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Consultation has concluded. Please see the Timeline and Next
Steps segment on the right-hand side of the page for progress on this project.
Lismore City Council would like to thank those people who have responded to the Lismore rates consultation since it opened on 1 August.
Your feedback is valuable and there have been some great comments, suggestions and questions.
We have listened to this feedback and developed a new rates proposal for the community to consider.
In our round one consultation, we asked you to consider a proposed Special Rate Variation (SRV) that would apply to all Lismore ratepayers. This included a year one increase of 17% and a year two increase of 6.9%.
Your feedback told us that the year one increase was higher than expected.
We have listened to this feedback and developed a new proposal with smaller annual increases spread over a greater number of years.
In this new round of consultation, residents and ratepayers have three possible options to consider.
We need to know, what is your preference?
Your answers and feedback will help Lismore City Council make an informed decision.
All feedback from round one and round two of the consultation will be provided to Council at its 12 November meeting where a decision on whether to make an application to IPART for an SRV will be made.
The round two rates consultation is open for community feedback until 30 September.
Complete the Round 2 Survey.
Register for the community workshop.
Attend an Information Kiosk and talk to staff face-to-face.
Ask a question in our online Q&A.
Lismore City Council would like to thank those people who have responded to the Lismore rates consultation since it opened on 1 August.
Your feedback is valuable and there have been some great comments, suggestions and questions.
We have listened to this feedback and developed a new rates proposal for the community to consider.
In our round one consultation, we asked you to consider a proposed Special Rate Variation (SRV) that would apply to all Lismore ratepayers. This included a year one increase of 17% and a year two increase of 6.9%.
Your feedback told us that the year one increase was higher than expected.
We have listened to this feedback and developed a new proposal with smaller annual increases spread over a greater number of years.
In this new round of consultation, residents and ratepayers have three possible options to consider.
We need to know, what is your preference?
Your answers and feedback will help Lismore City Council make an informed decision.
All feedback from round one and round two of the consultation will be provided to Council at its 12 November meeting where a decision on whether to make an application to IPART for an SRV will be made.
The round two rates consultation is open for community feedback until 30 September.
Complete the Round 2 Survey.
Register for the community workshop.
Attend an Information Kiosk and talk to staff face-to-face.
Consultation has concluded. Please see the Timeline and Next
Steps segment on the right-hand side of the page for progress on this project.
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