Share 17 August: Project Update on Facebook
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Email 17 August: Project Update link
This project is now complete. Eggins Lane is open to traffic and all works are finished. We would like to thank the businesses in Keen Street, Eggins Lane and surrounding areas for their patience and understanding during this project.
Share 16 July: Project Update on Facebook
Share 16 July: Project Update on Linkedin
Email 16 July: Project Update link
In the last few weeks, work on Eggins Lane Stage 2 has been affected by rain. We also needed to change the electrical design which caused some delay. At this stage, the road will be open to traffic on 12 August, assuming good weather. Civil works will be complete this week (drainage and earthworks,) concrete works have commenced and asphalt works are planned for mid August. All work will be complete by late August. We know this has all taken longer than originally estimated and we thank you for your patience.
Share 15 June: Project Update on Facebook
Share 15 June: Project Update on Linkedin
Email 15 June: Project Update link
Closure of rest of Eggins Lane, up to Larkin Lane - happening on Monday 21 June.
Works will be progressing up Eggins Lane towards Larkin Lane next week which means that the rest of Eggins Lane (the last section which meets Larkin Lane) will be closed from next Monday 21 June.
If you have any questions about this or need to discuss your access requirements please contact Joe on 0436 660 035 or
Share 1 June: Project Update on Facebook
Share 1 June: Project Update on Linkedin
Email 1 June: Project Update link
Stage 1 of the Eggins Lane project is now complete and this part of the lane is now open for traffic. Stage 2 works have started and are expected to be completed by late July. Please refer to the map on the right hand side of this page for an explanation of Stage 1 and Stage 2.
Share 18 May: Project Update on Facebook
Share 18 May: Project Update on Linkedin
Email 18 May: Project Update link
Latest update is that rain has delayed things further and we are now aiming for a completion of stage 1 in w/c 31 May and for Stage 2 to start that same week
Share 5 May 2021: Project Update on Facebook
Share 5 May 2021: Project Update on Linkedin
Email 5 May 2021: Project Update link
Stage 1 of the Eggins Lane roadworks is nearing completion. Sub base is now being poured and this then has to be left to set or cure for a week. The final stage is asphalting and, providing the weather is kind to us, that work will be completed by the week of 24 May. This means that the area of Eggins Lane marked as Stage 1 in our map will be open to traffic in the week of 24 May. Stage 2 will commence in that same week. During Stage 2, the section of Eggins Lane from County Lane to Larkins Lane will be closed.
If you have any concerns regarding access to your business for deliveries during Stage 2, or any other concerns please contact Project Manager, Joe Lokic on 0436 660 035. He will work with you to find solutions wherever possible.
Share 26 April 2021: Project Update on Facebook
Share 26 April 2021: Project Update on Linkedin
Email 26 April 2021: Project Update link
Joe Lokic, the Project Manager for this project has confirmed that there are no road closures planned for this week and that access will be as normal (with the exception of one business that is being dealt with directly). He has also provided the following information:
- This week storm water drainage and earthworks will be complete
- 50% of the E2 kerb works will be complete
- 50% of the gutter works will be complete
- Sub base works will commence late in the week
Share 21 April 2021: Project Update on Facebook
Share 21 April 2021: Project Update on Linkedin
Email 21 April 2021: Project Update link
BASEC Engineering, the contractors managing this project, have confirmed that there are no road closures planned for this week and that access will be as normal. They have also provided the following information:
- Civil works will continue with Stormwater drainage line 2
- Concrete kerb and gutter works will start
- Concrete sub-base construction will commence late in the week
- Works still on track to be completed mid May
Share 12 April 2021: Project Update on Facebook
Share 12 April 2021: Project Update on Linkedin
Email 12 April 2021: Project Update link
- Works are progressing in Section 1 with removal of pavement material to re-commence on Monday. This will involve a number a truck movements in and out of Eggins Lane via Carrington Street
- Stormwater drainage works are to start at the intersection of Country Lane and Eggins Lane on Thursday. There will be restricted access to Eggins lane during those works (see Vehicle Management Plan below (*and a large version to the right hand side of the page)
- Works in Section 1 are scheduled to be completed in May
Share 16 March: Update on progress on Facebook
Share 16 March: Update on progress on Linkedin
Email 16 March: Update on progress link
Work commenced on site in early March and the lane way from County Lane around to Carrington Street is now closed to the public. So far, the old pavement material has been removed and new storm water drainage has been installed. Concrete works associated with the construction of the new pavement are due to commence next month. The wet weather is obviously hampering progress but Jamie Blair's team are keeping in contact with business owners to iron out any issues and to update them on progress.