Uralba Street roadworks - Diadem to Brewster Street
These works are completed

***These works are now complete and Uralba Street, between Diadem and Brewster Streets has re-opened. See further information under 'Community Updates' below *****
Council plans to reconstruct a section of Uralba Street between Diadem and Brewster Streets. The roadworks are expected to take 5-6 weeks to complete (subject to fine weather) and are planned to commence in late June/early July 2021.
These planned roadworks are jointly funded by the Australian Government in Association with the NSW Government and Lismore City Council under the Fixing Local Roads Program. This program provides funding to Councils to assist in reducing the local roads maintenance backlog.
The works are to be completed in two phases. This will ensure Coles supermarket is not negatively impacted by the works and can receive trucks and goods during the construction period. These phases are shown in the map on the right hand side of this project page.
Local access to residences will also be maintained by Council during the construction period.
The roadworks will include the rehabilitation and resurfacing of the current road which will then be finished with an asphalt seal. Asphalt has been chosen due to its durability, longevity and the speed at which it can be placed.
Our hours of work will generally be 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday and may also include some Saturdays to complete the work efficiently.
A temporary road closure and detours will be in place as we work along Uralba Street, between Diadem and Brewster Streets.
Please see our onsite electronic message boards for more information or keep an eye on the Community Updates below. You can also ask us a question below at any time and we will get a staff member to respond as soon as possible.
These works are completed