Flood Restoration - Buildings, Parks and Facilities

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New Website Location

Updates for the Flood Restoration Portfolio have now moved to a designated page on the Lismore City Council website.

For further information, please visit: https://www.lismore.nsw.gov.au/Business/Flood-Restoration-Portfolio/FRP-Project-Updates

We apologise for the inconvenience.

This page is dedicated to updating our community on the extensive damage to Council’s Buildings, Parks and Facilities since the February and March 2022 flood events.

Over 100 Council sites were affected by the February and March 2022 flooding events, including buildings, parks, public toilets and facilities.

The majority of this project is funded under the Community, Recreation and Cultural (CRC) Assets Restoration. The scope of this project covers the restoration of assets that have been flood affected. There are other Council owned assets that are not identified in the scope of this project, that will fall under different grant funding guidelines.

Council is currently working to an estimated completion of June 30, 2024 for the repair of all affected sites.

All current works that have updates are categorised by project name. If viewing via a smartphone, you can find the 'Projects by Name' at the bottom of this page. If on a desktop, 'Projects by Name' are to the right.

Council was able to complete Emergency and Immediate Restoration works under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements for these assets until 31/12/22 (subsequent extension was granted to 31/01/23). Emergency works for larger built assets have focussed on the removable of flood debris, impacted building materials and electrical componentry, structural drying and providing emergency temporary facilities such as port-a-loo’s and electrical connections. Whilst less damaged assets such as Public Toilets and Parks have had immediate restorative work completed.

The demolition and removal of impacted materials from larger built assets has enabled the scoping and estimation works required to make submissions to Resilience NSW’s administering agencies to secure funding to return these assets to their pre-disaster condition. Community, Recreation and Cultural Asset Restoration works can be completed within 2 years after the end of the financial year in which the disaster occurred.

With many assets requiring restoration, Bennett Constructions has been appointed as the managing contractor.

The below table identifies all the different Council Buildings, Parks and Facilities that require restoration works following the February/March 2022 Natural Disaster event.

✔️ Restoration is completed 🚧 Restoration works underway 📋 Assessment completed and works scheduled to begin

For further specific updates, see 'Projects By Name' tab

Buildings, Parks or Facilities requiring restoration works
Airforce Road (20) Reserve Park 📋Lismore Regional Gallery 🚧
Albert Park Baseball Facility / Complex ✔️ Lismore SES Headquarters ✔️
Arthur Park 📋Lismore Transit Centre 🚧
Arthur Park Archery Club ✔️ Mackenzie Oval ✔️
Arthur Park Toilet Block ✔️ Marie Mackney Netball Clubhouse ✔️
Barnard Park ✔️ McKenzie Park Toilet Block/Kiosk ✔️
Blair Oval ✔️Meadow Drive Park 📋
Brunswick Street Depot ✔️ Memorial Park ✔️
Caniaba Street Reserve ✔️ Monaltrie Creek - Drainage from Footbridge Airforce Road Reserve 📋
Caniaba Street Reserve - Soccer Clubhouse ✔️ Mortimer Oval ✔️
Captain Rous Park 📋 Mortimer Oval amenities - Brick Building ✔️
Cattle Sale Yards 🚧 Mortimer Oval amenities - Container Building ✔️
Clyde Campbell Carpark ✔️ Neilson Park ✔️
Clyde Campbell Carpark Toilet ✔️ Nesbitt Park New Toilet Block ✔️
Coronation Park, The Channon ✔️ Nesbitt Park Old Toilet Block ✔️
Croquet Club - Spinks Park ✔️ Nesbitt Park 🚧
Crozier Field Canteen 🚧 Oakes Oval Facility (Gordan Pavilion) ✔️
CWA Building - Spinks 🚧 Old Helicopter Main Building ✔️
Davidson Oval ✔️ Municipal Building 🚧
Dungarubba Reserve Toilet Block and Shelter ✔️ Pritchard Park ✔️
Elaine Blanch Tennis Courts ✔️ Public Toilet - Dawson Street ✔️
ELGAS Office, Amenities and Store Room 🚧 Quad Park Lismore CBD 🚧
Family Support Network - Old Scout Hall South Lismore 🚧 Radio Controlled Car Building -Nesbitt Park ✔️
Fawcetts Bridge Carpark 📋 Rhodes Street Park ✔️
Fredericks Carpark 📋 Richards Oval ✔️
Gundurimba Building ✔️ Richards Oval - Workers Soccer Clubhouse ✔️
Harold Fredricks Car Park Lights 📋 Riverside Park ✔️
Heaps Oval 🚧 Riverside Park Toilets ✔️
Hensley Carpark (Lower) 📋 Riverview Park 🚧
Hensley Carpark (Top) 📋 Riverview Park Amenities and Clubhouse ✔️
Heritage Park ✔️ Roder Oval ✔️
Humbley Oval Hockey Club Kiosk 🚧 Rowing Club Carpark
Joblin Park ✔️ Sam Trimble Oval ✔️
John Crowther Carpark 📋 Sam Trimble Oval Amenities 🚧
Jolley Field ✔️ Shearman Carpark 📋
Keen Street Carpark ✔️ Spinks Park 📋
Kirkland Riviera Carpark 📋 Spinks Park Carpark 📋
Laurie Allan Centre✔️ Stock Pot Kitchen - Old Art Gallery 🚧
Lions Park 📋 Stocks Park (Cedar Log Shed) 🚧
Lismore Airport Terminal 🚧 Terania Building 🚧
Lismore Basketball Stadium 🚧 Tucki Tucki Creek Reserve ✔️
Lismore Centra Tourist Park✔️ Victoria Street Carpark ✔️
Lismore City Hall 🚧 Visitor Information Centre ✔️
Lismore Lake 🚧 W Tresise Railway Park ✔️
Lismore Lake Precinct including Boat Ramp 📋 Wade Park ✔️
Lismore Library 🚧 Wade Park Toilet Block ✔️
Lismore Memorial Baths ✔️ Wilsons Walking Trail 📋
Lismore Pipe Band Building ✔️ Wyrallah Park ✔️
Lismore Railway Station Toilet Block (Union Street) ✔️ Wyrallah Park Amenities ✔️

