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  • Current Road Project Updates July 14 2022

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    Canaiba Road

    Works will begin soon on an embankment slip at the shoulder of Canaiba Road, east of Pelican Creek.

    Orion Street

    Road closure Monday 18th – 22nd July from Keen Street roundabout to Molesworth Street. Local Access Only from Dawson Street. Due to the slumping on Orion Street, geotechnical drilling will be undertaken to determine the depth of the slip plane and options for remediation.

    Koonorigan Road

    Investigations are underway to make a safe passage over the slip, while design is undertaken for a permanent solution. Funding approval has been received to heavy patch the seal on The Channon side of the slip. This work is currently being scheduled.

    Repentance Creek Road

    No further road closures. Due to delays in getting asphalt contractors, a sacrificial seal has been placed on the road surface for the safety of motorists. Works are expected to be fully completed by the end of July. Please drive with care.

    The Channon Road

    Geotechnical investigations have been completed for the slip behind the guardrail. Works will commence once the design of proposed embankment reconstruction is finalised. The scope of works required to heavy patch flood damaged sections of the road has now been approved, with works to commence in the coming weeks.

    The Channon Road (Robertson Bridge)

    Remediation works of the abutments is underway. Traffic control will be present, and motorists are advised to drive carefully.

    Pinchin Road Embankment failure

    Embankment reconstruction works are substantially complete. Pavement repair to commence shortly. Funding approval has been received to heavy patch four sections on Pinchin Road. Scheduling and advance planning of this work is underway.

    Keerrong Road

    Bridge construction works and heavy patching of sealed road is underway. Landslip repair, drainage reconstruction and gravel road resheeting is planned to commence in August.

    Tuntable Creek Road

    Investigation works north of Rose Road are underway to establish the feasibility of a side-track to facilitate local access to Nimbin. Geotechnical investigations are complete for all slips. Undergoing instrument monitoring to determine the remediation of the site.

    Funding approval has been received to heavy patch four sections on Tuntable Creek Road. Scheduling and advance planning of this work is underway.

    Duncan Road- Corndale Road

    Works to heavy patch and stabilise damaged sections are now complete.

    Richmond Hill Road

    Embankment reconstruction works remain underway under traffic light control. Pavement works will start next week

    Nimbin Road (slip north of Stony Chute)

    80% design drawings received and under review. Procurement of contractor proposed for this month.

    Woodlawn Road

    Opened up to one lane. Geotechnical investigations are scheduled for the end of July.

    Stony Chute Road

    Geotechnical drilling has been completed. Inclinometers have been installed and will monitor ground movement over the next month prior to design commencing.

    Cawongla Road

    Geotechnical drilling is underway.

    Mountain Top Road

    Geotechnical drilling is underway.

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  • Current Road Project Updates - 5 July 2022

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    Fernside Bridge

    Following the 3.5tonne (GMV) restriction put in place, a temporary crossing (side-track) is being installed on the downstream side of the current bridge to provide heavy vehicle access across the creek. This side-track will be in place until Fernside Bridge is either repaired or replaced, pending NSW Government grant submission approval.

    Dunoon Road

    Dunoon Road works at Boomerang Creek were completed on June 28th 2022. Additional pothole repair works for Dunoon Road will be completed over the coming weeks.

    The Channon Road

    Geotechnical investigations have been completed for the slip behind the guardrail. Works will commence once the design of proposed embankment reconstruction is finalised. The scope of works required to heavy patch flood damaged sections of the road has now been approved, with works to commence in the coming weeks.

    The Channon Road (Robertson Bridge)

    Remediation works of the abutments is planned for week starting July 4th 2022. Traffic control will be present, and motorists are advised to drive carefully.

    Pinchin Road Embankment failure

    Embankment reconstruction works are substantially complete. Pavement repair to the road surface will commence shortly.

    Wallace Road

    Geotechnical drilling has been completed. Inclinometers have been installed to monitor ground movement over the next month before design to build back better commences.

    Keerrong Road

    Bridge construction works are now underway. Landslip repair, drainage reconstruction and gravel road resheeting is planned to commence in August.

    Tuntable Creek Road

    Investigation works north of Rose Road are underway to establish the feasibility of a side-track to facilitate local access to Nimbin. Geotechnical investigations are complete for all slips. Undergoing instrument monitoring to determine the remediation of the site.

    Duncan Road- Corndale Road

    Works have started to heavy patch and stabilise damaged sections.

    Richmond Hill Road

    Embankment reconstruction works remain underway under traffic light control.

    Nimbin Road (slip north of Stony Chute)

    80% design drawings received and under review. Procurement of contractor proposed for this month.

    Woodlawn Road

    Opened up to one lane. Geotechnical investigations are scheduled for the end of July 2022.

    Stony Chute Road

    Geotechnical drilling has been completed. Inclinometers have been installed and will monitor ground movement over the next month prior to design commencing.

    Cawongla Road

    Geotechnical drilling is underway.