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Bridge construction works are now well underway. Landing bridge beams were installed yesterday at Keerrong Bridge.
Due to the February 28 disaster and March flooding events, the collapsed culvert structure located north of the intersection with Dudgeon Road is being replaced with a new 7.2m wide by 16.1m long InQuik bridge.

Works on the bridge are expected to be finalised by the end of August 2022, pending weather conditions.
Landslip repair, drainage reconstruction and gravel road resheeting is planned to commence in August.
Keerrong Road is also scheduled to undergo pavement repairs on some sections of severely damaged areas from Wednesday July 13th. Initially the works will start with drainage remediation to allow water to drain from the pavement. Following these works there will be a pavement stabilisation crew mobilising to site to stabilise the existing pavement. As well as adding an additional 150mm of new road base material to improve the pavements strength.
This work is a large roads maintenance activity and will take approximately 4 weeks to complete (weather permitting).
A single lane traffic closure will allow traffic to travel through the worksite. Signage will be in place to notify road users, and updates available on northernrivers.myroadinfo

We thank the community for their patience as we complete these works.
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Keerrong Road is also scheduled to undergo pavement repairs on some sections of severely damaged areas from Wednesday July 13th. Initially the works will start with drainage remediation to allow water to drain from the pavement. Following these works there will be a pavement stabilisation crew mobilising to site to stabilise the existing pavement. As well as adding an additional 150mm of new road base material to improve the pavements strength.
This work is a large roads maintenance activity and will take approximately 4 weeks to complete (weather permitting).
A single lane traffic closure will allow traffic to travel through the worksite. Signage will be in place to notify road users, and updates available on northernrivers.myroadinfo

We thank the community for their patience as we complete these works.
For more information on works within our LGA, please visit
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Pinchin Road works are currently underway to repair a flood damaged embankment and replace pipe adjacent to 778 Pinchin Road. To ensure access for necessary equipment and works, a full road closure is required between the hours 7-5pm on Wednesday 6th July.
Signage of the Pinchin Road closure will be in place to notify motorists and updated through
A detour is available via Keerrong Road. Motorists are advised to proceed with caution as this detour passes damaged drainage and pavement which has not yet been restored. These works are scheduled for a later date. Please drive with caution due to the rough surfaces and note the signage detailing works on this road.
Additionally, to receive updates directly please contact Lismore City Council via email or call (02) 6625 0500 to register your details and feedback.
We thank the community for their ongoing patience.
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