Category Pinchin Road   Show all

  • Multiple Unsealed Gravel Roads - Grading Works (May 2024)

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    Council wishes to advise of upcoming works on the listed roads below. The works involve grading over 120km of unsealed gravel roads which have been significantly damaged as a result of declared natural disaster events AGRN1101 (December 2023) and AGRN1119 (April 2024).

    What are the works?

    Roads with the most severe damage have been given the highest priority to ensure that critical routes are restored first. Council is deploying six separate works crews and efforts have been made to cluster the works geographically to optimise efficiency and resource allocation.

    The works will begin to commence this week, though will not all begin simultaneously due to contractor availability. These works will take approximately three months to complete, weather permitting.

    We understand the importance of these roads to our daily commutes, emergency services, and local economy, and we are committed to restoring them to their optimal condition quickly. Motorists will be notified of road changes via roadside signage. We apologise in advance for any disruptions you may experience while we carry out this essential work.

    Crew 1

    Crew 2


    Road Name


    Road Name


    Davis Road


    Gungas Road


    Boggumbil Road


    Shipway Road


    Stead Road


    Bishops Creek Road


    Unnamed Lane West off Mountain Top (Georgica)


    Parmenter Road


    Clark Road


    Keerrong Road


    Unnamed Lane West off Clark


    Quilty Road


    Warby Road


    Mulvena Road


    Bertoli Road


    Lodge Road


    Stanger Road


    Blade Road (West)


    Cullen Road


    Suffolk Road


    Blade Road

    Crew 3

    Crew 4


    Road Name


    Road Name


    Terania Creek Road


    Upper Coopers Creek Road


    Lawler Road


    Minyon Falls Road


    Rankin Road


    Fox Road


    Greengate Road


    Nightcap Range Road


    Unara Road


    Lychee Drive


    Walmsley Road


    Armstrong Road


    Virtue Road


    Behan Access


    Lavis Road


    McKinnon Road

    Crew 5

    Crew 6


    Road Name


    Road Name


    McInnes Road


    Wallace Road


    Monaltrie Road


    Rose Road


    Bice Road


    Pinchin Road


    Yeager Road


    Izzard Road


    Eastment Lane


    Paterson Road


    McMahon Road


    Arkinstall Road


    Muldoon Road


    Norton Road


    Lavis Road


    McKinnon Road

    We are in the process of assessing various additional roads to be included in the scope of these recovery works. Our goal is to ensure comprehensive restoration and long-term resilience of our unsealed gravel road network. The funding for this engagement is granted by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) guidelines to reconstruct eligible assets to pre-disaster function.

    Works Criteria

    The works have been carefully distributed and prioritised based on the following criteria:

    • Scale of Damage: Roads with the most severe damage have been given the highest priority to ensure that critical routes are restored first.
    • Contractor Availability: We have coordinated with available contractors to expedite the commencement of these essential repairs.
    • Group Locality: Efforts have been made to cluster the works geographically to optimise efficiency and resource allocation.

    Further Information
    This notification will be posted on our Your Say dedicated Flood Recovery – Roads and Bridges page:

    Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email and include the title ‘Unsealed Gravel Roads – May 2024 Update.’

  • Current Project Updates Tuesday, 11 October 2022

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    Please note, there are several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently. Below are updates of some projects progressing this week.

    Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like to secure specific updates on, please utilise the Q+A function of this page, or email

    Caniaba Road - Shoulder widening and kerb and gutter installation completed, awaiting pavement backfill against kerb.

    Caniaba Road

    Blue Knob Road - Drainage and preparation work started this week, with further stabilisation works scheduled on various sections for next week - subject to weather, contractor and material availability. The landslip is being monitored as scope of works is determined.

    Gravel road repairs - Young Road, Noble Road, Robb Road, Milgate Road, Beardow Road, Browning Road, Fairfull Road, Gibson Lane have all undergone maintenance. Upcoming maintenance is scheduled for Webber Road, Cook Road, Tulk Road, Fraser Road, Rose Road, Wybelena Road and Gray Road.

