terania Creek Road
    The Terania Creek bridges project is underway for bridge 1, 2 and 3. The bridge approaches and guard rail footings are completed for bridge 1. During early March, work crews will commence final concrete works and installation of lateral restrain brackets for bridge 3.

    Newton Drive
    Several minor upslope landslips and a single pipe culvert were scheduled to be repaired during February, these works have now been pushed into March due to weather delays. Works will involve scaling of boulders and the clearing and reformation of a table drain to return the road to pre-existing condition. Works will be completed under traffic control and will have minimal impact on the residents in this area.

    Rosebank Road
    Landslip restoration works were scheduled for completed during February; these works have now been pushed into March due to weather delays. The works involve reinstating the property access track and restoring the batter and table drain along the road edge. Works will be completed under traffic control and will have minimal impact on the residents.

    Industry Drive
    Works have commenced on Industry Drive to improve drainage works involving the construction of a gabion wall to prevent future erosion. The works will occur for approximately two weeks, from Thursday 29 February, pending weather conditions. For further information, please view the original notice at

    Rogerson Road
    The team have been busy implementing appropriate protocols to ensure the safety of juvenile micro bats. Through successful collaboration with environmental professionals this protected species will be temporary relocated. This will allow the pups to complete their growth cycle during the breeding season and reduce their risk in maturing. We are unsure of the start date at this time. We will provide further update when available. Thank you to the community for your patience and understanding during these works. For further information, please view the original notice at:

    Johnston Road
    Works will commence to replace a damaged culvert headwall on Johnston Road for approximately two weeks, from 4 March to 18 March 2024, subject to weather conditions. The road will remain open under stop/go traffic control with slight delays expected. For further information, please view the original notice at

    Eureka Road, Graham Road & Haywood Lane
    During the end of February, all three bridges were successfully delivered to Council storage yards. The designs for each site are in the final stages with works schedules being finalised. We apologise in advance for any disruptions you may experience while we carry out this essential work. These works will involve removing the existing infrastructure at each site and preparing the area for bridge construction. To minimise impact to residents and traffic flow during the construction work a temporary track will be established as a side road. The work duration at each site is expected to be approximately 6 weeks, subject to weather conditions.

    Blue Knob Road
    Remediation works are planned to commence in April 2024 on several landslips on Blue Knob Road, the two sites currently under temporary traffic control measures. Our primary focus is to ensure the well-being of our community and to efficiently manage the project to minimise disruption. We will notify residents of the exact date and provide further information on the works closer to commencement. The expected duration of the works will be approximately nine months, this estimated period includes the remediation of the total of four landslips.

    Leycester Road
    Leycester Road design is currently underway with expected completion in May 2024. Works are expected to start on site in August 2024 and will take approximately two months to complete. Funding for these works has been approved.

    Oakey Creek Road
    Currently there are five major landslips on Oakey Creek Road. Due to the complex nature of these sites, which involves multiple design iterations and reviews from civil, structural, and geotechnical engineers, the designs are expected to be completed by September 2024, with works to commence early in 2025 pending funding approvals.

    Stony Chute Road
    There are multiple landslips along Stoney Chute Road, seven of these being complex and two being non-complex. Works will commence on the noncomplex sites during April with the expected completion of June 2024. The more complex sites are currently under design with this process anticipated to be completed by August 2024 and works estimated to start towards the end of 2024 pending funding approvals.

    Terania Creek Road
    Terania Creek Road has multiple landslip sites currently under design with expected completion in September 2024 with works estimated to commence in early 2025 pending funding approval. Currently works are underway on multiple bridges with works anticipated to be completed mid-2024.

    Wallace Road
    Wallace Road has two major landslips currently under design with this process expected to be completed by the end of June 2024. It is estimated the works will commence towards the end of 2024 pending funding approvals. Please note, we are unable to schedule works until we receive funding approval.

    Woodlawn Road
    Woodlawn Road design is currently underway with expected completion in May 2024. Works are estimated to start on site in August 2024 and will take approximately three months to complete. Funding for these works has been approved.

  • Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (Nov 2023)

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    Please note, several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently, below are updates for some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like specific flood restoration updates on, please register your contact details via our notification list form.


