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Consultation has concluded
Council has placed proposed amendments to its Code of Meeting Practice on public exhibition for 42 days for community feedback.
The Code of Meeting Practice, along with the related Practice Notes and the Councillor Briefings Policy, governs all aspects of how Council meetings are run.
The proposed changes include:
The code of meeting practice is being updated to include 3.16(a)
(a) Any response provided to a question with notice submitted under clause 3.16 will be included in the minutes of the meeting. In the case of an oral response a transcript of the response is to be included on the minutes.
Submissions can be sent via:
Online: Online submission form below
Mail: Lismore City Council, C/O General Manager, PO Box 23A LISMORE NSW 2480
All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available on Council’s website, in accordance with the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Submissions close at 4.30pm on 14 September 2023.
Council has placed proposed amendments to its Code of Meeting Practice on public exhibition for 42 days for community feedback.
The Code of Meeting Practice, along with the related Practice Notes and the Councillor Briefings Policy, governs all aspects of how Council meetings are run.
The proposed changes include:
The code of meeting practice is being updated to include 3.16(a)
(a) Any response provided to a question with notice submitted under clause 3.16 will be included in the minutes of the meeting. In the case of an oral response a transcript of the response is to be included on the minutes.
Submissions can be sent via:
Online: Online submission form below
Mail: Lismore City Council, C/O General Manager, PO Box 23A LISMORE NSW 2480
All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available on Council’s website, in accordance with the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.