The availability of contractors and materials may cause delays in the progress of the restoration projects. Some restoration works are also subject to weather conditions which may cause delays.

If there is a damaged building, park or facility missing from this list, please use the Q&A function below to assist Council in locating further flood damaged assets.

New Website Location

Updates for the Flood Restoration Portfolio have now moved to a designated page on the Lismore City Council website.

For further information, please visit: https://www.lismore.nsw.gov.au/Business/Flood-Restoration-Portfolio/FRP-Project-Updates

We apologise for the inconvenience.

This page is dedicated to updating our community on the extensive damage to Council’s Buildings, Parks and Facilities since the February and March 2022 flood events.

Over 100 Council sites were affected by the February and March 2022 flooding events, including buildings, parks, public toilets and facilities.

The majority of this project is funded under the Community, Recreation and Cultural (CRC) Assets Restoration. The scope of this project covers the restoration of assets that have been flood affected. There are other Council owned assets that are not identified in the scope of this project, that will fall under different grant funding guidelines.

Council is currently working to an estimated completion of June 30, 2024 for the repair of all affected sites.

All current works that have updates are categorised by project name. If viewing via a smartphone, you can find the 'Projects by Name' at the bottom of this page. If on a desktop, 'Projects by Name' are to the right.

Council was able to complete Emergency and Immediate Restoration works under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements for these assets until 31/12/22 (subsequent extension was granted to 31/01/23). Emergency works for larger built assets have focussed on the removable of flood debris, impacted building materials and electrical componentry, structural drying and providing emergency temporary facilities such as port-a-loo’s and electrical connections. Whilst less damaged assets such as Public Toilets and Parks have had immediate restorative work completed.

The demolition and removal of impacted materials from larger built assets has enabled the scoping and estimation works required to make submissions to Resilience NSW’s administering agencies to secure funding to return these assets to their pre-disaster condition. Community, Recreation and Cultural Asset Restoration works can be completed within 2 years after the end of the financial year in which the disaster occurred.

With many assets requiring restoration, Bennett Constructions has been appointed as the managing contractor.

The below table identifies all the different Council Buildings, Parks and Facilities that require restoration works following the February/March 2022 Natural Disaster event.

