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  • Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (April 2024)

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    Please note, several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently, below are updates for some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like specific flood restoration updates on, please register your contact details via our notification list form.


    ‘Thirst for Legacy’ – CMC Community Spirit in Nimbin
    In a heart warming display of community spirit, the CMC team involved in the Nimbin Road project recently rallied together to support the Nimbin Bowling Club. Their initiative involved recycling cans and bottles collected from their work site, with the proceeds earmarked for a noble cause: funding the installation of a BBQ area at the club. CMC head office joined in on the idea, matching the money the team raised. The Nimbin Bowlo is a non-for-profit establishment, mostly managed by dedicated volunteers, so they were very appreciative of the kind gesture. Last month the dedicated team volunteered to lay down the concrete slab. Soon other organisations came to the party with Holcim Concrete Lismore providing a discount on the concrete to fit into the budget and Nimbin Hardware donating two sheets of mesh. Additionally, several locals donated their time along with the CMC staff to place and finish the slab. CMC donated labour and supervision, as you can see from the photos many locals also provided supervision of their own. This act of gratitude was CMC’s way of expressing appreciation to the local community for their unwavering support during the team’s time in our region. Their commitment to both the project and the community exemplifies the positive impact that collaborative efforts can have. LCC would like to thank the project team for their generosity and community-minded approach!

    Black Road
    The causeway has been resurfaced following recent deterioration by high water flows. The road is now repaired and new guideposts installed.

    Coraki Road
    Geotechnical works are completed on Coraki Road they will enable engineers to design and construct remediation works to deliver roads that are safer and more durable. The design phase is now in progress.

    Guardrails Projects
    The Flood Recovery Guardrail replacement multisite works are now complete. A recent project included the installation of guardrails at Kyogle Street and Oakey Creek Bridge. Thanks to all motorists for their patience during the works.

    Road Maintenance Works - Gwynne Road, Stony Chute Road & Tuntable Falls Road
    Maintenance crews were busy inspecting and providing maintenance on many roads throughout the region. To improve road conditions, crews continued to provide pothole repairs on Tuntable Falls Road and Stony Chute Road along with grading and pothole repairs on Gwynne and Yeager roads. Priority works have also commenced for Zouch Road involving a light grade and repairs to the road surface.

    Rosebank Road
    Landslip restorations are complete at Rosebank Road. The works involved reinstating the property access track and restoring the batter and table drain along the road edge.


    Crofton Road
    Road pavement restoration works are well on the way on Crofton Road. The works will be ongoing for approximately two to three months, subject to weather conditions. The road will remain open under traffic control to have minimal impact on residents, please allow extra time for delays.

    Eureka Road, Graham Road & Haywood Lane
    Works have commenced on the culvert to bridge structure replacement project at Haywood Lane. Construction has begun on installation of side tracks with piling to follow next month.

    Gungas Road
    Works commenced at the end of April on Gungas Road to desilt the creek crossing at Black Sheep. This will involve the removal of debris to allow for further rectification works.

    Newton Drive
    Works have commenced on several minor upslope landslips and a single pipe culvert. However, these works were heavily impacted this month due to weather conditions. During May, work crews are hoping for favourable weather to assist with making good progress at the sites. Works will continue to be completed under traffic control and will have minimal impact on the residents in this area.

    Nimbin Road
    Works are nearing completion on Nimbin Road at the site near Shipway Road. During the past month, works were completed for the construction drainage along the retaining wall and placement of road base layers along the full width of the road. The road has now been sealed with asphalt and guardrails installed. Remaining work includes line marking and the installation of guideposts. The road is due to be officially opened on 11 May.

    Rogerson Road
    Through successful collaboration with environmental professionals the juvenile micro bats were temporary relocated during April. Works were able to commence April 29, to start on the culvert replacement project. Thank you to the community for your understanding and patience while we relocated this projected species.

    Terania Creek – Bridge Updates
    Project is underway for bridge 1, 2 and 3. Bridge 3 has new concrete bridge approaches and scour protection completed with guardrail installation scheduled during early May. After this, installation of lateral restrains brackets will follow. Approximately 50% of bridge 2 and 1 have side track installations complete. These will continue during May, subject to weather conditions. Once completed, installation of concrete approaches and guard rail for bridges 2 and 1 will follow.

