Wyrallah Road - Pavement Works (Jan 2023)
Following the 2022 natural disaster, Wyrallah Road suffered extensive damage. Works will begin from the end of January for pavement rehabilitation, please refer to the map provided for an overview of the location.
All works will be completed under single lane traffic control, this will be implemented from January 30th 2023 for 4 months with a planned completion in late May 2023, subject to fine weather, between the hours of 7am and 5pm. This planned single lane road closure will allow Council to preform reconstruction work on Wyrallah Road preforming numerus tasks mentioned within this letter throughout the 500m stretch of the road.
Funding has been secured through Transport for NSW. This funding is allocated to repair damage sustained during the February 2022 natural disaster only. Additional works required and subsequent funding for Wyrallah Road are being reviewed.
We apologise in advance for access disruptions you may experience during these construction activities, and we thank you in anticipation of your cooperation and patience during these essential works.
Map outlining approximate location of the Wyrallah Road single lane closure
What are the works?
The works will reconstruct and rehabilitate approximately 500m of Wyrallah Road. These works include removing approximately 400mm of shoulder material and replacing this section with roadbase through the first 100m of the project from Lismore. Then, approximately 100mm of the existing surface will be overlaid and stabilised. Throughout the remaining 250m length of the road, crews will remove unsuitable material to an approximate depth of 600mm below existing heights and replace it with 500mm of rock, and 350mm of roadbase. This will result in an increased road height of approximately 250mm from the existing height to the finish surface height. Throughout this construction process drainage works, kerb installation and subsoil installation will also be completed.
When are the works taking place?
Works are scheduled to start from January 30th and are expected to take about four months to complete, subject to fine weather conditions. Daily work hours will mostly be between 7am and 5pm weekdays, although there may be some weekend work.
What will be the traffic controls/detours?
Due to the intensive nature of roadworks and associated traffic controls, there will unfortunately be some traffic disruptions. These traffic controls will include single land road closure. This will ensure the roadworks are completed in a timely manner, with safety as a predominant factor, by eliminating traffic through a single lane of this road throughout the construction footprint. Throughout the construction period there may be periods where 24/7 portable traffic lights will be needed to keep a travel lane closed overnight.
Local access to residences will be maintained by actively managing residents’ needs within the construction footprint to allow access to homes, however, please be aware of delays. Electronic billboard signage will notify motorists of detours via Lismore and Tregeagle Road. Updates will also be available via Live Traffic NSW and Your Say (page details below). Road users are advised to seek alternate routes, as single lane closures are likely to cause heavy traffic delays.
Please commute through the job sites at low speed, obey traffic control instructions and drive carefully.
Further Information
Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email council@lismore.nsw.gov.au and include the title ‘Wyrallah Road – Pavement Works.’

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