✔️ Restoration is completed 🚧 Restoration works underway 📋 Assessment completed and works scheduled to begin

For further specific updates, see 'Projects By Name' tab

Buildings, Parks or Facilities requiring restoration works
Airforce Road (20) Reserve Park 📋Lismore Regional Gallery 🚧
Albert Park Baseball Facility / Complex ✔️ Lismore SES Headquarters ✔️
Arthur Park 📋Lismore Transit Centre 🚧
Arthur Park Archery Club ✔️ Mackenzie Oval ✔️
Arthur Park Toilet Block ✔️ Marie Mackney Netball Clubhouse ✔️
Barnard Park ✔️ McKenzie Park Toilet Block/Kiosk ✔️
Blair Oval ✔️Meadow Drive Park 📋
Brunswick Street Depot ✔️ Memorial Park ✔️
Caniaba Street Reserve ✔️ Monaltrie Creek - Drainage from Footbridge Airforce Road Reserve 📋
Caniaba Street Reserve - Soccer Clubhouse ✔️ Mortimer Oval ✔️
Captain Rous Park 📋 Mortimer Oval amenities - Brick Building ✔️
Cattle Sale Yards 🚧 Mortimer Oval amenities - Container Building ✔️
Clyde Campbell Carpark ✔️ Neilson Park ✔️
Clyde Campbell Carpark Toilet ✔️ Nesbitt Park New Toilet Block ✔️
Coronation Park, The Channon ✔️ Nesbitt Park Old Toilet Block ✔️
Croquet Club - Spinks Park ✔️ Nesbitt Park 🚧
Crozier Field Canteen 🚧 Oakes Oval Facility (Gordan Pavilion) ✔️
CWA Building - Spinks 🚧 Old Helicopter Main Building ✔️
Davidson Oval ✔️ Municipal Building 🚧
Dungarubba Reserve Toilet Block and Shelter ✔️ Pritchard Park ✔️
Elaine Blanch Tennis Courts ✔️ Public Toilet - Dawson Street ✔️
ELGAS Office, Amenities and Store Room 🚧 Quad Park Lismore CBD 🚧
Family Support Network - Old Scout Hall South Lismore 🚧 Radio Controlled Car Building -Nesbitt Park ✔️
Fawcetts Bridge Carpark 📋 Rhodes Street Park ✔️
Fredericks Carpark 📋 Richards Oval ✔️
Gundurimba Building ✔️ Richards Oval - Workers Soccer Clubhouse ✔️
Harold Fredricks Car Park Lights 📋 Riverside Park ✔️
Heaps Oval 🚧 Riverside Park Toilets ✔️
Hensley Carpark (Lower) 📋 Riverview Park 🚧
Hensley Carpark (Top) 📋 Riverview Park Amenities and Clubhouse ✔️
Heritage Park ✔️ Roder Oval ✔️
Humbley Oval Hockey Club Kiosk 🚧 Rowing Club Carpark
Joblin Park ✔️ Sam Trimble Oval ✔️
John Crowther Carpark 📋 Sam Trimble Oval Amenities 🚧
Jolley Field ✔️ Shearman Carpark 📋
Keen Street Carpark ✔️ Spinks Park 📋
Kirkland Riviera Carpark 📋 Spinks Park Carpark 📋
Laurie Allan Centre✔️ Stock Pot Kitchen - Old Art Gallery 🚧
Lions Park 📋 Stocks Park (Cedar Log Shed) 🚧
Lismore Airport Terminal 🚧 Terania Building 🚧
Lismore Basketball Stadium 🚧 Tucki Tucki Creek Reserve ✔️
Lismore Centra Tourist Park✔️ Victoria Street Carpark ✔️
Lismore City Hall 🚧 Visitor Information Centre ✔️
Lismore Lake 🚧 W Tresise Railway Park ✔️
Lismore Lake Precinct including Boat Ramp 📋 Wade Park ✔️
Lismore Library 🚧 Wade Park Toilet Block ✔️
Lismore Memorial Baths ✔️ Wilsons Walking Trail 📋
Lismore Pipe Band Building ✔️ Wyrallah Park ✔️
Lismore Railway Station Toilet Block (Union Street) ✔️ Wyrallah Park Amenities ✔️

The availability of contractors and materials may cause delays in the progress of the restoration projects. Some restoration works are also subject to weather conditions which may cause delays.

If there is a damaged building, park or facility missing from this list, please use the Q&A function below to assist Council in locating further flood damaged assets.


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Page last updated: 07 Jan 2025, 10:58 AM