Project Updates Friday, 14 October 2022

This past week, the Project Team poured the new concrete footpath in the shopfront section between the Book Warehouse and Henrys Bakery and Café. We greatly appreciate the patience showed by all Keen Street businesses, especially those in this section whilst we undertake these works.

We also repaved the parking lane up to the crossing to the new levels and are currently trialling public vehicle use through the use of a U-turn. Special mention to Thai Satay Hut and Scoops and Candy for assistance in policing rogue parkers in the U-turn bay.

The new underground power and communications network has also been progressed to Woodlark Street.

Priorities for the Project Team over the next week are as follows:

  • Concrete pours will be occurring in the top section of the footpath between Henrys Bakery and Café and the corner of Keen/Woodlark.
  • Stormwater and Drainage lines will be connected and progressing down the street.
  • The kerb at the traffic blister in front of the Book Warehouse will be formed and potentially poured later in the week.

The last of the short 'no public access' periods will be occurring next week, these dates are as follows: (no changes)

Ch 175 – 225 Henrys Bakery to iRoll&Bowl

Footpath closed 17/10/22 to 20/10/22

Footpath to reopen 21/10/22

Once again we would like to thank the businesses for their understanding around these closures in order to accelerate the works.

Currently the Project Team are available onsite Mondays 3pm and Wednesdays 11am for discussions around construction staging and business interactions.

We request your patience with us as we do our best to complete these works in the most timely manner possible.

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This project has been completed. Minor additions will be completed, before ongoing maintenance.

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