    Gundurimba Road - Drainage works are scheduled for completion on various sections.

    Gungas Road - Emergency culvert repair on Gungas Road, following damage sustained after recent heavy rainfall.

    Gungas Road - emergency repairs

    James Gibson Road - Temporary patching is scheduled, while scope of works for remediation is finalised.

    Jiggi Road - First section has been completed, with an additional five to be completed. There have some delays due to weather, with scope of works reviewed to ensure damages due to heavy rainfall are remediated. Proposed works include pavement rehabilitation and drainage works.

    Keerrong Road - Final stages of works, with a tidy up to be completed. Additional sections are scheduled for maintenance in December.

    Nimbin Road - Drainage and Stabilisation are being completed on Nimbin Road with four patches completed out for the six scoped for repair. Guide posting and line marking works still to be completed. Stabilisation works are also scheduled for Nimbin Road (near Shipway Drive and Swift Road) in the coming weeks - subject to weather, contractor and material availability.

    Pinchin Road - Final stages of completion on the sections of heavy patching works.

    Pinchin Road - heavy patching completed

    Sexton Bridge - Bridge deck pour and earthworks are currently being completed.




    We hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend.

    The good weather to start off the week has allowed our pothole repair teams to get out and about. They are focusing on:

    👉 Pinchin Road

    👉 Tuntable Falls Road

    👉 Kyogle Road

    👉 Urban Roads

    While progress is being made to repair potholes across our road network, it remains a massive job which is made worse every time it rains. We thank the community for their on-going patience.

    To report a pothole in need of repair, go to

  • Current Road Project Updates 26 September 2022

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    Please note, there are several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently. Below are updates of some projects progressing this week.

    Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like to secure specific updates on, please utilise the Q+A function of this page, or email

    Canaiba Road - Shoulder widening and kerb gutter installation completed. Awaiting pavement backfill against the kerb.

    Cowlong Road - Final stage of construction has been completed. Drainage currently undergoing review.

    Crofton Road - Damages have been scoped, and will be submitted this week.

    Dunoon Road - Approved for heavy patch stabilising in flood damaged sections. Schedule of works to be confirmed shortly.

    Fernside Road - Fernside Bridge side-track bitumen sealing and culvert shotcrete application completed.

    Gravel road repairs - Numulgi Creek Road, Beddoes Road, Borton Road will be undergoing repairs this week. Gravel road maintenance continues for Precinct 12 (Corndale, Dunoon and Rosebank). Gravel Roads in Precinct 11 (The Channon, Terania Creek and Tuntable Creek) scheduled for October.

    Gray Road - Works are progressing, with drainage still to be completed. Vegetation management is currently being reviewed.

    Gungas Road - Erosion protection works to commence shortly.

    Jiggi Road - Some sections have been completed, with additional pavement repair works still to be scheduled. These works will continue as subsequent projects are completed in the area, to ensure efficiency.

    Keerrong Road - Culvert replacement between Keerrong Bridge Road and Nimbin Road. Single lane road closure will be in place as works are completed. Please adhere to road signage and drive with caution.

    Koonorigan Road - The landslip area has been assessed, and safe for motorists. Please drive to the conditions. This will continue to be monitored and is under review for works. Heavy patch stabilising has been approved, and received funding. Emergency patching adjacent to the hall is scheduled to commence shortly.

    Nimbin Road - A total of six heavy patching sections to be repaired. All drainage works have been completed on first three patches, with drainage works on the final three to be completed by end of next week. Approximately 1km of the first patch has been sealed, with seal on the other half of this section still to be completed.

    Northcott Road - Final stage of Northcott Road has been completed.

    Pinchin Road - Five heavy patching sections have been completed. One additional section remaining; only final trim and seal left to be completed. All drainage works and embankment failure/slip remediation completed (gabion wall constructed, damaged pipe replaced, road surface and pavement reinstated).

    Richmond Hill Road - Damaged section of pavement adjacent to Richmond Hill landslip resealed. Further shoulder work, guide posting, and line marking still to be completed.

