Latest News: 17 January 2020
Thank you to everyone who attended our Community Coffee Cart information session on 16 January in Diadem Street – it was great to speak face-to-face with residents about the project.
For those who couldn’t make it, some of the key talking points were as follows:
Eire Constructions Pty Ltd has been appointed as the contractor undertaking roadworks.
The extent of work is constrained to repairing the existing road and widening the road by about 2.5m on each side to facilitate on-street, parallel parking.
- Eire anticipate starting in early February. Work will take approximately six weeks.
- Sections of the road will be closed to through traffic at times, but the contractor will work with residents to ensure access to properties where possible.
- The contractor will also arrange for bin collections as required. Residents should place their bins outside their house on their normal collection day and the contractor will move them to a central location and return. A number may be temporarily drawn on the bins with chalk to differentiate.
- Some residents we spoke to had specific requests regarding personal driveway access. The scope of works does not extend to driveways however residents with any specific requests are welcome to get in contact with the Project Manager, Aaron Hoffman to discuss options. If considered appropriate, Council may be able to provide a quote for the additional work to be completed as part of the project.
Key contacts throughout construction are:
Tom Rayner, Eire
Constructions –Construction
0428 771 811 or
Nathan Pendlebury, Eire Constructions – Site
0438 784
235 or
Hoffman, Lismore City Council – Project Manager
0427 559 513 or
We will continue to send Community Updates as work progresses.
This project has now been completed. Thank you for your patience while we completed these works.