January Update 2023
Due to ongoing delays in response to the February 2022 natural disaster, construction has been rescheduled to begin 6 February 2023 (subject to weather, material and contractor availability).
The roadworks will apply to the full length of Bounty Street and a road closure will be in place for this area during construction. Parking will be restricted on the street while construction is taking place. Access will be provided to business and negotiated to ensure minimal disruptions.
Works will include:
• Road Pavement and surface: Improve the sub surface pavement layers and a smooth AC Wearing Surface.
• New footpath and kerb and gutter: Remove and replace concrete sections of footpath and kerb and gutter.
• Modify Parking Areas: Modify the Parking areas to maximise available parking areas and provide a safer pedestrian facilities and reduced travel routes across Bounty Street. Increase Accessible Parking spaces.
• Signs and line marking: Install line marked parking bays.
• Install Landscaped Areas: Install landscaped areas. Manage roadside vegetation to remove obstacles, improve sight distances and clearances for signage and guideposts.
• Install Pedestrian refuges: Provide a safer area for pedestrians to wait in the center of the road.
• Driveway adjustments: Adjust driveway as required to allow safe access to businesses.
Works have been completed