Share Latest News: 13 August 2019 on Facebook
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Following feedback from a resident, we have installed additional site fencing on the western side of Beardow Street.
We have now completed the installation of what is called the "rock toe" and work is underway to reconstruct the embankment using general fill. This will continue for the next 3 to 4 weeks. This will involve hauling material and Noel Street is still in use for this.
Share Latest News: 31 July 2019 on Facebook
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Residents may be wondering why there has been minimal activity on site at the Beardow Street landslip over the last few days. This is because we are awaiting survey results to confirm that all is as it should be before we move on to the next stage of the process. This is an essential part of the quality control process. Once we have confirmation, we will start to haul what's called 'general fill' to the site, in order to fill the embankment.
We said in an earlier update that pavement re-instatement would commence in early August. We are slightly behind, mainly due to the weather and this part of the process is more likely to commence at the end of August.
Share Latest News: 16 July 2019 on Facebook
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The weather has continued to cause delays to the work being undertaken on the Beardow Street landslip.
Having said this, we are still making progress and, over the next four weeks, the following activities will take place:
- Rock haulage into the land slip area, placement and compaction of rocks until approximately 27 July 2019
Installation of storm water pits and pipes
Haulage of 'fill' into the land slip area, placement and compaction.
If you have a question about the Beardow Street land slip, please go to the Q and A section on this project page and we will ensure a reply.
Share Latest News: 2 July 2019 on Facebook
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The weather has not been on our side in the last week so we were unable to remove all the contaminated material from the Beardow Street site by the end of June, despite the best efforts of all concerned.
However, by end of the financial year, we had removed 98% of contaminated material and this week we will continue to remove the last of it.
From that point on, we will be focusing on rebuilding the embankment and will be returning back to ‘normal’ operating hours:
Monday to Fridays: 7am to 6pm
Saturdays: 8am to 1pm
Sundays: No work scheduled.
We are still on track to commence roadworks in early August to re-instate the pavement in Beardow St.
Who to contact with any concerns:
Rick Neale, Contract Manager – 0414 576 588
Rick is your first point of contact and is the Project Engineer contracted from Civil Consult
Your second point of contact is Steven Bennetts, Lismore City Council’s Capital Works Engineer – 0427 568 221
If you need to call out of office hours: 1300 87 83 87