Proposed Urban Release Area at Goonellabah - 1055 Bruxner Highway

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A 60 hectare site on the fringe of Goonellabah is being put forward for mixed-use development, expected to deliver over 400 dwellings and 100 commercial/industrial lots. The rezoning and development of land is a long-term project, this page will be kept up to date to keep you informed of the progress.

Background and Explanation

Draft Planning Proposal

In November 2023, Lismore City Council resolved to continue assessing a land rezoning application (referred to as a Planning Proposal) for two parcels of land at 1055 and 1055A Bruxner Highway, Goonellabah. The site is currently Rural/Agricultural land and is proposed to be rezoned to be a combination of the following land use zones:

  • R1 General Residential,
  • MU1 Mixed Use,
  • E4 Industrial, and
  • RE1 Public Recreation.

The objective of this planning proposal is to amend the Lismore Local Environmental Plan 2012 (LEP) to enable residential, mixed use and industrial development to occur on this site to meet the needs of the Lismore community.

The vision for the site is to achieve medium density development that includes a variety of housing types varying from single dwellings through to apartment buildings and shop-top housing and the above zoning combination has been carefully put forward as a way to achieve that vision. Furthermore, the draft Development Control Plan (see below) guides the deliverable outcomes for the site as development applications are lodged in the future.

Look to the 'Documents' section of this webpage to download the Planning Proposal itself, as well as the proposed Zoning Plan and other proposed planning controls - such as the Minimum Lot Size and Height of Building maps.

The NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure have given initial support for the rezoning (referred to as a Gateway Determination). Details of this can also be downloaded from the 'Planning Proposal Documents' section.

A significant amount of site-specific studies have been carried out and considered in establishing the zoning and other proposed planning controls, these documents can be made available to you by coming into the Lismore City Council offices or by emailing A list of all the available studies can be found in the 'Documents' section of this webpage.

Draft Development Control Plan

To accompany the rezoning of the land, Lismore City Council have drafted a new site-specific chapter to be added to the Development Control Plan (DCP). The function of the DCP is to guide development applications (DA) to ensure the vision and objectives for the site can be realised.

The DCP includes a Precinct Structure Plan for the site that brings to life what development is expected where and how the site will look, feel and function. This document can be downloaded from the 'DCP Documents' section of this page.

Next Steps

Feedback is being reviewed

Thank you for sharing your ideas, concerns and wishes for the future of this land. The consultation is now closed and Council staff are reviewing the feedback received. It is likely that staff will recommend changes to both the Planning Proposal and Development Control Plan based on what we heard from you and from State Agencies (such as Transport for NSW). In due course, staff will present the findings of the consultation along with proposed changes and next steps, to the Councillors at a Tuesday night briefing.

Longer term next steps are:

For the Planning Proposal - once the Councillors give their support, staff will work with the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) to put the changed planning controls into place. Lismore City Council has not been delegated as the Local Plan Making Authority for this Planning Proposal, meaning the DPHI will be authorised to update the Lismore Local Environmental Plan 2012. This process can take quite a few months. It is expected that the land could be formally rezoned in 2025.

For the Development Control Plan - once the Councillors give their support, the DCP is then considered finalised. It will be published on Lismore City Council's website and be in place in advance of the rezoning. This is expected to be by the end of 2024.

For any questions on the process, please contact Council staff.

A 60 hectare site on the fringe of Goonellabah is being put forward for mixed-use development, expected to deliver over 400 dwellings and 100 commercial/industrial lots. The rezoning and development of land is a long-term project, this page will be kept up to date to keep you informed of the progress.

Background and Explanation

Draft Planning Proposal

In November 2023, Lismore City Council resolved to continue assessing a land rezoning application (referred to as a Planning Proposal) for two parcels of land at 1055 and 1055A Bruxner Highway, Goonellabah. The site is currently Rural/Agricultural land and is proposed to be rezoned to be a combination of the following land use zones:

  • R1 General Residential,
  • MU1 Mixed Use,
  • E4 Industrial, and
  • RE1 Public Recreation.

The objective of this planning proposal is to amend the Lismore Local Environmental Plan 2012 (LEP) to enable residential, mixed use and industrial development to occur on this site to meet the needs of the Lismore community.

The vision for the site is to achieve medium density development that includes a variety of housing types varying from single dwellings through to apartment buildings and shop-top housing and the above zoning combination has been carefully put forward as a way to achieve that vision. Furthermore, the draft Development Control Plan (see below) guides the deliverable outcomes for the site as development applications are lodged in the future.

Look to the 'Documents' section of this webpage to download the Planning Proposal itself, as well as the proposed Zoning Plan and other proposed planning controls - such as the Minimum Lot Size and Height of Building maps.

The NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure have given initial support for the rezoning (referred to as a Gateway Determination). Details of this can also be downloaded from the 'Planning Proposal Documents' section.

A significant amount of site-specific studies have been carried out and considered in establishing the zoning and other proposed planning controls, these documents can be made available to you by coming into the Lismore City Council offices or by emailing A list of all the available studies can be found in the 'Documents' section of this webpage.

Draft Development Control Plan

To accompany the rezoning of the land, Lismore City Council have drafted a new site-specific chapter to be added to the Development Control Plan (DCP). The function of the DCP is to guide development applications (DA) to ensure the vision and objectives for the site can be realised.

The DCP includes a Precinct Structure Plan for the site that brings to life what development is expected where and how the site will look, feel and function. This document can be downloaded from the 'DCP Documents' section of this page.

Next Steps

Feedback is being reviewed

Thank you for sharing your ideas, concerns and wishes for the future of this land. The consultation is now closed and Council staff are reviewing the feedback received. It is likely that staff will recommend changes to both the Planning Proposal and Development Control Plan based on what we heard from you and from State Agencies (such as Transport for NSW). In due course, staff will present the findings of the consultation along with proposed changes and next steps, to the Councillors at a Tuesday night briefing.

Longer term next steps are:

For the Planning Proposal - once the Councillors give their support, staff will work with the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) to put the changed planning controls into place. Lismore City Council has not been delegated as the Local Plan Making Authority for this Planning Proposal, meaning the DPHI will be authorised to update the Lismore Local Environmental Plan 2012. This process can take quite a few months. It is expected that the land could be formally rezoned in 2025.

For the Development Control Plan - once the Councillors give their support, the DCP is then considered finalised. It will be published on Lismore City Council's website and be in place in advance of the rezoning. This is expected to be by the end of 2024.

For any questions on the process, please contact Council staff.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    To take part in the survey, please review the 'Planning Proposal' and 'DRAFT Development Control Plan' documents downloadable from this site beforehand.

    Share Survey on Facebook Share Survey on Twitter Share Survey on Linkedin Email Survey link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    All submissions, including any personal information contained therein, will become publicly available documents and will be made available on Council’s website, in accordance with the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

    Share Online Submission Form on Facebook Share Online Submission Form on Twitter Share Online Submission Form on Linkedin Email Online Submission Form link
Page last updated: 23 Jan 2025, 02:14 PM