Temporary Road Closure - Gungas Road - December 2023
Council wishes to advise that as part of the Pipeline Replacement Project, temporary road closures are required. Full road closures will be required to commence from Thursday 7th December through to Friday 20th December (subject to change pending ground conditions). Closure durations are as follows: close - 7am and reopen at 12pm, close at 1pm and reopen 5pm. Road closures will happen intermittently during this time during the weekdays.
During this time, vehicles will not be able to use the road for the duration of the closure. It is recommended that residents park vehicles at Black Sheep Farm area on Gungas Road and walk to and from your place of residence. NTS traffic controller will be onsite to assist pedestrians through the work zone. The road will be reopened each night of the road closure period after 5pm. After hours to be controlled by traffic lights for Stop/Go in the event a section of road/verge is left open for pits and or inline welding.
The road will be shut in 100m increments as works proceed to the end of Gungas Road, however any residents north of the works zone will not be able to get vehicles through.
Additionally, as pipework laying/backfill moves further to the end of Gungas Road, so will the parking area available (i.e. residents can park further north). Once pipework moves past resident driveways, they will no longer be affected by the road closures in regard to travelling south into town.
In the event of an emergency, an emergency procedure is in place to ensure emergency vehicles are able to gain access through site.
What are the works?
Removal and relaying of pipe under Gungas Road as part of the Pipeline Replacement Project.
The purpose of this project is to provide a permanent water supply pipeline. Immediate works were put in place as a temporary measure to quicken constructability and secure water supply post 2022 flood event. The permanent solution, being a 200mm diameter pipe to ensure hydraulic capacity is maintained, is now being installed.
This project is supported through Commonwealth Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
For further details, visit Your Say: yoursay.lismore.nsw.gov.au/nimbin-water-supply
Who should I contact with questions/concerns?
We apologise in advance for any disruptions you may experience while we carry out this essential work.
We would appreciate your cooperation with all workplace protection measures to help keep everyone safe. If you have any concerns, please phone 6625 0500 (24-hour service) or email council@lismore.nsw.gov.au.
This project was completed May 2024