    Sexton Bridge - Abutment works underway. Installation of both abutments’ formwork on Wednesday 14th September with concrete poured Thursday 15th September. Bridge beams have now been landed, with skirting and abutment concrete pouring scheduled for the coming week (weather permitting).

    Tuckurimba Road - Temporary pothole repairs have been completed on a number of major potholes. Due to the low lying nature of the road, a flood study is required prior to permanent heavy patching works. These heavy patching works may change the road level, further details will be shared following assessments.

  • Current Road Project Updates 25 August 2022

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    There are a number of road projects currently being completed. The below are updates for some of the projects which are progressing this week.

    If the road or project of interest isn't included below, please click the road name to the right (for desktop) of this page, or by scrolling to the bottom of the page (for mobile) for updates.

    Additionally, please utilise the Q+A function of this page to request specific updates.

    Black Road - Design is underway for a replacement structure. A temporary crossing is in place.

    Caniaba Road - Drainage works complete, shoulder widening works including a rock foundation is ongoing.

    Cowlong Road - Works are progressing near Lavis Road. Construction works planned for completion late September.

    Cawongla Road - Community consultation is underway in preparation for the road closure to replace four damaged culverts.

    Gravel Roads Program - Flood repair works are progressing. Approximately 60% of the LGA has now been complete with four road grading crews working full time on these works. Grading of gravel roads in Precinct 11 (including The Channon and surrounds) is due to commence in September. Please take care around the mobile plant. View the Precinct map and completion dates HERE

    Gungas Road - Pavement works well underway. Works expected to be complete by October.

    Hensen Bridge - Concrete abutments have been poured. Concrete bridge beams to be placed September in preparation of the deck pour.

    Johnston Road, Clunes - Geotechnical investigations finalised this week, with instruments installed to monitor the slip. Road reopened Monday 29th August under stop go traffic control until investigation works are complete.

    Keerrong Bridge - Concrete bridge complete including bridge approaches. Bridge will be opened under traffic control early September.

    Keerrong Road - Repairs to a 1.8km section on Keerrong Road is progressing well which will be complete by early September.

    Oakey Creek Road - Community consultation is underway in preparation for geotechnical investigations to determine the scope of work required for landslip remediation.

    Pinchin Road - Pavement stabilisation repair on several sections of Pinchin Road will commence August 29th. Single lane traffic control in place for the duration of works (5 weeks, weather permitting). Works on Keerrong Road will be postponed from September 1st, to allow additional traffic flow while Pinchin Road works are completed.

    Sexton Bridge, Gundurimba Road – Piling works commenced with abutment works planned for the next 3 weeks.

    Terania Creek Road - Segments have been identified to be included in the Flood Recovery Heavy Patching Program, which will provide improvements to the structural integrity of the road and driving conditions for road users. Geotechnical monitoring of the slip site is underway, as is procurement of specialist contractors and designers. Once works are complete at the slip, bridge approaches will be repaired and the road graded.

    Town Road - Bridge structure has been procured and works are expected to commence in late 2022.

    Tuntable Creek Road - Drilling has been undertaken on the slips, with geotechnical instrumentation installed to monitor movement to best inform the required structural design. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of suitably qualified geotechnical engineers at present. Council has started the procurement process to engage a designer and contractor to undertake restoration works. Additionally, funding has been received to undertake pavement repairs on damaged sealed-sections of Tuntable Creek Road, which is scheduled for October.

     Keerrong Road - repairs to a 1.8km sectionKeerrong Road - repairs to a 1.8km section

    Sexton Bridge piling works commenced

    Cowlong Road, near Lavis Road

  • Pinchin Road - Pavement Stabilisation Repair commencing 29th August 2022

    Share Pinchin Road - Pavement Stabilisation Repair commencing 29th August 2022 on Facebook Share Pinchin Road - Pavement Stabilisation Repair commencing 29th August 2022 on Twitter Share Pinchin Road - Pavement Stabilisation Repair commencing 29th August 2022 on Linkedin Email Pinchin Road - Pavement Stabilisation Repair commencing 29th August 2022 link

    Pinchin Road is scheduled to undergo pavement repairs on some sections of severely damaged areas from Monday 29th August 2022.