    Cawongla Road
    Recently work crews made the road wider on Cawongla Road around the landslip area. You can locate the exact region through viewing our IntraMaps and selecting ‘Major Flood Recovery Works’ these works are found at damage No. DM00666.

    Geotechnical Investigations
    During the month our contractors closed Wallace Road and Oakey Creek Road to perform geotechnical investigations. This involved using a drilling rig to understand subsurface conditions. We would like to thank residents for your patience and resilience during this time.

    Koonorigan Road
    Road maintenance works were recently completed for Koonorigan Road with a new seal laid to improve the road condition and impact on residents. Geotechnical investigations were also performed during this period, and we would like to thank the community for their continuing patience.


    Carabeen Place
    Carabeen Place is progressing on schedule with asphalt now completed at the site. Work crews are finalising works to prepare for a reopening of the site. Thank you to the residents for your patience during the works period.

    Nimbin Road
    The works are progressing on schedule for Nimbin Road with Site Km1.0 is on track to open before the end of the year. The total extension of the remediation works for the site is 120m with 239 piles now installed with the total length of 3,226 linear meters. Additionally, 150m3 of concrete have been used for the construction of the pile cap with 611 blocks placed on top of the pile cap to allow the reconstruction of the road.


    Zouch Road
    Following the February 2022 natural disaster, Zouch Road suffered extensive damage. Funding has now been secured to complete geotechnical investigations using a drilling rig to understand subsurface conditions. The full road closure will no longer be in place as work crews have been able to contract a smaller drilling rig for the works. A smaller rig allows the team to establish a temporary track for resident cars to drive through the work zone to access their properties during the works period. As a result of this change, the works will change to occur from 7am to 5pm between the 6th to 15th of December. The works are located approximately between the intersection with Stoney Chute Road and to the west along Zouch Road approximately 400m. Motorists will be notified of further information via roadside signage and updated through Emergency services vehicles will be accommodated during these works. Please adhere to all road closed signs and directions from any traffic controllers and expect delays. We apologise for any inconvenience. Further information can be sourced on the original works post:

  • Oakey Creek Road - Drilling Works (Nov 2023)

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    Following the February 2022 natural disaster, Oakey Creek Rd suffered extensive damage. Funding has now been secured to complete geotechnical investigations using a drilling rig to understand subsurface conditions.

    The works will involve closing a section of the road for one day, 4 December 2023, from 7:30am to 5pm. The closed section of works is located approximately between 135 and 146 Oakey Creek Road.

    A full road closure will be required around the works zone for the day. A detour is available via Gwynne and Jiggi Roads, motorists will be notified of the closure via roadside signage, updated through Residents will have access to their properties but will be unable to drive through the work zone. Access for emergency services will be accommodated. Please adhere to all road closed signs and directions from any traffic controllers.

    Further Information
    Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email and include the title ‘Oakey Creek Road – Nov 2023 Update.’

  • Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (Sept 2023)

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    Please note, several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently, below are updates for some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like specific flood restoration updates on, please register your contact details via our notification list form.


    Bungabbee Road

    Recently the Bungabbee Road bridge approaches works were completed to repair damages from the 2022 natural disaster. The works involved re-construction of the damaged approaches and re-instatement of guard rails, drainage, and scour protection around abutments.

    Dudgeon Road Bridge

    Works were scheduled and completed last month to repair the flood damaged Bungabbee Road bridge approaches. The works involved re-construction of the damaged approaches and re-instatement of guard rails, drainage, and scour protection around abutments.

    Major Flood Recovery Works Map

    Our interactive map recently underwent upgrades to improve user experience and include other flood recovery departments. Water and wastewater along with Flood Restoration Building projects have now been implemented into the map and in the coming month the flood restoration buildings will all be included. The map assists the community with finding efficient, up-to-date information about restoration works.


    Nimbin Road

    Works are continuing for the Nimbin Road landslips. Site Km1, located 1 Km from Nimbin has all the concrete works and piling complete with the installation of block wall in progress. This site is on schedule for the road to be fully open before Christmas. Site Km4, located 4 Km’s from Nimbin is currently undergoing construction of gabion walls, these are used for scour protection, which prevents soil from being washed away and helps strengthen the road. The site also has piling in progress with approximately 30% completed.

