Flood Restoration - Buildings, Parks and Facilities

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New Website Location

Updates for the Flood Restoration Portfolio have now moved to a designated page on the Lismore City Council website.

For further information, please visit: https://www.lismore.nsw.gov.au/Business/Flood-Restoration-Portfolio/FRP-Project-Updates

We apologise for the inconvenience.

This page is dedicated to updating our community on the extensive damage to Council’s Buildings, Parks and Facilities since the February and March 2022 flood events.

Over 100 Council sites were affected by the February and March 2022 flooding events, including buildings, parks, public toilets and facilities.

The majority of this project is funded under the Community, Recreation and Cultural (CRC) Assets Restoration. The scope of this project covers the restoration of assets that have been flood affected. There are other Council owned assets that are not identified in the scope of this project, that will fall under different grant funding guidelines.

Council is currently working to an estimated completion of June 30, 2024 for the repair of all affected sites.

All current works that have updates are categorised by project name. If viewing via a smartphone, you can find the 'Projects by Name' at the bottom of this page. If on a desktop, 'Projects by Name' are to the right.

Council was able to complete Emergency and Immediate Restoration works under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements for these assets until 31/12/22 (subsequent extension was granted to 31/01/23). Emergency works for larger built assets have focussed on the removable of flood debris, impacted building materials and electrical componentry, structural drying and providing emergency temporary facilities such as port-a-loo’s and electrical connections. Whilst less damaged assets such as Public Toilets and Parks have had immediate restorative work completed.

The demolition and removal of impacted materials from larger built assets has enabled the scoping and estimation works required to make submissions to Resilience NSW’s administering agencies to secure funding to return these assets to their pre-disaster condition. Community, Recreation and Cultural Asset Restoration works can be completed within 2 years after the end of the financial year in which the disaster occurred.

With many assets requiring restoration, Bennett Constructions has been appointed as the managing contractor.

The below table identifies all the different Council Buildings, Parks and Facilities that require restoration works following the February/March 2022 Natural Disaster event.

βœ”οΈ Restoration is completed 🚧 Restoration works underway πŸ“‹ Assessment completed and works scheduled to begin

For further specific updates, see 'Projects By Name' tab

Buildings, Parks or Facilities requiring restoration works
Airforce Road (20) Reserve Park πŸ“‹Lismore Regional Gallery 🚧
Albert Park Baseball Facility / Complex βœ”οΈ Lismore SES Headquarters βœ”οΈ
Arthur Park πŸ“‹Lismore Transit Centre 🚧
Arthur Park Archery Club βœ”οΈ Mackenzie Oval βœ”οΈ
Arthur Park Toilet Block βœ”οΈ Marie Mackney Netball Clubhouse βœ”οΈ
Barnard Park βœ”οΈ McKenzie Park Toilet Block/Kiosk βœ”οΈ
Blair Oval βœ”οΈMeadow Drive Park πŸ“‹
Brunswick Street Depot βœ”οΈ Memorial Park βœ”οΈ
Caniaba Street Reserve βœ”οΈ Monaltrie Creek - Drainage from Footbridge Airforce Road Reserve πŸ“‹
Caniaba Street Reserve - Soccer Clubhouse βœ”οΈ Mortimer Oval βœ”οΈ
Captain Rous Park πŸ“‹ Mortimer Oval amenities - Brick Building βœ”οΈ
Cattle Sale Yards 🚧 Mortimer Oval amenities - Container Building βœ”οΈ
Clyde Campbell Carpark βœ”οΈ Neilson Park βœ”οΈ
Clyde Campbell Carpark Toilet βœ”οΈ Nesbitt Park New Toilet Block βœ”οΈ
Coronation Park, The Channon βœ”οΈ Nesbitt Park Old Toilet Block βœ”οΈ
Croquet Club - Spinks Park βœ”οΈ Nesbitt Park 🚧
Crozier Field Canteen 🚧 Oakes Oval Facility (Gordan Pavilion) βœ”οΈ
CWA Building - Spinks 🚧 Old Helicopter Main Building βœ”οΈ
Davidson Oval βœ”οΈ Municipal Building 🚧
Dungarubba Reserve Toilet Block and Shelter βœ”οΈ Pritchard Park βœ”οΈ
Elaine Blanch Tennis Courts βœ”οΈ Public Toilet - Dawson Street βœ”οΈ
ELGAS Office, Amenities and Store Room 🚧 Quad Park Lismore CBD 🚧
Family Support Network - Old Scout Hall South Lismore 🚧 Radio Controlled Car Building -Nesbitt Park βœ”οΈ
Fawcetts Bridge Carpark πŸ“‹ Rhodes Street Park βœ”οΈ
Fredericks Carpark πŸ“‹ Richards Oval βœ”οΈ
Gundurimba Building βœ”οΈ Richards Oval - Workers Soccer Clubhouse βœ”οΈ
Harold Fredricks Car Park Lights πŸ“‹ Riverside Park βœ”οΈ
Heaps Oval 🚧 Riverside Park Toilets βœ”οΈ
Hensley Carpark (Lower) πŸ“‹ Riverview Park 🚧
Hensley Carpark (Top) πŸ“‹ Riverview Park Amenities and Clubhouse βœ”οΈ
Heritage Park βœ”οΈ Roder Oval βœ”οΈ
Humbley Oval Hockey Club Kiosk 🚧 Rowing Club Carpark
Joblin Park βœ”οΈ Sam Trimble Oval βœ”οΈ
John Crowther Carpark πŸ“‹ Sam Trimble Oval Amenities 🚧
Jolley Field βœ”οΈ Shearman Carpark πŸ“‹
Keen Street Carpark βœ”οΈ Spinks Park πