Keen Street - Temporary Road Closure, Sunday 17 September
The final section of asphalting on Keen Street will be completed on Sunday 17 September, from midday. Road closures will be in place for Keen Street (between Woodlark and Magellan) for asphalt shape correction. Businesses with Sunday trading in the vicinity of these works have been emailed directly.
Unfortunately, this could not be completed during the prior July closure due to unforeseen circumstances and unfavourable conditions. Resulting in works being completed slower than expected. The works were stopped, to ensure Monday trade for businesses was unaffected.
Signage will be in place from Monday 11 September, notifying businesses, pedestrians and motorists.
These works are taking place to correct road depressions and shape deformities caused by the trees in the gardens over time, resulting in an uneven asphalt surface. Car park wheel stops, bollard installation and line marking cannot be completed effectively until these corrections are completed.
Line marking will be completed on Monday 18 September, with central parking bollards and wheel stops to be installed in the following week.
This project has been completed. Minor additions will be completed, before ongoing maintenance.