    Keerrong Road

    Works have commenced on Keerrong Road for excavation of slipped material and reconstruction of the road embankment. The works are scheduled for approximately 3 weeks, subject to weather, contractor, and material availability. A full road closure will be required around the works zone throughout the works period. A detour is available via Pinchin Road, motorists will be notified ahead of the closure via roadside signage, updated through Residents will have access to their properties via Pinchin Road and The Channon Road but will be unable to drive through the landslip work zone. Please adhere to all road closed signs and directions from any traffic controllers.

    Geotechnical Investigations

    The Lismore City Council (LCC), Flood Recovery – Roads and Bridges team recently secured interim funding for additional geotechnical investigations and survey to commence on several flood affected roads. Initial investigations took place in 2022 to inform the designers about the geological conditions and failure mechanism. This information was used to apply for funding to repair. Additional investigations are now required to inform the final design.

    Geotechnical drilling is a type of drilling that is performed as part of the construction process to assist with better understanding a site. Investigations involve collecting rock and soil samples to obtain data regarding surface and subsurface examination. These samples provide valuable insights into the physical properties of the site, enabling engineers to design and construct remediation works to deliver roads that are safer and more durable.

    Roads approved for investigations include Bice Road, Bishops Creek Road, Black Road, Blue Knob Road, Boyle Road, Cawongla Road, Cosy Camp Road, Cross Road, Gungas Road, Johnston Road, Koonorigan Road, Lillian Rock, Martin Road, Mountain Top Road, Oakey Creek Road, Orion Street, Rock Valley Road, Skyline Road, Stanger Road, Stony Chute Road, Terania Creek Road, The Channon Road, Tuntable Creek Road, Upper Tuntable Falls Road, Wallace Road, Whian Whian Road, Yeager Road and Zouch Road.

    Cawongla Road

    Significant changes to the traffic control measures at the Cawongla Road Landslide site, near Martin Road, were recently implemented. It was identified that the site was deemed unsafe due to technical issues with the traffic lights, including repeated battery charge depletion, and concerns about safety. Therefore, the traffic lights previously regulating traffic flow have been replaced with a “Give Way” sign and a “Stop” sign. This decision was prompted by multiple incidents of road users running the red lights, posing a serious safety hazard. The new signage system aims to simplify traffic management while mitigating potential hazards. All signage has been installed as per the amended traffic guidance scheme, and a comprehensive risk assessment was conducted before implementing these changes to ensure the safety of all individuals travelling through the site.

  • Geotechnical Investigations & Survey (Aug 2023)

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    Interim funding has been approved for geotechnical investigations and survey to commence on the roads identified below. This process will be taking place over the next 4 months.

    Commencing - 4th of September
    Bice Road, Black Road, Cawongla Road, Gungas Road, Koonorigan Road, Martin Road, Mountain Top Road, Orion Street and Yeager Road.

    Commencing - 18th of September

    Bishops Creek Road, Blue Knob Road, Boyle Road, Cawongla Road, Cosy Camp Road, Lillian Rock, Mountain Top Road, Oakey Creek Road, Rock Valley Road, Skyline Road, Stanger Road, Tuntable Creek Road, Upper Tuntable Falls Road and Zouch Road.

    Commencing - 16th of October

    Blue Knob Road, Cross Road, Johnston Road, Stony Chute Road, Terania Creek Road, The Channon Road, Tuntable Creek Road, Wallace Road and Whian Whian Road

    There will be some implications on traffic during this process, please adhere to all road signs and directions from any traffic controller. We apologise for any inconvenience. Further details will be provided once available.

    Further Information

    Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email and include the title ‘Geotechnical Investigations & Survey.’

  • Oakey Creek - Flood Recovery

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    ***Update Friday 2 September, 2022***

    Due to contractor and machinery availability, closures will commence from Monday 12 September across the three sites (not Monday 5 September as previously advised). We apologise for any inconvenience***

    Geotechnical drilling is required to investigate sub surface conditions at several landslips that have occurred along Oakey Creek Road. To ensure safety for motorists, a full road 24-hour road closure is required at the work zones. The road closure will move progressively throughout 12th – 22nd September, as drilling across the three sites is completed (subject to weather and ground conditions).

    A road closure with traffic detour is required, as the drill rig being used will block the entire road during operation. Traffic will be detoured via Gwynne Road. Access to all residences is still possible, including for all adjoining roads (McLennan, Billen, Mitchell, Lane and Abbey). Please allow additional travel time for the detour.