    Upper Tuntable Falls Road
    Works are underway on Landslip DM01184 near the Tuntable Falls Co-Op. However recent rain delayed the excavation process on site, weather permitting, the works are expected to take an extra three weeks. Once completed, works will commence on Landslip DM01183, located approximately 500m North of DM01184.


    Blue Knob Road
    Works will commence in May on two landslip sites identified on the below map. These works will occur for approximately 12 months. The road will remain open under stop go traffic control to have minimal impact on residents.
    Branch Creek Road
    Works are progressing for the design phase of the Branch Creek culvert replacement project. IFC drawings have been issued with procurement of pre-cast components and piling underway. Construction is expected to commence in Sept.

    Cawongla Road
    Weather pending, pipe scour protection will be undertaken in May under single lane traffic control.

    Milgate Road
    During last month grading work was completed on Milgate Road. The design for the culvert is underway and a notice will be provided on these works in the next few months.

    Oakey Creek Road
    In May, works will commence for temporary landslip repair works identified on the below map for approximately two to four weeks. The road will remain open under stop go traffic control to have minimal impact on residents.
    Patterson Road
    Work is progressing for the design phase of the Paterson Road culvert replacement project with the RFQ issued for design of culvert replacement with a new bridge structure.

  • Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (Mar 2024)

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    Please note, several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently, below are updates for some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like specific flood restoration updates on, please register your contact details via our notification list form.

    Black Road
    Temporary repair works were completed on Black Road to restore access to properties for residents. This involved importing some additional rock, stabilising the current structure with no fines concrete, and adding some additional surface material to ensure the crossing remains trafficable while the design for a new structure is under way.

    Dorroughby Road
    The Dorroughby Road landslip restoration project is now completed with motorists excitingly driving the stretch over road in mid-March. The works involved stabilising the landslip embankment, installing drainage, and constructing a new road pavement. We would like to thank the community for their patience during the construction and the positive feedback we have received from road users who are enjoying this new section of the road.

    Industry Drive
    During March work crews constructed a gabion wall to improve drainage prevent future erosion on Industry Drive. The works were completed under the watchful eye of nearby preschool children, who demonstrated great anticipation at the fence each day as they watched eagerly what the machinery would do next. A highlight for our crews as they witnessed the children’s smiling faces observing the works. Thank you to the local community for your support during these works.

    Johnston Road
    Works are now complete on a storm water outlet on Johnston Road. These works included reinstating the rock erosion protection and the concrete around the top of the precast headwall.

    Road Maintenance Works - Gwynne Road, Stony Chute Road & Tuntable Falls Road
    A busy month for our maintenance crews with staff inspecting and providing maintenance on many roads throughout the region. After listening to community concerns Gwynne Road, Stony Chute Road and Tuntable Falls Road were added as priority maintenance works. To improve road conditions, crews provided pothole repairs on Stony Chute Road and Tuntable Falls Road along with light grading and filling potholes for the sealed section of Gwynne Road.

    Crofton Road
    Road pavement restoration works have commenced on Crofton Road for the locations identified below. The works will occur for approximately two to three months, subject to weather conditions. The road will remain open under traffic control to have minimal impact on residents, please allow extra time for delays.

    Newton Drive
    Works have commenced on several minor upslope landslips and a single pipe culvert. Works will involve scaling of boulders and the clearing and reformation of a table drain to return the road to pre-existing condition. Works will be completed under traffic control and will have minimal impact on the residents in this area.

    Nimbin Road
    Works are progressing on Nimbin Road at the site near Shipway Road. During the past month, on the southbound lane, work crews have removed the asphalt and base material along with reshaping and installing drainage. The road pavement was also constructed, compacted, and rolled along the full width of the road. Following this, the steel barriers on top of the retaining wall were installed, allowing the traffic to shift back to the northbound lane. Next month, works are scheduled to construction drainage along the retaining wall and complete placement of the road base layers along the full width of the road. This will be followed by sealing and asphalting along the full width of the road, installing guardrails and construction of the gabion basket wall extension ready for the anticipated opening on the road in May.

    Milgate Road
    Works have commenced on Milgate Road involving road surface and drainage repairs.

    Rogerson Road
    The team are continuing to implement the appropriate protocols to ensure the safety of juvenile micro bats. Through successful collaboration with environmental professionals this protected species will be temporary relocated. This will allow the pups to complete their growth cycle during the breeding season and reduce their risk in maturing. We will provide further update when available. Thank you to the community for your patience and understanding.