    Initially the works will start with drainage remediation to allow water to drain from the pavement. Following these works there will be a pavement stabilisation crew mobilising to site to stabilise the existing pavement. As well as adding an additional 100mm of new road base material to improve the pavements strength.

    This work is a large roads maintenance activity and will take approximately 5 weeks to complete (weather permitting).

    A single lane traffic closure will allow traffic to travel through the worksite. Signage will be in place to notify road users, and updates available on Live Traffic NSW. Works on Keerrong Road will be postponed from September 1st, to allow additional traffic flow while Pinchin Road works are completed.

  • Current Road Project Updates 5 August 2022

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    Gravel Roads (Flood Repair Works) – approximately 50% of LCC Gravel Roads have been repaired now since the Feb/March 2022 events.

    Caniaba Road – Drainage and shoulder widening works progressing well. Project is currently running to plan with minimal delays.

    Richmond Hill Road – the landslip has been repaired and pavement rehabilitation works are progressing.

    Nimbin Road near Goolmangar School – urgent maintenance works were carried out last week, the damaged sealed pavement was returned to gravel. This section of road will be overlaid with new gravel and stabilised this month

    Keerrong Road Bridge – the new concrete bridge is now complete and earthworks progressing on the approaches

    Henson Bridge – Piling is now complete, works progressing well on preparing the bridge abutments (form/reo/poor)

    Keerong Road – Landslip and drainage remediation works are commencing, leading to a road closure from August 10th - adjacent to 1265 Kerrong Road. Motorists are advised via roadside signage. Pavement strengthening works are also progressing on approximately a 1km section. Further pavement works are scheduled.

    Bruxner Highway at Northcott Road – pavement rehabilitation works are progressing which have included stabilisation of the existing material and overlay with new gravel.

    Gungas Road – shoulder widening and pavement works are progressing.

    Cowlong Road – pavement strengthening works are progressing south of McKenzie Road.

    Jiggi Road - flood restoration works to commence shortly, to improve overall road conditions. Further information has been mailed to local residents, and is available in 'Community Updates' tab.

    Pinchin Road - flood restoration works to commence shortly, to improve overall road conditions. Further information has been mailed to local residents, and is available in 'Community Updates' tab.

    One section of Jiggi Road, preconstruction on 04/08/22

    Wyrallah Road - Geotechnical drilling to determine scope of works.

    Drilling at Wyrallah Road 27/07/22

    Dunoon Road (near the Macadamia Factory) - Temporary patching on a section of road adjacent Macadamia factory on Dunoon Road. This section of road is due for full pavement reconstruction in October this year.

    a section of Dunoon Road before temporary patching 02/08/22

  • Planned Flood Restoration Maintenance Works - Pinchin Road

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    Council plans to undertake roadworks on sections of Pinchin Road.

    This planned work is proudly funded by both the New South Wales (NSW) and the Australian Governments.

    Where are the roadworks?

    The roadworks will apply to numerous designated sections across the full length of Pinchin Road.

    Why do the roadworks?

    The roadwork will improve road conditions and associated safety, and funding has been allocated due to the 28 February 2022 and March 2022 flooding events.

    What do the roadworks involve?

    The roadwork is to improve road safety through the following:

    • Road surface: Improve the surface of the road in places. Road to be raised approximately 150mm.

    • Signs and line marking: Line marking and guideposts.

    • Vegetation management: Manage roadside vegetation to remove obstacles, improve sight distances, and clearances for signage.

    • Drainage maintenance: Re-excavate open drains and remove flood sediment as required.

    • Driveway adjustment: Adjust access to driveways affected by the wider road footprint as required.

    These works will be completed under single lane traffic control.

    When do the roadworks start?