    Grading and emergency patching has been completed for Gwynne Road, prior to this detour taking place.

    The construction schedule to remediate the slips will be determined based on the scope of works and availability of subsequent contractors. Construction is expected to occur in 2023, residents will be notified at each stage of the works.

    Temporary measures including gravel fill, to improve driving conditions of Oakey Creek Road will be completed shortly, while permanent landslip remediation works are reviewed.

    For current rubbish removal, Council will trial collection from the end of resident driveways on Oakey Creek Road over the coming weeks. For residents on adjoining roads, please place your bins at the Oakey Creek intersection, at the end of your road. First pickup will be Friday 2nd September, please place your bins on Thursday night ready for Friday collection. Shall the trial be unsuccessful, we will notify you of alternate arrangements.

    Road works are also currently being reviewed and scheduled for Mountain Top and Jiggi Road.

    Further updates will be shared via this page. Just click 'Oakey Creek Road' in the Projects By Name menu.

    Additionally, to receive updates directly please contact Lismore City Council via email or call (02) 6625 0500 to register your details and feedback. Please reference ‘Oakey Creek Road Closure’ in your correspondence.

  • Current Road Project Updates 25 August 2022

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    There are a number of road projects currently being completed. The below are updates for some of the projects which are progressing this week.

    If the road or project of interest isn't included below, please click the road name to the right (for desktop) of this page, or by scrolling to the bottom of the page (for mobile) for updates.

    Additionally, please utilise the Q+A function of this page to request specific updates.

    Black Road - Design is underway for a replacement structure. A temporary crossing is in place.

    Caniaba Road - Drainage works complete, shoulder widening works including a rock foundation is ongoing.

    Cowlong Road - Works are progressing near Lavis Road. Construction works planned for completion late September.

    Cawongla Road - Community consultation is underway in preparation for the road closure to replace four damaged culverts.

    Gravel Roads Program - Flood repair works are progressing. Approximately 60% of the LGA has now been complete with four road grading crews working full time on these works. Grading of gravel roads in Precinct 11 (including The Channon and surrounds) is due to commence in September. Please take care around the mobile plant. View the Precinct map and completion dates HERE

    Gungas Road - Pavement works well underway. Works expected to be complete by October.

    Hensen Bridge - Concrete abutments have been poured. Concrete bridge beams to be placed September in preparation of the deck pour.

    Johnston Road, Clunes - Geotechnical investigations finalised this week, with instruments installed to monitor the slip. Road reopened Monday 29th August under stop go traffic control until investigation works are complete.

    Keerrong Bridge - Concrete bridge complete including bridge approaches. Bridge will be opened under traffic control early September.

    Keerrong Road - Repairs to a 1.8km section on Keerrong Road is progressing well which will be complete by early September.

    Oakey Creek Road - Community consultation is underway in preparation for geotechnical investigations to determine the scope of work required for landslip remediation.

    Pinchin Road - Pavement stabilisation repair on several sections of Pinchin Road will commence August 29th. Single lane traffic control in place for the duration of works (5 weeks, weather permitting). Works on Keerrong Road will be postponed from September 1st, to allow additional traffic flow while Pinchin Road works are completed.

    Sexton Bridge, Gundurimba Road – Piling works commenced with abutment works planned for the next 3 weeks.

    Terania Creek Road - Segments have been identified to be included in the Flood Recovery Heavy Patching Program, which will provide improvements to the structural integrity of the road and driving conditions for road users. Geotechnical monitoring of the slip site is underway, as is procurement of specialist contractors and designers. Once works are complete at the slip, bridge approaches will be repaired and the road graded.

    Town Road - Bridge structure has been procured and works are expected to commence in late 2022.

    Tuntable Creek Road - Drilling has been undertaken on the slips, with geotechnical instrumentation installed to monitor movement to best inform the required structural design. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of suitably qualified geotechnical engineers at present. Council has started the procurement process to engage a designer and contractor to undertake restoration works. Additionally, funding has been received to undertake pavement repairs on damaged sealed-sections of Tuntable Creek Road, which is scheduled for October.

     Keerrong Road - repairs to a 1.8km sectionKeerrong Road - repairs to a 1.8km section

    Sexton Bridge piling works commenced

    Cowlong Road, near Lavis Road