Stage 1 Consultation Outcomes
Thankyou to everyone who participated in recent community consultation activities to inform a masterplan for the much loved Wade Park.
- What you told us -
What we love now
You told us that Wade Park is one of Lismore’s most important parks which many people have a connection with, is a great multipurpose community space, and with improvements has the capacity to be a renowned local attraction.
Currently the park is mainly used for play, relaxation, picnics, walking the dog, and the road safety kid’s bike track. Facilities that are important to be retained include: bike path/walking track; the park size, openness, and green space; play equipment; and shade. You would also like to see the park maintenance improved overall and continue to be sustained with the future rebuild.
What we’d like to see in the future
In the future, the community prioritised the following to be included in the masterplan:
- Play equipment (swinging, sliding, climbing) and safety surfaces
- Toilet upgrades
- Water play equipment
- Kid’s bike track facility upgrades (path repair, new features, signage)
- BBQ and picnic shelter facilities, improved seating, tables and water fountains
- Walking and cycling paths
- Facilities for young people like multipurpose courts.
Other future improvement priorities and ideas that were raised included:
- Dog friendly improvements, such as dog off leash area, water stations and waste bins
- Outdoor gym/fitness equipment
- Regeneration of natural wetland environment, including local native plants, garden beds, bush tucker garden, local wildlife friendly habitats
- Increasing shade, particularly over the play areas.
Based on your feedback, and the analysis of Wade Park’s constraints and opportunities, we are now preparing masterplan options. We will be consulting with the community about these options in early April at pop up events in Wade Park where you can provide your feedback.
Consultation has concluded