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As part of the Bounty Street reconstruction project, asphalt laying works are scheduled to take place on
Saturday, 29 July 2023 subject to fine weather conditions.
What are the works?
The works will comprise of laying asphalt at the Molesworth Street and Bounty Street intersection as well as line marking the full length of Bounty Street. Due to the nature of the works we will require a full road closure to enable the works to be completed whilst trying to minimise impacts to motorists and the community.
What are the traffic adjustments?
For the safety of motorists and workers
Bounty Street will be closed between the hours of 7am and 5pm. We ask that drivers use the signposted alternative route during this period. Through traffic will detour via Molesworth Street and Conway Street during the temporary closure.
What do I need to do?
Please adhere to all road closed signs. Please also use the signposted detour, obey speed limits, directions from any traffic controllers, and drive carefully.
Who should I contact with questions/ concerns?
We apologise in advance for disruptions you may experience while we carry out these essential works. We would appreciate your cooperation with all traffic control and workplace protection measures to help keep everyone safe. If you have any concerns, please call Council’s Coordinator Roads Capital, Jeremy Sleigh on (02) 6625 0500 (24-hour service) or email and include the title
‘Bounty Street asphalt works’.
If you would like more information or to stay updated on this project, please visit:
Thank you.
Scott Turner
Manager Roads & Assets
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The AC-WC was laid mid-June, which completes the road works. To date, 80% of the concrete blisters have also been completed.
Current works include standing the smart poles, line marking and signage.
With favourable weather, this project is likely to be completed in the second week of July 2023.

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Due to ongoing delays in response to the February 2022 natural disaster, construction has been rescheduled to begin 6 February 2023 (subject to weather, material and contractor availability).
The roadworks will apply to the full length of Bounty Street and a road closure will be in place for this area during construction. Parking will be restricted on the street while construction is taking place. Access will be provided to business and negotiated to ensure minimal disruptions.
Works will include:
• Road Pavement and surface: Improve the sub surface pavement layers and a smooth AC Wearing Surface.
• New footpath and kerb and gutter: Remove and replace concrete sections of footpath and kerb and gutter.
• Modify Parking Areas: Modify the Parking areas to maximise available parking areas and provide a safer pedestrian facilities and reduced travel routes across Bounty Street. Increase Accessible Parking spaces.
• Signs and line marking: Install line marked parking bays.
• Install Landscaped Areas: Install landscaped areas. Manage roadside vegetation to remove obstacles, improve sight distances and clearances for signage and guideposts.
• Install Pedestrian refuges: Provide a safer area for pedestrians to wait in the center of the road.
• Driveway adjustments: Adjust driveway as required to allow safe access to businesses.