Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (Mar 2024)
Please note, several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently, below are updates for some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like specific flood restoration updates on, please register your contact details via our notification list form.
Black Road
Temporary repair works were completed on Black Road to restore access to properties for residents. This involved importing some additional rock, stabilising the current structure with no fines concrete, and adding some additional surface material to ensure the crossing remains trafficable while the design for a new structure is under way.
Dorroughby Road
The Dorroughby Road landslip restoration project is now completed with motorists excitingly driving the stretch over road in mid-March. The works involved stabilising the landslip embankment, installing drainage, and constructing a new road pavement. We would like to thank the community for their patience during the construction and the positive feedback we have received from road users who are enjoying this new section of the road.
Industry Drive
During March work crews constructed a gabion wall to improve drainage prevent future erosion on Industry Drive. The works were completed under the watchful eye of nearby preschool children, who demonstrated great anticipation at the fence each day as they watched eagerly what the machinery would do next. A highlight for our crews as they witnessed the children’s smiling faces observing the works. Thank you to the local community for your support during these works.
Johnston Road
Works are now complete on a storm water outlet on Johnston Road. These works included reinstating the rock erosion protection and the concrete around the top of the precast headwall.
Road Maintenance Works - Gwynne Road, Stony Chute Road & Tuntable Falls Road
A busy month for our maintenance crews with staff inspecting and providing maintenance on many roads throughout the region. After listening to community concerns Gwynne Road, Stony Chute Road and Tuntable Falls Road were added as priority maintenance works. To improve road conditions, crews provided pothole repairs on Stony Chute Road and Tuntable Falls Road along with light grading and filling potholes for the sealed section of Gwynne Road.
Crofton Road
Road pavement restoration works have commenced on Crofton Road for the locations identified below. The works will occur for approximately two to three months, subject to weather conditions. The road will remain open under traffic control to have minimal impact on residents, please allow extra time for delays.
Newton Drive
Works have commenced on several minor upslope landslips and a single pipe culvert. Works will involve scaling of boulders and the clearing and reformation of a table drain to return the road to pre-existing condition. Works will be completed under traffic control and will have minimal impact on the residents in this area.
Nimbin Road
Works are progressing on Nimbin Road at the site near Shipway Road. During the past month, on the southbound lane, work crews have removed the asphalt and base material along with reshaping and installing drainage. The road pavement was also constructed, compacted, and rolled along the full width of the road. Following this, the steel barriers on top of the retaining wall were installed, allowing the traffic to shift back to the northbound lane. Next month, works are scheduled to construction drainage along the retaining wall and complete placement of the road base layers along the full width of the road. This will be followed by sealing and asphalting along the full width of the road, installing guardrails and construction of the gabion basket wall extension ready for the anticipated opening on the road in May.
Milgate Road
Works have commenced on Milgate Road involving road surface and drainage repairs.
Rogerson Road
The team are continuing to implement the appropriate protocols to ensure the safety of juvenile micro bats. Through successful collaboration with environmental professionals this protected species will be temporary relocated. This will allow the pups to complete their growth cycle during the breeding season and reduce their risk in maturing. We will provide further update when available. Thank you to the community for your patience and understanding.
Rosebank Road
Landslip restorations are underway at Rosebank Road. The works involve reinstating the property access track and restoring the batter and table drain along the road edge.
Terania Creek – Bridge Updates
The Terania Creek bridge project is underway for bridge 1, 2 and 3. The bridge approaches and guard rail footings are completed for bridge 1. During early March, work crews will commence final concrete works and installation of lateral restrain brackets for bridge 3.
Tuntable Creek Road
During March, maintenance works were completed on Tuntable Creek Road from Young Road heading back down the hill approximately 500m. These works involved reshaping of table drains, slashing and minor landslip remediation.
Upper Tuntable Falls Road
Works are underway on two landslip sites on Upper Tuntable Falls Road located near the Tuntable Falls Primary School. During the past month, a site office was established and works commenced to reinstate the existing open drains. Temporary ramps were also constructed to allow trucks entry to the slip area. The works are expected to take 6-8 weeks weather permitting.
Zouch Road
Priority works have commenced for Zouch Road. This will involve with a light grade and repairs to the road surface.
Gwynne Road
Gwynne Road is currently out to design; the design will take approximately one month. After this, the project will go to tender with work will be starting on the road in approximately 8 weeks.
Magellan Street
New guardrails will be installed on Magellan Street in the location identified on the map below during April. The road will remain open with works completed under single lane traffic control to have minimal impact on road users.

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