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Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (Dec 2023)
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Please note, there are several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently. Below are updates of some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like to secure specific updates on, please utilise the Q+A function of this page, or email
Jiggi Road
Works have been completed on Jiggi Road to address immediate issues caused from the February and March 2022 floods. This has involved DGB20 overlay, pavement stabilisation, trimming and sealing of the road surface to repair flood damages. Further assessment is required and works will continue in 2023-24.
Jiggi Road before and after images
Ashlin Road
Overlay and drainage works are now completed on Ashlin Road to repair damages caused from the February and March 2022 floods.
Ashlin Road before and after images Leeson Road
Overlay and drainage works are now completed on Leeson Road to repair damages caused from the February and March 2022 floods.
Leeson Road before and after images
Upper Tuntable Falls Road
Repair work was recently carried out for Upper Tuntable Falls Road. Overlay and drainage works are now completed to restore damages caused from the February and March 2022 floods.
Upper Tuntable Falls Road before and after images
Wallace Road
Wallace Road has recently undergone repair work up to the landslip. Overlay and drainage works are now completed to restore damages caused from the February and March 2022 floods.
Wallace Road before and after images
Tatham Road
Works were completed on Tatham Road to remove and replace existing material from the road surface, grade and roll the road with a temporary seal over the new surface. A planned return is scheduled for 2023 to complete permanent works.
Tatham Road before and after images
Tucki Road
Tucki Road works have removed and replaced existing material from the road surface, graded and rolled the road with a temporary seal over the new surface. A planned return is scheduled for 2023 to complete permanent works.
Tucki Road before works image
Riverbank Road
Works are continuing for Riverbank Road to repair the issues caused from the February and March 2022 floods, restoration works have been performed on Riverbank Road. These involved overlay, stabilise, trim and seal road surface to repair flood damages.
Riverbank Road before and after
Corndale Road
Corndale Road continues to undergo works to replace existing road surface, stabilise, trim and seal of existing road surface height to repair damages from the February and March 2022 floods.
Corndale Road before and after images
East Road
Overlay and drainage works are currently being carried out on East Road to restore damages caused from the February and March 2022 floods.
East Road before and after images
Terania Creek Road
Work is currently underway between The Channon and Lawler Road on Terania Creek Road due to a landslip after Lawler Road. Overlay and drainage work are underway to repair damages caused from the February and March 2022 floods.
Terania Creek Road before and after images
Keerrong Road
Works are continuing along Keerrong Road to overlay, stabilise, trim and seal road surface to repair damages from the February and March, 2022 floods.
Keerrong Road works
Tuntable Creek Road
Remove and replace existing material from the road surface, grade and roll the road with a temporary seal over the new surface. A planned return is scheduled for 2023 to complete permanent works.
Tuntable Creek Road works
Leycester Road
Remove and replace existing material from the road surface, grade and roll the road with a temporary seal over the new surface. With a planned return to complete permanent works in 2023.
Leycester Road before worksCURRENT WORKS – DRAINAGE WORKS
Keerrong Road
Drainage works are continuing for Keerrong Road these include desilt and reshape table drainage, while installing headwalls and pipe extensions as required to ensure water runoff from the road, to prevent future road damages from occurring.
Keerrong Road works
Restoration works are continuing along Tuntable Creek Road. Landslip repairs are currently underway through stabilisation works to allow rehabilitation of landslip and reinstatement of road and guardrail barrier.Tuntable Creek Road
Embankment failure before restoration works
The photos below outline the restoration effort including works performed by a 16-tonne hydraulic crawler mounted drill rig. This remote operated machine is designed for geotechnical site investigations and is drilling around 8m into the embankment.
Restoration works
Cawongla Road / Quilty Road
All preliminary works on Cawongla Road are completed ready to commence works on the 3rd of January 2023. Quilty road has been graded and prepared for the detour route to commence on the 3rd of January 2023, vegetation trimming has been completed and drainage works have also been completed. These works have been completed with great cooperation for the public. For further information on the work, visit the Cawongla Road update -
Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (12th Dec 2022)
Share Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (12th Dec 2022) on Facebook Share Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (12th Dec 2022) on Twitter Share Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (12th Dec 2022) on Linkedin Email Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (12th Dec 2022) linkROAD PROJECT UPDATE
Please note, there are several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently. Below are updates of some projects progressing this week.
Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like to secure specific updates on, please utilise the Q+A function of this page, or email
Riverbank Road
To repair the issues caused from the February and March 2022 floods, restoration works have been performed on Riverbank Road. These involved overlay, stablise, trim and seal road surface height to repair damages.
Image: Riverbank Road flood damage
Jiggi Road
Likewise, Jiggi Road has undergone recent works to address issues caused from the February and March 2022 floods. This has involved overlay, stabilise, trim and seal road surface height to repair damages.
Image: Jiggi Road flood damage
Braidwood Road
Braidwood Road has recently had unsealed road works completed, the below image outlines the after result for the road.
Image: Braidwood Road completed works
Ashlin Road
Ashlin Road recently underwent repair works, these are now completed. The image below shows the before image of the roads condition.
