Chelmsford Bridge, Chelmsford Road - Bridge Upgrade
We are seeking your feedback to support our application for funding to complete the Chelmsford Bridge replacement project. This survey will take 5 - 10minutes, and close on Sunday 8 September.
Council has completed survey and geotechnical investigations and is now in the process of designing the bridge upgrade for Chelmsford Bridge. The new bridge is proposed to be built upstream to the existing bridge. Upon completion of the new bridge, the existing bridge would be demolished. The new bridge finished surface level will be raised approximately 2,000mm above the current finished surface level of the existing bridge.
Council is committed to applying for applicable grants for state and federal funding to cover the construction costs for this project. At present the bridge is eligible under the ‘Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program (SLRIP)’ grant.
Part of the SLRIP grant scoring criteria relate to community feedback and community impact. We have tailored the questions below to best respond to the criteria. Council would love to be able to deliver a new bridge for our community however we need your assistance.
*Name and contact details are requested as part of this survey to ensure validity of respondents. These details will be redacted for any public documents.