On Exhibition: Review of Determination
Consultation has concluded

Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 Review of Determination
Application has been made to the Council by GM Project Development and Management for:
S8.3 Application to Review Council’s Determination to Refuse DA5.2020.488.1, which related to:
1. a Staged Subdivision comprising 92 residential lots (51 Torrens Title lotsand 41 Community Title lots), 1 road widening lot and 1 open space lot including Tucki Tucki Creek; and
2. associated earthworks, civil infrastructure (new roads, footpaths, stormwater drainage and essential services), acoustic barriers/walls, demolition of existing house, tree removal and revegetation / landscaping works; At Lot 2 and Lot 1 DP 1112474, 805 and 811 Ballina Road, Goonellabah.
DA5.2020.488.1 constituted both nominated integrated development and integrated development in accordance with s4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. Approval from NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (NRAR) is required in accordance with s91 of the Water Management Act 2000, approval from NSW DPI (Fisheries) in accordance with s201 & s219 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994, approval from NSW Roads and Maritime Service in accordance with s138 of the Roads Act 1993, and approval from NSW Rural Fire Service in accordance with s100B of the Rural Fires Act 1997.
The consent authority for the s8.3 Application is Lismore City Council.
The application and any accompanying documents or plans may be viewed electronically during business hours (8.30am - 4.30pm) at the Council's Corporate Centre or at any time via Council’s DA Online tracking facility accessible on Council’s website using original DA reference no. 2020 /488 (for exhibition purposes) until the closing date 21 February 2022.
Submissions can be made online via the submissions from below, or sent to the General Manager, Lismore City Council, PO Box 23A, Lismore NSW 2480. Your submission must be in writing, preferably be lodged by e-mail to council@lismore.nsw.gov.au and be received by 4.30pm on the final day of exhibition. If you wish to object to the development the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission, and if possible include details of how any concerns may be overcome. Council will consider each submission on its merits as they relate to the development proposal as part of the assessment process, in conjunction with a range of legislation and other matters which Council must also take into consideration in making its decision.
If you wish to make a submission on this matter (either objecting or supporting) you are required by the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979, to disclose any reportable political donations or gifts made to a Councillor or Council employee that were made within the period commencing two (2) years before the application was made. This includes any donation or gift made when a person was a candidate for Council election. The disclosure reporting form is available on the Department of Planning website (www.planning.nsw.gov.au) or from Council’s Offices. If you have made any such donations or gifts the completed form must accompany your submission.
All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available, in accordance with the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. The Council will consider the application after the closing date specified, which will include assessment and reporting of the application for final determination. Submissions received after the closing date will still be considered in the assessment, unless the submission is received after the application has been determined. Therefore, it is not necessary to ask for a formal extension of the closing date if you require further time to prepare a submission, but you should be aware that any such delay may result in the application being determined prior to receipt of your submission.
Submissions close on 21 February 2022 at 4.30pm.