    Works will be undertaken between August 2022 and October 2022. Once works commence, they should take approximately 4-6 weeks to complete (weather permitting).

    What do you need to do now?

    You do not need to do anything as this notification is just to let you know in advance of the roadworks. If you have any questions or local knowledge of issues for Council to consider in your area, you are welcome to contact our Civil Works Engineer.

  • Current Road Project Updates July 22 2022

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    Fernside Bridge

    The side-track is still on schedule to be open to traffic by 29th July, pending weather. Additional pipes for higher creek flows have been installed as an added precaution.

    Canaiba Road

    Works will begin soon on an embankment slip at the shoulder of Canaiba Road, east of Pelican Creek.

    Orion Street

    Road closure Monday 25th – 29th July from Keen Street roundabout to Molesworth Street. Local Access Only from Dawson Street. Due to the slumping on Orion Street, geotechnical drilling will be undertaken to determine the depth of the slip plane and options for remediation. (Updated and postponed due to illness in the specialist contracting team)

    Koonorigan Road

    Works are commencing on making a temporary side-track over the slip at Koonorigan Road, suitable for local access. Funding approval has been received to heavy patch the seal on The Channon side of the slip. This work is currently being scheduled.

    Regional Roads - Damaged Sealed Roads

    Approval has been received for the proposed scope of work to heavy patch six sections of Nimbin Road. Heavy patching consists of cutting off high shoulders, box out soft spots, overlay gravel where required, stabilise (nominal 1.5% slag/lime), compact, trim and seal. The procurement of a specialist stabilising subcontractor is underway. Scope has also been approved for Blue Knob Road, Dunoon Road, Kyogle Road and Wyrallah Road (excluding the Wyrallah Village). Wyrallah Village will be the subject to a reconstruction as it is not suitable for heavy patching.

    Precinct 1 - Damaged Sealed Roads

    Heavy patching has been approved for Graham Road, Gundurimba Road, River Bank Road, Rous Road, Skyline Road and Tuckurimba Road.

    Wyrallah Road Landslips

    Geotechnical drilling will take place under traffic control lane closures at 257 Wyrallah Road and 896 Wyrallah Road at the end of July.

    Johnston Road (Clunes)

    Geotechnical works will take place on the week of the 1st of August. This road, currently accessible to locals, will be fully closed during the works.

    Repentance Creek Road

    No further road closures. Due to delays in getting asphalt contractors, a sacrificial seal has been placed on the road surface for the safety of motorists. Works are expected to be fully completed by the end of July. Please drive with care.

    The Channon Road

    Geotechnical investigations have been completed for the slip behind the guardrail. Works will commence once the design of proposed embankment reconstruction is finalised. The scope of works required to heavy patch flood damaged sections of the road has now been approved, with works to commence in the coming weeks.

    The Channon Road (Robertson Bridge)

    Remediation works of the abutments is underway. Traffic control will be present, and motorists are advised to drive carefully.

    Pinchin Road Embankment failure

    Embankment reconstruction works are substantially complete. Pavement repair to commence shortly. Funding approval has been received to heavy patch four sections on Pinchin Road. Scheduling and advance planning of this work is underway.

    Keerrong Road

    Bridge construction works and heavy patching of sealed road is underway. Landslip repair, drainage reconstruction and gravel road resheeting is planned to commence in August.

    Tuntable Creek Road

    Investigation works north of Rose Road are underway to establish the feasibility of a side-track to facilitate local access to Nimbin. Geotechnical investigations are complete for all slips. Undergoing instrument monitoring to determine the remediation of the site.

    Funding approval has been received to heavy patch four sections on Tuntable Creek Road. Scheduling and advance planning of this work is underway.

    Duncan Road- Corndale Road

    Works to heavy patch and stabilise damaged sections are now complete.

    Richmond Hill Road

    Embankment reconstruction works remain underway under traffic light control. Pavement works will start next week (subject to weather)

    Nimbin Road (slip north of Stony Chute)

    80% design drawings received and under review. Procurement of contractor proposed for this month.

