Beardow Street Landslip Repairs
Remediation of the Beardow Street landslip in Lismore Heights is nearing completion.
The Beardow Street landslip happened as a result of flooding in March 2017 and during repairs contamination was discovered in the area that meant almost all soil on site had to be removed.
The works are funded by Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) through the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements.
Council has been working with RMS and the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) throughout this project to manage the contamination issue and ensure the landslip is repaired and the site is cleared of any contamination.
You can find our latest news updates below as information becomes available as well as community updates to your right with information we have sent out to local residents.
Further information can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions section.
If you have a question about the project, please post a question through the Q&A tab below and a Council staff member will respond.
Remediation of the Beardow Street landslip in Lismore Heights is nearing completion.
The Beardow Street landslip happened as a result of flooding in March 2017 and during repairs contamination was discovered in the area that meant almost all soil on site had to be removed.
The works are funded by Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) through the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements.
Council has been working with RMS and the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) throughout this project to manage the contamination issue and ensure the landslip is repaired and the site is cleared of any contamination.
You can find our latest news updates below as information becomes available as well as community updates to your right with information we have sent out to local residents.
Further information can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions section.
If you have a question about the project, please post a question through the Q&A tab below and a Council staff member will respond.
Noel Street roadworks on track
Share Noel Street roadworks on track on Facebook Share Noel Street roadworks on track on Twitter Share Noel Street roadworks on track on Linkedin Email Noel Street roadworks on track linkWork to repair Noel Street is on track and going well.
We have now finished pulling up the existing road and 95% of the new pavement material has been installed. We will soon undertake preparations to bitumen the road. Soon after this we will undertake the final bitumen seal.
We are still on track to have this project fully completed by late April.
We would once again like to thank Noel Street residence for your patience. Also, just a reminder that all Noel Street residents will be offered free house cleaning once the road is fixed. We will be in touch about this at a later date.
Noel Street road repairs commence
Share Noel Street road repairs commence on Facebook Share Noel Street road repairs commence on Twitter Share Noel Street road repairs commence on Linkedin Email Noel Street road repairs commence linkWorks to repair Noel Street will begin from 26 March and are expected to take three weeks, weather permitting.
We plan to fix the section of Noel Street adjacent to property numbers 2 to 16. Minor works will also be undertaken on Hunter Street between Noel Street and New Ballina Road. No works are being undertaken on Eric Place.
This section of road sustained significant damage from truck movements during the slip remediation works on nearby Beardow Street.
We will also do some minor vegetation trimming along the length of the road. The existing road levels, width, and kerb and gutter will all remain the same.
Due to the limited access and scope of works, vehicular access will be affected during construction. This will mean that some properties will not have access from 7am to 4pm on work days. On-site staff will notify residents prior to when works will directly affect your access.
As part of road construction projects, Council engages an independent consultant to undertake a pre and post building inspection of adjoining properties. Mark Norris & Associates will contact residents from 26 March to arrange inspections.
We are very conscious that the Beardow Street landslip works have been lengthy and caused significant disruption for Noel Street residents. We are nearly at the end of this project and would like to thank you for your patience and understanding.
Final works taking place in Beardow Street
Share Final works taking place in Beardow Street on Facebook Share Final works taking place in Beardow Street on Twitter Share Final works taking place in Beardow Street on Linkedin Email Final works taking place in Beardow Street linkThe following works are taking place in Beardow Street to complete this project:
- Council is fixing the culvert slumping that occurred during the January rain event. This will be completed by 27 March 2020.
- Council has engaged a qualified landscaper to plant out the embankment area with natives trees, shrubs and grasses. This will commence at the end of March/early April.
- The final work to take place in Beardow Street is the installation of a power pole. Council is working with Essential Energy to get this installed as soon as possible.
Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding during this lengthy and complex project.
Noel Street repairs to commence mid to late March
Share Noel Street repairs to commence mid to late March on Facebook Share Noel Street repairs to commence mid to late March on Twitter Share Noel Street repairs to commence mid to late March on Linkedin Email Noel Street repairs to commence mid to late March linkWorks to repair Noel Street will begin in March 2020.
