2020-21 Operational Plan and Budget

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Consultation has concluded, see News Feed below for further details.

Council is pleased to present the Imagine Lismore Draft 2020-2021 Operational Plan including the Revenue Policy and Borrowings and Fees and Charges for the community’s review and feedback.

The Draft 2020-2021 Operational Plan is the fourth year of the 2017-2021 Delivery Program, which is developed to provide the detailed information about Council’s projects, services and major programs planned for that financial year.

While we have been faced with difficult circumstances this year, Councillors and staff have worked hard to deliver an Operational Plan that can both maintain the service levels expected by the community and ensure the viability of Council funds in the long term.

Some key features of the upcoming plan are:

  • $12.9m of roads construction for – Blue Knob, Coraki, Dunoon, Nimbin, Alphadale, Boatharbour, Caniaba, Cowlong, Gungas, Johnston, Rock Valley, Stoney Chute and The Channon Roads, and Orion, Diadem and Keen Streets.
  • $7.85m of roads maintenance to help clear the significant backlog in roadworks.
  • Investment of $4.2m in improvements to the Lismore Regional Airport through a Federal Government grant.
  • Investment of $4.7 m in upgrades to Oakes Oval and Crozier Field through State and Federal Government funding.
  • Investment of $1.5m in CBD revitalisation through State Government funding.
  • Investment of $2.3m in Nimbin and Lismore Showgrounds through the Federal Government.
  • Southern Cross University has chosen not to renew funding for The Quad due to budget cuts. We hope to renew these programs next year when the economy has returned to normal.
  • Council is retaining funding to its two signature events the Lismore Lantern Parade and Eat the Street. Other events will be funded when grants become available.
  • Council will review visitor information services and will ensure that they meet expectations of online information delivery.
  • Council will close the Brewster Street Drop-off Centre due to safety concerns.
  • Tip vouchers will not be available this year but will be reissued in the 2021-22 financial year.

We take pride in being able to deliver for our community, and would encourage all local residents to take the chance to have their say and join us in creating a future for our region we can all be proud of.

Please take some time to review the documents and provide Council with your comments. Draft copies of these documents are available on the right-hand side of this page in the Document Library.

Following the exhibition period and the receipt of public comments, this matter will be reported back to Council for final adoption at the 16 June extraordinary meeting, including all submissions received during the exhibition period.

We value your feedback and appreciate any input you may have.

Hard copies:

  • Hard copies of the Draft 2020-2021 Operational Plan will not be freely available to the community due to requirements under the NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order 2020.

You can provide your feedback via a submission in the following ways:

  • Online - see the submission form below
  • In writing to the General Manager, Lismore City Council, PO Box 23A, Lismore, NSW 2480
  • Via email to council@lismore.nsw.gov.au

The Operational Plan is on public exhibition from 13 May to 10 June 2020.

Council is pleased to present the Imagine Lismore Draft 2020-2021 Operational Plan including the Revenue Policy and Borrowings and Fees and Charges for the community’s review and feedback.

The Draft 2020-2021 Operational Plan is the fourth year of the 2017-2021 Delivery Program, which is developed to provide the detailed information about Council’s projects, services and major programs planned for that financial year.

While we have been faced with difficult circumstances this year, Councillors and staff have worked hard to deliver an Operational Plan that can both maintain the service levels expected by the community and ensure the viability of Council funds in the long term.

Some key features of the upcoming plan are:

  • $12.9m of roads construction for – Blue Knob, Coraki, Dunoon, Nimbin, Alphadale, Boatharbour, Caniaba, Cowlong, Gungas, Johnston, Rock Valley, Stoney Chute and The Channon Roads, and Orion, Diadem and Keen Streets.
  • $7.85m of roads maintenance to help clear the significant backlog in roadworks.
  • Investment of $4.2m in improvements to the Lismore Regional Airport through a Federal Government grant.
  • Investment of $4.7 m in upgrades to Oakes Oval and Crozier Field through State and Federal Government funding.
  • Investment of $1.5m in CBD revitalisation through State Government funding.
  • Investment of $2.3m in Nimbin and Lismore Showgrounds through the Federal Government.
  • Southern Cross University has chosen not to renew funding for The Quad due to budget cuts. We hope to renew these programs next year when the economy has returned to normal.
  • Council is retaining funding to its two signature events the Lismore Lantern Parade and Eat the Street. Other events will be funded when grants become available.
  • Council will review visitor information services and will ensure that they meet expectations of online information delivery.
  • Council will close the Brewster Street Drop-off Centre due to safety concerns.
  • Tip vouchers will not be available this year but will be reissued in the 2021-22 financial year.

We take pride in being able to deliver for our community, and would encourage all local residents to take the chance to have their say and join us in creating a future for our region we can all be proud of.

Please take some time to review the documents and provide Council with your comments. Draft copies of these documents are available on the right-hand side of this page in the Document Library.

Following the exhibition period and the receipt of public comments, this matter will be reported back to Council for final adoption at the 16 June extraordinary meeting, including all submissions received during the exhibition period.

We value your feedback and appreciate any input you may have.

Hard copies:

  • Hard copies of the Draft 2020-2021 Operational Plan will not be freely available to the community due to requirements under the NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order 2020.

You can provide your feedback via a submission in the following ways:

  • Online - see the submission form below
  • In writing to the General Manager, Lismore City Council, PO Box 23A, Lismore, NSW 2480
  • Via email to council@lismore.nsw.gov.au

The Operational Plan is on public exhibition from 13 May to 10 June 2020.

  • The submission period for the 2020-21 Draft Operational Plan and Budget has closed. All submissions received during the exhibition period will be considered by Council prior to the finalisation and adoption of the draft Operational Plan 2020-2021. The draft Operational Plan will be considered at the Council meeting on Tuesday 16 June 2020 for formal adoption. Public Access is held at the start of every Council meeting. Our Council meetings are now held virtually due to COVID-19 and public access will be conducted via phone. Community members can speak for up to four minutes on any agenda item included in the Business Paper. To be included in the public access session, please complete the form on the right of the page and return to council@lismore.nsw.gov.au Thank you for your interest in the Operational Plan process.

    Consultation has concluded, see News Feed below for further details.

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