    Stony Chute Road

    Geotechnical drilling has been completed. Inclinometers have been installed and will monitor ground movement over the next month prior to design commencing.

    Cawongla Road

    Geotechnical drilling is still underway.

    Mountain Top Road

    Geotechnical drilling is still underway.

  • Flood Recovery Heavy Patching Program

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    Flood Recovery Heavy Patching Program –

    Restoration of road surface, possible change in road level.

    Segments of the following have been identified for heavy patching works to repair flood damage to road surface.

    Precinct 1

    Graham Road

    Gundarimba Road

    River Bank Road

    Rous Road

    Skyline Road

    Tregeagle Road

    Tuckurimba Road

    Tucki Road

    Wybelena Road

    Precinct 2

    Bagotville Road

    Broadwater Road

    Kilgin Road

    Mathieson Lane

    Precinct 3

    Tatham Road

    Precinct 4

    Nimoola Road

    Pelican Creek Road

    Precinct 6

    Back Creek Road

    Precinct 7

    Axford Road

    Martin Road

    McGuinness Road

    Rock Valley Road

    Precinct 8

    Boggumbil Road

    Davis Road

    Jacobson Road

    Jiggi Road

    Potessu Road

    Rosehill Road

    Precinct 9

    Anderson Road

    Basil Road

    Cecil Street

    Crofton Road

    Gungas Road

    Lillian Rock Road

    Moffitt Road

    Sibley Street

    Symonds Road

    Thorburn Street

    Precinct 10

    Booerie Creek Road

    Boyle Road

    Keerrong Road

    Precinct 11

    Koonorigan Road

    Pinchin Road

    Terania Creek Road

    The Channon Road

    Tuntable Creek Road

    Precinct 12

    Dorroughby Road

    Duncan Road

    James Street (Dunoon)

    Middleton Way

    Nightcap Range Road

    Rocky Creek Dam Road

    Precinct 13

    Corndale Road

    Hunters Hill Road

    Grace Road

    James Gibson Road

    Precinct 14

    Boatharbour Road

    Eltham Road

    Humpty Back Road

    Regional Roads

    Blue Knob Road

    Coraki Road

    Dunoon Road

    Nimbin Road

    Wyrallah Road

    Bridge Street (Wyrallah)

    Kyogle Road

    These works are subject to change to due weather conditions, availability of contractors and funding. Updates will be posted on this article.

    Shall you wish to be kept up to date directly, you can register your details via the Your Say ‘Submissions’ tab HERE. Alternately, please contact Lismore City Council via email or call (02) 6625 0500 to register your details. Please reference ‘Flood Recovery Heavy Patching Program’.

    How will the works affect traffic?

    Roads will be open to residential access only during the time of works. Traffic controls will be in place, which will cause minor delays and disruptions. Please note roadside signage, updates on myroadinfo and updates in the online Your Say article for communication about temporary disruptions to your property access during this period.

    What do the works involve?

    These roads need to be fixed to improve the structural integrity and driving conditions for road users. Works include cleaning drains and culverts, cutting off high road shoulders, digging out and replacing soft spots with rock. The gravel overlay is placed where required, before stabilising with the addition of slag lime. This is then compacted, trimmed, and sealed. Followed by line marking edge line.

    The road surface may receive a final wearing seal several months after the initial bitumen seal has cured.

    This pavement overlay may potentially change road levels between 0mm to +150mm and resurfacing of the existing road width due to additional layers of new road base material.

    All driveways that intersect the road will match any changes to the road profile. If there are any changes, you will be contacted should your driveway/access need modification. We will also do maintenance to roadside drainage as needed.

    What happens now?

    If you wish to make comment on the works, we ask that you do this by 4pm Monday, 15th August 2022 referring to ‘Flood Recovery Heavy Patching Program’. Feedback can be received via any of the following:

    • Via the ‘Submissions’ tab of this article HERE.
    • Email to
    • Call to Council (02) 6625 0500
    • In writing to Lismore City Council, PO Box 23A, Lismore 2480