Council has committed to repairing Noel Street following the damage that was caused to the road during the complex project to repair the major Beardow Street landslip.
Repair work on Noel Street was due to commence in January 2020 but there was a problem with the availability of contractors to undertake the work and repairs were rescheduled for March.
Residents will see work commencing over the next few weeks as site preparation begins. The major work to repair the road will commence in late March and take around four weeks.
Work includes repairing the road surface to restore its structural integrity and bring it back to the condition it was in before the Beardow Street landslip repairs took place.
House cleaning – Noel Street
Council will arrange free house cleaning for Noel Street residents to remove dust from homes once the roadworks are complete.
Council staff will contact Noel Street residents directly to arrange this service at a convenient time.
Noel Street repairs delayed until March 2020
Share Noel Street repairs delayed until March 2020 on Facebook Share Noel Street repairs delayed until March 2020 on Twitter Share Noel Street repairs delayed until March 2020 on Linkedin Email Noel Street repairs delayed until March 2020 linkNoel Street road repairs – start date delayed
Works to repair Noel Street have been delayed until March 2020. Lismore City Council needs to go through a procurement process to engage a new contractor to undertake these works.Council had planned to repair the road surface in Noel Street starting in mid-January, however, the need to hire a new contractor has delayed this process.
Work includes reconstruction of Noel Street and is expected to take four weeks. This will involve temporary disruption to property access – notification letters will be sent prior to any work commencing.
House cleaning – Beardow and Noel Streets
Council had arranged house cleaning to remove dust for identified Beardow Street residences. This has been delayed until water restrictions are lifted. Residents will be advised when restrictions are lifted and a commencement date for house cleaning is rescheduled.Noel Street residents will be offered this same house cleaning service once Noel Street road repairs are complete.
Beardow Street embankment issues
Following the rain event that occurred on 18 January, an isolated area of slumping has occurred in Beardow Street.This is centred around a stormwater pit and investigations are underway to determine the cause and extent of the road slumping. The contractor and a geotechnical expert are currently working on a solution.
Residents will be notified about timelines for repair works once these investigations are complete.
Work complete on Beardow St; Noel St repairs starting January
Share Work complete on Beardow St; Noel St repairs starting January on Facebook Share Work complete on Beardow St; Noel St repairs starting January on Twitter Share Work complete on Beardow St; Noel St repairs starting January on Linkedin Email Work complete on Beardow St; Noel St repairs starting January linkWork is now complete on the landslip remediation works in Beardow Street. A landscaping contractor will be back in March to plant out the embankment with trees and shrubs when the weather is cooler.
Roadworks to repair damage to Noel Street will commence in mid-January and should take around four weeks to complete.
Council is offering a free house cleaning service to remove dust from Noel Street residences once these works are complete. Council will contact Noel Street residents directly to organise a suitable date and time.
Beardow and Noel Street works update: 4 December 2019
Share Beardow and Noel Street works update: 4 December 2019 on Facebook Share Beardow and Noel Street works update: 4 December 2019 on Twitter Share Beardow and Noel Street works update: 4 December 2019 on Linkedin Email Beardow and Noel Street works update: 4 December 2019 linkRoad repair updateLismore City Council contractors have now completed roadworks on Beardow Street.Unfortunately, the planned repairs of Noel Street that we wrote about in the last Community Update have been delayed. This work was scheduled to be undertaken in November/December but Council has been forced to delay this work as the scope of the work was greater than initially anticipated. Work will now commence in early January and is expected to take four weeks.Contamination testing in the road reservesIn August 2019, the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) issued Council with a Preliminary Investigation Order to carry out contamination investigations in a portion of the road reserve in Beardow Street, either side of the current works.The EPA wanted to determine if waste material extended beyond the area of the landslip to other areas of the road reserve. Council took samples and sent the test results to the EPA in early November.Council is now waiting to hear from the EPA regarding these results. We will advise residents when we are notified by the EPA of their findings.Dust on Residences – Beardow and Noel StreetsCouncil is offering a house cleaning service to remove dust from Beardow Street and Noel Street residences. In Beardow Street, this is for residents whose homes are adjacent to the landslip works. Council will contact these residents directly to organise a suitable date and time. Noel Street residents will also be offered this house cleaning service once Noel Street road repairs are complete.LandscapingWeed matting has now been placed over the embankment area. Council will engage a qualified landscaper to plant trees, shrubs and grasses on the embankment in March 2020.Christmas/New Year wishes and thank youCouncil would like to wish all residents of Beardow Street and Noel Street a safe, peaceful and relaxing Christmas and New Year.Council would like to acknowledge that this project has generated a lot of dust, noise and inconvenience for residents of both Beardow Street and Noel Street. We are sincerely sorry for this upheaval.We thank you for your patience during what has been a lengthy and difficult project, and hope you have a wonderful festive season.