    Rosebank Road
    Landslip restorations are underway at Rosebank Road. The works involve reinstating the property access track and restoring the batter and table drain along the road edge.

    Terania Creek – Bridge Updates
    The Terania Creek bridge project is underway for bridge 1, 2 and 3. The bridge approaches and guard rail footings are completed for bridge 1. During early March, work crews will commence final concrete works and installation of lateral restrain brackets for bridge 3.

    Tuntable Creek Road
    During March, maintenance works were completed on Tuntable Creek Road from Young Road heading back down the hill approximately 500m. These works involved reshaping of table drains, slashing and minor landslip remediation.

    Upper Tuntable Falls Road
    Works are underway on two landslip sites on Upper Tuntable Falls Road located near the Tuntable Falls Primary School. During the past month, a site office was established and works commenced to reinstate the existing open drains. Temporary ramps were also constructed to allow trucks entry to the slip area. The works are expected to take 6-8 weeks weather permitting.

    Zouch Road
    Priority works have commenced for Zouch Road. This will involve with a light grade and repairs to the road surface.

    Gwynne Road
    Gwynne Road is currently out to design; the design will take approximately one month. After this, the project will go to tender with work will be starting on the road in approximately 8 weeks.

    Magellan Street
    New guardrails will be installed on Magellan Street in the location identified on the map below during April. The road will remain open with works completed under single lane traffic control to have minimal impact on road users.

  • Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (Feb 2024)

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    Please note, several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently, below are updates for some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like specific flood restoration updates on, please register your contact details via our notification list form.

    Geotechnical Investigations
    During the last 5 months geotechnical investigations have taken place across the entire Lismore shire region. These works have involved using a drilling rig to understand subsurface conditions at the many landslip, bridge and culvert crossing locations. This information is vital in determining the most appropriate restoration design solution for these locations. All landslip, culvert and bridge geotechnical investigations have now been completed. We would like to thank residents for your patience and resilience during this time.

    Dorroughby Road
    The Dorroughby Road landslip restoration is well underway with embankment stabilisation completed last month. Wet weather has extended the closure slightly, however, drainage and road pavement works are scheduled to occur during March. See below progress photos, thank you to all the Dorroughby Road residents for your patience during this time.

    Nimbin Road
    Works are progressing on Nimbin Road at the site near Shipway Road. The retaining wall construction is now complete, and the road pavement works commenced end of February. Excitingly, traffic has temporarily moved onto the newly constructed northbound lane in preparation for an expected opening in April.

    Guardrails Project
    During the past month our guardrails project has been underway, replacing or installing new guardrails. This is multisite works to repair traffic barriers at road sections damaged during the 2022 natural disaster. Generally, the sites are at road sections over creek crossings. Each work site will require traffic control and the repair will generally be completed within 2 days. Recently, guardrails were completed on two sites at Nimbin Road, Rock Valley Road, Cawongla Road, Corndale Road and two sites at Boatharbour Road. Other road closures will be updated as scheduled work on Live Traffic.

    Tuntable Creek Road
    Works are currently underway on Tuntable Creek Road near Young Road. These involve reshaping of table drains, slashing and minor landslip remediation from Young Road heading back down the hill approximately 500m. The works are expected to be completed first week of March, pending weather conditions.

    Terania Creek Road
    The Terania Creek bridges project is underway for bridge 1, 2 and 3. The bridge approaches and guard rail footings are completed for bridge 1. During early March, work crews will commence final concrete works and installation of lateral restrain brackets for bridge 3.

    Newton Drive
    Several minor upslope landslips and a single pipe culvert were scheduled to be repaired during February, these works have now been pushed into March due to weather delays. Works will involve scaling of boulders and the clearing and reformation of a table drain to return the road to pre-existing condition. Works will be completed under traffic control and will have minimal impact on the residents in this area.

    Rosebank Road
    Landslip restoration works were scheduled for completed during February; these works have now been pushed into March due to weather delays. The works involve reinstating the property access track and restoring the batter and table drain along the road edge. Works will be completed under traffic control and will have minimal impact on the residents.

