Will the footpath be closed?
No, there will be pedestrian access while work is being completed. The work will be completed in stages to minimise disruptions.
Will businesses remain open during the project?
Yes, we will work closely with businesses to ensure access is available to shopfronts. However, for safety reasons there are some short 'no public access' closures planned. We are working with businesses to provide access where possible, including back access via Eggins Lane for those who have it available during these times. Please continue to support local businesses throughout this project, and contact your favourite businesses direct to check their trading hours.
How will businesses & residents be impacted?
This is a major project and we recognise residents and businesses will be affected during the various stages of the project. We will work closely with impacted residents and business operators throughout the entirety of the project, to communicate updates in advance and minimise disruptions. Communications to the public will promote that businesses are still open and where possible we will ensure the public has access to businesses during their business hours.
How much will this cost?
Government funding of $1.2M has been secured for this project, through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Grant.
How long will this project take?
This project is expected to be finalised by November 2022. The project could be delayed, however, due to unplanned events such as wet weather or unexpected disturbance to a service line.
What is a wombat crossing?
A wombat crossing is a pedestrian (zebra) crossing on a raised platform. The platform is higher than the existing road pavement level and typically at the same level of the footpath. The design of a wombat crossing means that pedestrians walk at the same level as they move from one side of the road to the other.