Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (May 2023)
Please note, several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently, below are updates for some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like specific flood restoration updates on, please register your contact details via our notification list form.
Wallace Road
Council recently completed temporary pavement patching works around the slip area on Wallace Road to improve road surface conditions. The works are a temporary measure, until permanent pavement rehabilitation works are scheduled.
Mackie Road
Following the AGRN943 2020 natural disaster the Mackie Road causeway at Johnston Creek suffered extensive damage. Funding was awarded to replace the damaged structure with a bridge to reduce impediments to fish passage. The Mackie Road culvert to bridge replacement at Johnston Creek works are now completed with the road opening at the end of May 2023. Work at site began in March and during May the bridge concrete pours, guardrail installation and bridge approaches were completed, with the final stage of works involving bitumen sealing and batter protection. Council would like to thank residents and road users for their patience during the road closure.
Tuntable Creek Road
Recently, council staff were forced to close Tuntable Creek Road for two days due to rainfall. We apologise to the community for the inconvenience caused and delays in travelling alternative routes. As the site has not had its permanent repair designed and constructed, a management plan is in place which requires visual inspections, geotechnical instrument readings, surveying monitoring, rain records and photograph evidence. In the event of rainfall exceeding our trigger level or other significant changes, the temporary track will be closed again at short notice. Please contact floodrecoveryroadsbridges@lismore.nsw.gov.au with the subject ‘Tuntable Creek Road notification list’ to register your contact details to receive updates.
Nimbin Road
Council commenced roadworks on two landslip sites on Nimbin Road during May. The first major construction works involve tree felling for both sites, with site one having larger trees which will land on the road. The works are expected to occur over 9 months from mid-May 2023 subject to weather, contractor, and material availability. This will involve piling and retaining wall construction works to allow repair of the landslips, reconstruction of pavement, reinstatement of road and guardrail barriers along with installing signs, guideposts, and line marking. Traffic control lights remain in place and existing single lane traffic control will remain in place during the works period. Road users are advised to follow VMS boards and signage, with delays expected as these works commence.
Town Road
Funding was awarded by the NSW Government through its Fixing Country Bridges program to replace the damaged structure at Town Road, Terania Creek with a new steel superstructure bridge. The innovative steel structure has been constructed in France and will be launched into place in one piece. Unique for the area, this type of structure will be the first in the region. Works have recommenced at the site in April 2023, where a temporary track has now been constructed in preparation for bridges piling. A planned completion date is scheduled for September 2023, subject to weather, contractor, and material availability.
Wyrallah Road & Wyrallah Ferry Road
During May, the rock bridging layer and subbase layer were completed for Wyrallah Ferry Road intersection, with works starting at the end of May on drainage. Pipes were also laid through the park at Wyrallah Ferry Road Intersection. During June, all drainage works are scheduled to be completed followed by site clean-up and project completion.
Cawongla Road
Drainage works on Cawongla Road are continuing with two new sections recently completed. It is anticipated work crews will reach the halfway mark next week. Council would like thank residents for their positive feedback and continued patience as the works progress.
Branch Creek Crossing, Terania Creek Road
Following the 2022 natural disaster Terania Creek Road suffered extensive damage. Due to the nature and high number of damages incurred, works are being finalised on how best to provide timely improvements for the community and road users. The current structure at Branch Creek Crossing has received funding from disaster recovery funding arrangement (DRFA) for replacement of the flood damaged asset. An alternative structure is necessary to increase resilience of the network. Works will include replacing the current box culvert structure with a 16m bridge and extending erosion protection to the edge of the road. Additional works required and subsequent funding for other damages on Terania Creek Road are being assessed. Survey and design work is commencing in June 2023.

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