Revised Completion Date for Works
Share Revised Completion Date for Works on Facebook Share Revised Completion Date for Works on Twitter Share Revised Completion Date for Works on Linkedin Email Revised Completion Date for Works linkThe program of work on the Beardow Street landslip had an estimated completion date of September 2019. The contractors who are managing this project on behalf of Council have let Council know of a revised completion date, for the landslip remediation works, of late October 2019. This means that the site where all the work has been taking place will be vacated by late October.
The repavement of Beardow Street itself and associated infrastructure works will start almost immediately after this and these works are anticipated to be finished prior to the end of November 2019.
There are a number of reasons for the amended timelines including:* Rain delays in July and August which were significant
* There have also been a number of necessary design reviews
* A requirement for the addition of what is called a 'dish drain' which was not factored into the original planning.
* Unforeseen additional excavation and contaminated material removal
Please be assured that Council is working with the contractors to move things forward to a conclusion as quickly as possible.
In addition, we told you recently that the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) ordered Council to undertake preliminary contamination sampling of soil within the Beardow Street Southern Road Reserve (grassed or vegetated side of the road), either side of the current works. This will commence soon and be finished before the end of October.
It is envisaged that there will be little inconvenience from this additional activity, but Council wanted to let you know the reason for the extra independent works.
Thank you for your patience - we appreciate it.
Latest News: 27 August 2019
Share Latest News: 27 August 2019 on Facebook Share Latest News: 27 August 2019 on Twitter Share Latest News: 27 August 2019 on Linkedin Email Latest News: 27 August 2019 linkSince our last update, a resident in Noel Street has contacted us to express concerns about dust. We have asked the contractors on site to 'water down' in order to minimize dust in Noel Street.
Large pot holes in Noel Street have also been temporarily fixed up.
The project is progressing with 'general fill' haulage and placement due to be completed on 6 September. The Storm water line and pits are currently being installed. This work is also due to be completed on 6 September.
Beardow Street re-construction works will be happening in September with an expected finish date of 20 September.
Latest News: 7 August 2019
Share Latest News: 7 August 2019 on Facebook Share Latest News: 7 August 2019 on Twitter Share Latest News: 7 August 2019 on Linkedin Email Latest News: 7 August 2019 linkOn 5 August 2019, the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) issued Lismore City Council with a Preliminary Investigation Order which requires Council to carry out contamination investigations in a portion of the road reserve in Beardow Street (please see map in the EPA PIO attached in our Document Library).
The EPA wants to determine if waste material extends beyond the area of the landslip to other areas of the road reserve.
Council has 90 days to provide a contamination report to the EPA to help understand the extent of the contamination and what next steps may be required.
There are no known health issues for residents near the road reserve.
Council must engage an independent consultant to undertake a contamination report for the EPA by 4 November 2019.
Key Dates
May 2019 → January 2020
Community Updates
Community Update - Noel Street 19 March 2020.pdf (332 KB) (pdf)
Community Update - Noel Street 26 February 2020.pdf (276 KB) (pdf)
Community Update - Beardow Street 31 January 2020 (279 KB) (pdf)
Community Update - Beardow Street 4 December 2019 (240 KB) (pdf)
Community Update 25 October 2019 (209 KB) (pdf)
EPA - PIO Beardow Street Road Reserve July 2019 (384 KB) (pdf)
Community Update 18 June 2019 (176 KB) (DOCX)
Community Update 4 June 2019 (468 KB) (pdf)
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