Image: Ashlin Road before works
Leeson Road
Unsealed road works were recently completed for Leeson Road. The below image outlines the before condition of the road.
Image: Leeson Road before works
Upper Tuntable Falls Road
Repair work was recently carried out and are now completed for Upper Tuntable Falls Road. The image below shows the before image of the roads condition.
Image: Upper Tuntable Falls Road before works
Tatham Road
Remove and replace existing material from the road surface, grade and roll the road with a temporary seal over the new surface. A planned return is scheduled for 2023 to complete permanent works.
Image: Tatham Road before works
Tucki Road
Remove and replace existing material from the road surface, grade and roll the road with a temporary seal over the new surface. A planned return is scheduled for 2023 to complete permanent works.
Image: Tucki Road before works
Keerrong Road
Desilt and reshape table drainage, while installing headwalls and pipe extensions as required to ensure water runoff from the road, to prevent future road damages from occurring.
Image: Keerrong Road
Corndale Road
Replace existing road surface, stabilise, trim and seal of existing road surface height to repair damages from the February and March, 2022 floods.
Image: Corndale Road
Keerrong Road
Overlay, stabilise, trim and seal road surface height to repair damages from the February and March, 2022 floods.
Image: Keerrong Road
East Road, Mountain Top Road, East Road, Terania Creek Road & Wallace Road
Planning is in place to perform works shortly on the following unsealed roads: Terania Creek Road (Section before the landslip), Wallace Road, Mountain Top Road, and East Road.
Tuntable Creek Road
Remove and replace existing material from the road surface, grade and roll the road with a temporary seal over the new surface. A planned return is scheduled for 2023 to complete permanent works.
Image: Tuntable Creek Road
Leycester Road
Remove and replace existing material from the road surface, grade and roll the road with a temporary seal over the new surface. With a planned return to complete permanent works in 2023.
Image: Leycester Road before works
Keerrong Road
Remove and replace existing material from the road surface, grade and roll the road with a temporary seal over the new surface. With a planned return to complete permanent works in 2023.
Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (Nov 2022)
Share Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (Nov 2022) on Facebook Share Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (Nov 2022) on Twitter Share Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (Nov 2022) on Linkedin Email Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (Nov 2022) linkROAD PROJECT UPDATE
Please note, there are several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently. Below are updates of some projects progressing this week.
Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like to secure specific updates on, please utilise the Q+A function of this page, or email
Tuntable Creek Road temporary access works
Geotechnical drilling is continuing to refine the design to provide temporary road access.
The road is completed closed to pedestrians from Monday, 28 November 2022 to allow emergency soil nailing works to take place.
Image 1: “Slikenslide” (Geotech term) – evidence of historic landslip at this location (Note: the yellow flecks are unfortunately not gold!) Image 2: Tuntable Creek Road – current landslip site
Gravel roads repair works continuing in Precinct 12 (Fraser and Ridgewood Roads)
Image: Fraser & Ridgewood Roads
Temporary stabilisation of landslip on Stony Chute Road
Currently one lane of traffic is open between Whitney and Stanger Roads. During investigation works for the permanent design it was noted that the open lane was at risk of failure due to scour and erosion. A temporary solution using rock to buttress the open face was developed and works were completed last week. Further works are ongoing to repair damaged temporary pavement along Stony Chute Road.
Image: Stony Chute Road Landslip
Heavy patch pavement
Works are continuing on Blue Knob Road, Jiggi Road, Nimbin Road and Riverbank Road. Riverbank Road has traffic restrictions in place for driver safety through the work sites.
Image: Blue Knob & Nimbin Pavement Works
Riverbank Road - Pavement Overlay (Nov 2022)
Share Riverbank Road - Pavement Overlay (Nov 2022) on Facebook Share Riverbank Road - Pavement Overlay (Nov 2022) on Twitter Share Riverbank Road - Pavement Overlay (Nov 2022) on Linkedin Email Riverbank Road - Pavement Overlay (Nov 2022) linkSingle lane traffic control will be in place as Council completes stabilisation pavement overlay works to Riverbank Road. The works will apply to a section of Riverbank Road, to be completed over three weeks. Works are expected to start late November 2022 subject to weather, contractor, and material availability.
Funding has now been secured through Transport for NSW. This funding is allocated to repair damage sustained during the February 2022 natural disaster only. The following section has been identified based on pre and post February 2022 assessments. Additional works for Riverbank Road will continue to be assessed and reviewed.
Works will include:
- Road surface: Improve the surface of the road in places.
- Signs and line marking: Line marking and guideposts.
- Vegetation management: Manage roadside vegetation to remove obstacles, improve sight distances, and clearances for signage.
- Drainage maintenance: Re-excavate open drains and remove flood sediment as required. Minor drainage works will be completed prior to pavement works commencing.
- Driveway adjustment: Adjust access to driveways affected by the wider road footprint as required.
Road users are advised to follow signage and expect delays as these works are completed.
Further Information
Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email and include the title ‘Riverbank Road – Pavement Overlay.’