2020/21 Flood Repairs - Progress Behind the Scenes

Council is working closely with Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) who are providing funding to repair a number areas that were damaged in the flood events that occurred in December 2020 and March 2021, in rural locations around Nimbin and other villages.
Even though you may not see activity on the ground at the moment, there is progress being made on a number of complex flood remediation projects.
When we experience a natural disaster such as a flood event, which causes significant damage to our infrastructure, there are a number of steps that Council has to go through, which is basically like an insurance claim process. Council has to identify, assess and then make a claim for the damage from the appropriate funding body, as we do not have the money to pay for these kind of extraordinary events from our day to day budgets. in the 2020/21 financial year, Council has claimed in excess of $5.6 million in relation to flood events.
The table below provides some basic details on the status of these projects. Eight projects have confirmed funding and a proposal that has been approved by TfNSW. The estimated total value of this confirmed funding is $6,456,000. Construction on most of these projects is expected to commence in 2022. Council is currently in negotiations with TfNSW on another four projects.
Projects - Funding Confirmed:
Disaster Event | Location | Damage & Proposed Restoration | Estimated Value | Status |
Dec 20 | Gungas Rd, Nimbin | Replaced collapsed causeway with new bridge structure | $1,100,000 | Funding provider TfNSW approved the proposed restoration. Geotechnical investigations and design being developed with construction expected to commence in 2022. |
Dec 20 | Stanger Rd, Stony Chute | Land slip of road embankment. Reconstruct embankment, may include retaining structure | $740,000 | Funding provider TfNSW approved the proposed restoration. Geotechnical investigations and design being developed. Construction expected to commence in late 2021. |
Dec 20 | Nimbin Road near Shipway Road | Land slip of road embankment and road pavement failure. Reconstruct embankment and install retaining structure. | $1,340,000 | Funding provider TfNSW approved the proposed restoration. Geotechnical investigations to be undertaken to determine final design. Construction expected to commence in 2022. |
Dec 20 | Eureka Road, Eureka | Replace existing failed pipe causeway structure with new box culvert causeway structure. | $818,000 | Funding provider TfNSW approved proposed restoration. Geotechnical investigations and design being developed with construction expected to commence in 2022. |
Dec 20 | Mackie Road, near Clunes | Replace existing pipe culvert causeway structure with box culvert causeway structure. | $895,000 | Funding provider TfNSW have approved proposed restoration. Geotechnical investigations and design being developed with construction expected to commence in 2022. |
Dec 20 | Graham Road, Marom Creek | Replace existing pipe culvert causeway structure with box culvert causeway structure. | $767,000 | Funding provider TfNSW have approved proposed restoration. Geotechnical investigations and design being developed with construction expected to commence in 2022. |
Dec 20 | Haywood Lane, off Lagoons Grass Road | Replace existing failed pipe causeway structure. With new box culvert causeway structure. | $805,000 | Funding provider TfNSW have approved proposed restoration. Geotechnical investigations and design being developed with construction expected to commence in 2022. |
Dec 20 | Caniaba Road, Caniaba, East of Pelican Creek Road | Land slip adjacent to road shoulder and dislodged drainage pipe. Excavate slip area, reinstate embankment with stacked rock and replace drainage pipe. | $350,000 | Funding provider TfNSW approved the proposed restoration. Geotechnical investigations and design being developed. Construction expected to commence in late 2021, pending availability of contractors. |
Mar 21 | Mountain Top Road, Mountain Top | Severe road pavement damage between Lodge Rd and RH Smith Rd. Rebuild approx. 2.0km section of Mt Top Rd pavement. Works will include stabilising pavement, sealing road surface and improve drainage. | To be confirmed | Works completed February 2022. |
Mar 21 | Keerrong Road, Keerrong | Collapse of major pipe culvert under road. Replace with new bridge structure | $955,000 | Funding provider TfNSW approved proposed restoration. Geotechnical investigations completed. Design under development. Construction expected to commence mid 2022. |
Mar 21 | Oakey Creek Road, Georgica | Remediate landslip with retaining structure. | $640,000 | Funding provider TfNSW approved proposed restoration. Geotechnical investigations completed. Design under development. Construction expected to commence early 2022. |
Projects - Funding not yet determined
Mar 21 | Wallace Road, The Channon | Realign sections of Wallace Rd adjacent to two (2) land slips. Works involve major earthworks and rebuilding road on new alignment to improve safety and minimise risk of future land slip events. | undetermined | Currently in negotiations with TfNSW to fund proposed works. Outcome yet to be determined. |
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If you would like more information on the process Council has to go through to apply for funding or a more detailed explanation of some of the terms used in the table below, please look at the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), on the right hand side of this page.
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