Noel Street road repairs commence
Works to repair Noel Street will begin from 26 March and are expected to take three weeks, weather permitting.
We plan to fix the section of Noel Street adjacent to property numbers 2 to 16. Minor works will also be undertaken on Hunter Street between Noel Street and New Ballina Road. No works are being undertaken on Eric Place.
This section of road sustained significant damage from truck movements during the slip remediation works on nearby Beardow Street.
We will also do some minor vegetation trimming along the length of the road. The existing road levels, width, and kerb and gutter will all remain the same.
Due to the limited access and scope of works, vehicular access will be affected during construction. This will mean that some properties will not have access from 7am to 4pm on work days. On-site staff will notify residents prior to when works will directly affect your access.
As part of road construction projects, Council engages an independent consultant to undertake a pre and post building inspection of adjoining properties. Mark Norris & Associates will contact residents from 26 March to arrange inspections.
We are very conscious that the Beardow Street landslip works have been lengthy and caused significant disruption for Noel Street residents. We are nearly at the end of this project and would like to thank you for your patience and understanding.