    Industry Drive
    Works have commenced on Industry Drive to improve drainage works involving the construction of a gabion wall to prevent future erosion. The works will occur for approximately two weeks, from Thursday 29 February, pending weather conditions. For further information, please view the original notice at

    Rogerson Road
    The team have been busy implementing appropriate protocols to ensure the safety of juvenile micro bats. Through successful collaboration with environmental professionals this protected species will be temporary relocated. This will allow the pups to complete their growth cycle during the breeding season and reduce their risk in maturing. We are unsure of the start date at this time. We will provide further update when available. Thank you to the community for your patience and understanding during these works. For further information, please view the original notice at:

    Johnston Road
    Works will commence to replace a damaged culvert headwall on Johnston Road for approximately two weeks, from 4 March to 18 March 2024, subject to weather conditions. The road will remain open under stop/go traffic control with slight delays expected. For further information, please view the original notice at

    Eureka Road, Graham Road & Haywood Lane
    During the end of February, all three bridges were successfully delivered to Council storage yards. The designs for each site are in the final stages with works schedules being finalised. We apologise in advance for any disruptions you may experience while we carry out this essential work. These works will involve removing the existing infrastructure at each site and preparing the area for bridge construction. To minimise impact to residents and traffic flow during the construction work a temporary track will be established as a side road. The work duration at each site is expected to be approximately 6 weeks, subject to weather conditions.

    Blue Knob Road
    Remediation works are planned to commence in April 2024 on several landslips on Blue Knob Road, the two sites currently under temporary traffic control measures. Our primary focus is to ensure the well-being of our community and to efficiently manage the project to minimise disruption. We will notify residents of the exact date and provide further information on the works closer to commencement. The expected duration of the works will be approximately nine months, this estimated period includes the remediation of the total of four landslips.

    Leycester Road
    Leycester Road design is currently underway with expected completion in May 2024. Works are expected to start on site in August 2024 and will take approximately two months to complete. Funding for these works has been approved.

    Oakey Creek Road
    Currently there are five major landslips on Oakey Creek Road. Due to the complex nature of these sites, which involves multiple design iterations and reviews from civil, structural, and geotechnical engineers, the designs are expected to be completed by September 2024, with works to commence early in 2025 pending funding approvals.

    Stony Chute Road
    There are multiple landslips along Stoney Chute Road, seven of these being complex and two being non-complex. Works will commence on the noncomplex sites during April with the expected completion of June 2024. The more complex sites are currently under design with this process anticipated to be completed by August 2024 and works estimated to start towards the end of 2024 pending funding approvals.

    Terania Creek Road
    Terania Creek Road has multiple landslip sites currently under design with expected completion in September 2024 with works estimated to commence in early 2025 pending funding approval. Currently works are underway on multiple bridges with works anticipated to be completed mid-2024.

    Wallace Road
    Wallace Road has two major landslips currently under design with this process expected to be completed by the end of June 2024. It is estimated the works will commence towards the end of 2024 pending funding approvals. Please note, we are unable to schedule works until we receive funding approval.

    Woodlawn Road
    Woodlawn Road design is currently underway with expected completion in May 2024. Works are estimated to start on site in August 2024 and will take approximately three months to complete. Funding for these works has been approved.

  • Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (Jan 2024)

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    Please note, several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently, below are updates for some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like specific flood restoration updates on, please register your contact details via our notification list form.


    Geotechnical Investigations
    During the month our contractors closed single lanes for works on Orion Street, Skyline Road South, Tuntable Creek Road, and Zouch Road to perform geotechnical investigations. This involved using a drilling rig to understand subsurface conditions. We would like to thank residents for your patience and resilience during this time. All landslip geotechnical investigations have now been completed with the bridge investigations underway and expected to also be completed by the middle of February.

    Eltham Road
    Recently, funding was secured to install guardrail on Eltham Road. These works were completed late January with a road closure in place around the site. There was a road closure between Houghlahans and Humpty Back roads and we thank the community for their patience during the road closure.

    Quilty Road
    Works were recently completed on Quilty Road to repair pavement damage and replace a culvert to return the road to pre-existing conditions. Thank you to the residents for their patience and support during the works.

    Tuntable Creek Road
    As the safety threshold had been exceeded, a road closure was triggered for Tuntable Creek Road on Wednesday 17 January 2024 at the landslip site, between Rose Road and Beardow Road. The shut down was to ensure the safety of motorists and to allow for further monitoring. Geotechnical experts were on site the next day to inspect the site and determined it could be reopened. The road reopened Thursday morning 18 January 2024. The new signs installed in October 2023 assisted to reduce detour times allowing Council to notify residents of the closure before reaching the closed site.


