Roadworks delayed by wet weather: 27 February
Unfortunately ongoing wet weather is affecting the works taking place in Diadem Street.
Council’s contractor Eire Constructions will delay major roadworks until such time as they can confidently forecast at least five consecutive days with no rain. At present, the forecast is not looking good.
This timeframe is essential to facilitate the uninterrupted reconstruction of the road, which includes:
- Ripping up the existing road.
- ‘Stabilising’ the natural ground beneath with lime – this improves its strength and requires two days of ‘curing time’ before the subsequent gravel layer can be placed.
- Re-spreading, cement stabilising and compacting the new road base (gravel layer).
If we get caught be weather mid-way through this process, it will create safety issues and result in delays, rework and disruptions to property access.
At present, the BOM is showing ongoing rain and the possibility of another east coast low in early March.
While we wait for dry weather, the contractor will complete what work they can, including the installation of sub-soil drains, which will help if rain continues.
We are very sorry for this ongoing wet weather delay. We hope residents can understand that it is better to wait and do the works efficiently once it is dry rather than go ahead while the weather is not good.
Thank you for your understanding and patience – once we have the all-clear to go ahead, we will be in touch.
This project has now been completed. Thank you for your patience while we completed these works.