Nimbin Place Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the development of the Nimbin Place Plan.

The plan was unanimously endorsed by Council at the November meeting and is now available on Council’s website.

Council has also resolved to consider funding priority projects as part of the budget process over the next four years, and will also seek suitable grant opportunities for capital works projects.

The Nimbin Place Plan is recommend to be reviewed after four years.

The final draft of the Nimbin Place Plan has been completed.

Click the image below to view.

This Plan will be considered for adoption by Lismore City Council at its Ordinary meeting of Tuesday, November 12.

A briefing for councillors will be held on Tuesday, November 5 to go through the content of the plan and answer questions.

Submissions for the draft Nimbin Place Plan are now being collated, to inform the finalised Place Plan document. Thanks to the 85 online, and additional in writing respondents who provided their feedback.

The engagement of collaborating with residents, businesses and community organisations to develop a collective vision for the future of Nimbin, is now finalised.

Click to view the report: Nimbin Place Plan - Engagement Summary Report

Submissions overall were in favour of the draft plan, with extensive detail provided to build on existing strengths, whilst addressing potential opportunities across Allsopp Park, Peace Park and Cullen Street. Additionally, focusing on Shape, Activate and Manage actions to improve overall amenity across the village

The Nimbin Place Plan document is expected to be finalised by October, and presented to Council in November for endorsement. Updates will be shared on this page.


The future success of Nimbin will require action at all levels; from Council, our local businesses, community organisations and residents. The final output for this project will be a plan that authentically captures the identity of Nimbin and the community’s future vision that can be used by everyone. It will also include a series of actions that will require a high degree of collaboration between Council and community partners. Together we can ensure what is loved about Nimbin is retained and enhanced now and into the future.

This is an opportunity to understand from you, the Nimbin community, your ideas and aspirations for the future.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the development of the Nimbin Place Plan.

The plan was unanimously endorsed by Council at the November meeting and is now available on Council’s website.

Council has also resolved to consider funding priority projects as part of the budget process over the next four years, and will also seek suitable grant opportunities for capital works projects.

The Nimbin Place Plan is recommend to be reviewed after four years.

The final draft of the Nimbin Place Plan has been completed.

Click the image below to view.

This Plan will be considered for adoption by Lismore City Council at its Ordinary meeting of Tuesday, November 12.

A briefing for councillors will be held on Tuesday, November 5 to go through the content of the plan and answer questions.

Submissions for the draft Nimbin Place Plan are now being collated, to inform the finalised Place Plan document. Thanks to the 85 online, and additional in writing respondents who provided their feedback.

The engagement of collaborating with residents, businesses and community organisations to develop a collective vision for the future of Nimbin, is now finalised.

Click to view the report: Nimbin Place Plan - Engagement Summary Report

Submissions overall were in favour of the draft plan, with extensive detail provided to build on existing strengths, whilst addressing potential opportunities across Allsopp Park, Peace Park and Cullen Street. Additionally, focusing on Shape, Activate and Manage actions to improve overall amenity across the village

The Nimbin Place Plan document is expected to be finalised by October, and presented to Council in November for endorsement. Updates will be shared on this page.


The future success of Nimbin will require action at all levels; from Council, our local businesses, community organisations and residents. The final output for this project will be a plan that authentically captures the identity of Nimbin and the community’s future vision that can be used by everyone. It will also include a series of actions that will require a high degree of collaboration between Council and community partners. Together we can ensure what is loved about Nimbin is retained and enhanced now and into the future.

This is an opportunity to understand from you, the Nimbin community, your ideas and aspirations for the future.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This registration has concluded. Please keep any eye on the project page for further details on the development of the Nimbin Place Plan.
    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded. Please keep any eye on the project page for further details on the development of the Nimbin Place Plan.

    The focus for this Place Plan is the Nimbin Village which has been defined in the following map. 

    Please consider our privacy statement before making a submission:

    This survey will be open for feedback from 13 February - 17 March.

    Consultation has concluded
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