New Ballina Road roadworks - Between Hunter and O'Flynn Streets
Consultation has concluded

Council plans to reconstruct a 700m section of New Ballina Road between Hunter and O’Flynn Streets. The roadworks are expected to take approximately 5 months to complete (subject to fine weather) and will commence in late June 2021.
Please note that the Claude Riley Lookout will be closed to the public for the duration of these works as it will be used as a site office. This has been agreed with the Rotary Club of Lismore.
These roadworks are proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with the Australian Government.
What are the details of the works?
The works will reconstruct and rehabilitate approximately 700m of New Ballina Road between Hunter and O’Flynn Streets and will include widening and slope stabilisation, stormwater upgrade, installation of kerb and gutter and reshaping of existing table drains.
What will the daily work hours be on site?
Daily work hours will mostly be between 7am and 4pm weekdays, although there may be some weekend work.
What are the traffic adjustments?
Due to the intensive nature of these roadworks and the associated traffic controls, there will unfortunately be some significant traffic disruptions.
A temporary road closure and detours will be in place as we work along New Ballina Road, between Hunter and O’Flynn Streets. Local access to residences will be maintained by Council staff.
What do I need to do?
Please commute through the job site at low speed, obey traffic control instructions and drive carefully.
Staff are currently working under COVID-19 restrictions and we request that you follow any public health safety advice given by our staff and also comply with all traffic control and workplace protection measures to help keep road users, pedestrians and those working safe.
Who should be contacted if I have questions?
If you have any questions or would like to discuss the project during construction hours, please call our Project Engineer, William Lee, on 0427 674 008. For enquiries outside normal working hours please call 1300 87 83 87 (24-hour service).
You can also ask Council staff questions via the Q&A function below and read ongoing updates via the “Community Updates” tab below.