- background on the community’s long term needs and aspirations
- details of what our key services provide, upcoming projects, and how service performance is measured
- service budgets and financial forecasts for the next four years.
What is the Delivery Program?
The Delivery Program sets out the work that Council proposes to do in the next four years, to deliver on the community outcomes and goals of the Community Strategic Plan.
The Delivery Program is updated annually and includes:
The first year of the Delivery Program is called the Operational Plan and includes the annual budget.
What is the Fees & Charges Document?
The Fees and Charges document details how much Council will charge for a range of services in the financial year. These are usually services provided on a user-pays basis, which not all ratepayers will use e.g. hiring halls, childcare, theatre tickets.
Fees and charges are set annually, and generally rise by a modest percentage each year.
What is the Budget?
The Budget shows Council’s income sources and how the funds will be spent, including your rates.
The income is used to deliver services as well as maintain our infrastructure assets such as roads, footpaths, buildings, parks etc.
What is the Long Term Financial Plan?
The Long Term Financial Plan sets out how Council will financially resource its commitments in the most sustainable way - such as infrastructure renewal, maintaining services, paying down debt and funding capital projects. As a rolling 10-year plan, it is updated annually to reflect material changes in assumptions, strategies, issues and risks. It sets the stage for the annual budget in the Operational Plan and ensures financial robustness.
How will my submission be used?
Every submission received will be considered in the process of finalising the documents on exhibition. We will remove personal and identifying information from submissions before making the content public in the report to Council meeting.