Nimbin Rainbow Walk

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Nimbin Rainbow Walk
December 2024 Update

Construction on the rainbow walk in Nimbin continues with a number of construction milestones achieved as Lismore City Council moves closer to its completion.

With signage designs being finalised, the Project Steering Committee decided to formalise its official name after feedback was received, changing it from ‘Nimbin Rainbow Road Walking Track ‘ to ‘Nimbin Rainbow Walk.’ The simplification of the name will help to brand and market this valuable attraction to locals and visitors and removes any confusion of it being a track along a road, still maintaining a strong focus on ‘rainbow’.

Wet weather and storm events have delayed progress, pushing back the construction and installation of the four bridges. Council’s contractor has completed two of the four bridges, with the remaining two bridges due to be completed over the coming months. Work has also been progressing well on the entry points of the walk.

A number of artworks have been completed and installed with others soon to be placed. There has been a slight delay with one artwork due to changes in the artists personal circumstances, resulting in Council and the Steering Committee needing to make decisions on how to allocate the unspent funds. It will however result in further enhancements along the walk for all to enjoy.

Some of the landscaping has also been delayed due to the recent weather events, this includes the addition of a charming low rural-style timber fence, and a large timber pergola, the installation of park seating and picnic tables, bike rack and waste bins. The new wayfinding signage to guide visitors along the walk has been designed, this will be placed at the four entry points to the walk to help visitors enjoy the most from the attraction and surrounding village.

The vegetation on the northern section of the walk is well underway, with around 1200 new plantings, and many more to come. Council thanks the Nimbin Community Centre and volunteers for all their hard work, weeding and planting an additional plantings in recent weeks through working bees, coordinated through a dedicated Landcare Group that has been established for the site.

Construction is now due for completion in the new year, followed by artwork and wayfinding signage installations, new plantings, placement of landscaping structures and new carparking requirements. Council thanks the community for their patience and support.

The project is fully funded under the NSW and Federal Government Bushfire Local Economies Fund.

Background Information

Nimbin Rainbow Walk is a project that aims to construct a concrete and boardwalk track over 750m long for the active community of Nimbin and its visiting tourists.

The project includes: concrete pathways, lighting, interpretive signage, way-finding signage, artwork, small bridges erected over the nearby creek system, park furniture and native plantings.

The total budget of $2.5m is fully funded under the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Package, which is co-funded by the Australian and NSW governments.

Community input

Council has consulted with property owners and key community members including some of those on the Nimbin Advisory Group. The thoughts and aspirations of what this walking track would look like and how it may best serve the community of Nimbin, and provide for a wonderful tourist attraction to those visiting the township of Nimbin have been incorporated into the concept design.

About the Concept Design

  • The majority of the walk will be on private property where pedestrians will have a right of footway.
  • The track will be maintained by Lismore City Council.
  • Interpretation signage will be discussed in the coming months, but may centre around the Nimbin locality, Aboriginal Cultural Heritage and/or the Aquarius Festival held in 1973.
  • The track will provide for a preferred route for pedestrians from Alternative Way to and from the CBD.
  • A future artwork project to involve local artists
  • Make additional improvements to the creek line flora with weed control and native plantings.
Nimbin Rainbow Walk
December 2024 Update

Construction on the rainbow walk in Nimbin continues with a number of construction milestones achieved as Lismore City Council moves closer to its completion.

With signage designs being finalised, the Project Steering Committee decided to formalise its official name after feedback was received, changing it from ‘Nimbin Rainbow Road Walking Track ‘ to ‘Nimbin Rainbow Walk.’ The simplification of the name will help to brand and market this valuable attraction to locals and visitors and removes any confusion of it being a track along a road, still maintaining a strong focus on ‘rainbow’.

Wet weather and storm events have delayed progress, pushing back the construction and installation of the four bridges. Council’s contractor has completed two of the four bridges, with the remaining two bridges due to be completed over the coming months. Work has also been progressing well on the entry points of the walk.

A number of artworks have been completed and installed with others soon to be placed. There has been a slight delay with one artwork due to changes in the artists personal circumstances, resulting in Council and the Steering Committee needing to make decisions on how to allocate the unspent funds. It will however result in further enhancements along the walk for all to enjoy.

Some of the landscaping has also been delayed due to the recent weather events, this includes the addition of a charming low rural-style timber fence, and a large timber pergola, the installation of park seating and picnic tables, bike rack and waste bins. The new wayfinding signage to guide visitors along the walk has been designed, this will be placed at the four entry points to the walk to help visitors enjoy the most from the attraction and surrounding village.

The vegetation on the northern section of the walk is well underway, with around 1200 new plantings, and many more to come. Council thanks the Nimbin Community Centre and volunteers for all their hard work, weeding and planting an additional plantings in recent weeks through working bees, coordinated through a dedicated Landcare Group that has been established for the site.

Construction is now due for completion in the new year, followed by artwork and wayfinding signage installations, new plantings, placement of landscaping structures and new carparking requirements. Council thanks the community for their patience and support.

The project is fully funded under the NSW and Federal Government Bushfire Local Economies Fund.

Background Information

Nimbin Rainbow Walk is a project that aims to construct a concrete and boardwalk track over 750m long for the active community of Nimbin and its visiting tourists.

The project includes: concrete pathways, lighting, interpretive signage, way-finding signage, artwork, small bridges erected over the nearby creek system, park furniture and native plantings.

The total budget of $2.5m is fully funded under the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Package, which is co-funded by the Australian and NSW governments.

Community input

Council has consulted with property owners and key community members including some of those on the Nimbin Advisory Group. The thoughts and aspirations of what this walking track would look like and how it may best serve the community of Nimbin, and provide for a wonderful tourist attraction to those visiting the township of Nimbin have been incorporated into the concept design.

About the Concept Design

  • The majority of the walk will be on private property where pedestrians will have a right of footway.
  • The track will be maintained by Lismore City Council.
  • Interpretation signage will be discussed in the coming months, but may centre around the Nimbin locality, Aboriginal Cultural Heritage and/or the Aquarius Festival held in 1973.
  • The track will provide for a preferred route for pedestrians from Alternative Way to and from the CBD.
  • A future artwork project to involve local artists
  • Make additional improvements to the creek line flora with weed control and native plantings.
Page last updated: 02 Dec 2024, 11:37 AM