26 June 2020: Works on track for October completion
We are pleased to advise that the South Lismore Flood Mitigation Works project is progressing well and running on time and on budget.
Excavation of the primary flood channel is now 98% complete and this constitutes the major component of construction works.
In the next month, the newly filled industrial site will be capped and re-grassed, and all ancillary works should be complete by October. During the capping works, residents may notice an increase in road-based truck movements for approximately 12 weeks (weather permitting).
Following completion of major works, there is still extensive bush regeneration works that need to be undertaken at the site, but this work will have minimal impact on residents.
Habitat including some koala food trees were removed to facilitate this project and Council has committed to offset this loss but regenerating the riparian zone next to Hollingworth Creek and replanting the site with more than 10,000 native trees to restore important habitat for wildlife.
All environmental conservation work will be low impact and carried out by small bush regeneration teams once construction works are complete.
Thank you for your patience as this major project continues.
This project is now complete.