    Nimbin Road
    Works are continuing for Site 4km on Nimbin Road, after the successful completion and opening of Site 1Km. Recently work crews completed implementation and maintenance of the erosion control following the heavy rainfall. Placement of approximately 70% of the GWS (No Fines Concrete Blocks) on top of the pile cap and approximately 60m of drainage layer and selected fill behind the retaining wall were also recently completed.

    Guardrails Project
    During the past month our guardrails project has been underway, replacing or installing new guardrails. This is multisite works to repair traffic barriers at road sections damaged during the 2022 natural disaster. Generally, the sites are at road sections over creek crossings. Each work site will require traffic control and the repair will generally be completed within 2 days. Recently, the work crew worked on Eltham and Boatharbour Road. Other road closures will be updated as scheduled work on Live Traffic.

    Terania Creek – Bridge Updates
    The Terania Creek bridge project is underway for bridge 1, 2 and 3. The bridge approaches and guard rail footings completed for bridge 3. Commencement on bridge 2 is scheduled for early February.


    Dorroughby Road
    The road closure for Dorroughby Road was unfortunately delayed until 12 February with expected competition approximately 26 February, subject to change pending weather conditions. Works will involve scaling of boulders and the clearing and reformation of a table drain to return the road to pre-existing conditions. Road closure will be required around the works zone with the section located approximately 500 meters from the Dorroughby Road/Corndale Road intersection, between 791 Corndale Road and 65 Dorroughby Road. Motorists will be notified of the closure via roadside signage and updated through Emergency services vehicles will be accommodated. Please adhere to all road closed signs and directions from any traffic controllers.

    Rogerson Road
    A culvert replacement is planned for late February 2024. These works will require a road closure for up to 10 weeks subject to weather and resources availability. The existing culvert was damaged in the February 2022 natural disaster and has funding approved for a replacement structure with concrete pipes.

    Newton Drive
    A number of minor up slope landslips and a single pipe culvert are scheduled to be repaired during February. Works will involve scaling of boulders and the clearing and reformation of a table drain to return the road to pre-existing condition. Works will be completed under traffic control and will have minimal impact on the residents in this area.

    Rosebank Road
    Rosebank road slip will have restoration works completed during February. The works involve reinstating the property access track and restoring the batter and table drain along the road edge. Works will be completed under traffic control and will have minimal impact on the residents in this area.

    Johnston Road
    Minor works on a damaged drainage culvert along Johnston Road will be completed in February. This will involve reinstating a rock blanket that was washed away in the February 22 Flood Event. Works will be completed under traffic control and will have minimal impact on the residents in this area.

    Leycester Road
    Council wishes to advise funding has now been secured to reinstate the road to a suitable standard to ensure the community are able to travel safely along this road. The works are schedule to occur July 2024, notwithstanding another disaster event and subject to weather conditions, resources, and contractor availability. During works traffic will be impacted as the works will be carried out under Traffic Control stop/go arrangement and a reduced speed limit. At times traffic users may experience long delays to allow construction of the new pavement. Access to property driveways may be impacted or restricted at times however will ensure property owners are notified prior to this occurring. Motorists will be notified of the upcoming roadworks with VMS boards and updated through closer to construction commencement. Emergency services vehicles will be accommodated if required. Please adhere to all road signs and directions from any traffic controllers and ensure extra care is taken around workers on foot.

    Eureka Road, Graham Road & Haywood Lane
    The design plans have changed for Eureka Road, Graham Road, and Haywood Lane. These sites were originally scheduled for culvert replacement; however, funding has been successfully acquired to upgrade these locations from box culverts to bridges. Currently, design for the project works is in final stages with the bridges due to be delivered to Council late February. The works are to be scheduled after delivery, this is subject to change pending weather conditions, resources, and contractor availability. We apologise in advance for any disruptions you may experience while we carry out this essential work. These works will involve removing the existing infrastructure at each site and preparing the area for bridge construction. To minimise impact to residents and traffic flow during the construction work a temporary track will be established as a side road. The works will take approximately 6 weeks at each site.


    Our pothole repair teams are making the most of the sunny and dry weather to continue fixing our roads.
    This work to repair potholes continues as other road teams rebuild our road network following the 28 February natural disaster.
    Fixing our roads is a massive job and we are making progress. We thank you for your on-going patience.

    This week our pothole repair teams will be focusing on:
    Alphadale Road
    Koonorigan Road
    Rosebank Road
    Urban roads

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