9 June 2022
Terania Creek Road -
Geotechnical works are now completed on Terania Creek Road. Instruments have been installed to monitor the slip plane. With this information, design works to build back better will commence in a month.
Wallace Road -
Road remains open under traffic control as geotechnical drilling rig is mobilised. There will likely be traffic delays, we appreciate the ongoing patience.
Black Road -
Temporary crossing is now in place.
Ross Road -
Culvert has been cleared.
The Channon Road-
Geotechnical investigations are now complete. Reconstruction will be dependant on design of proposed embankment.
The Channon Road (Robertson Bridge) -
Remediation works of the abutments is planned for the coming weeks. Traffic control will be onsite, motorists are advised to drive with caution.
Pinchin Road (embankment) -
Works are scheduled following the completion of Robertson Bridge. Possible road closure may be required, which will be advised closer to the date.
Tuntable Creek Road -
Local access to Nimbin is being investigated. Works north of Rose Road are underway to establish the feasibility of a side-track to facilitate this access. Geotechnical investigations are complete for all reported slips. Instrument monitoring continues to determine the remediation of the site.
Keerrong Road -
Bridge piling is underway. More information for this project can be found at: https://yoursay.lismore.nsw.gov.au/keerrong-road-works
As always, we thank the community for their ongoing patience. If you have any questions we ask to please utilise the Q&A function of this page to ensure we can share with the community.
All road repairs related to the 2022 disaster are being shared on the Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges page.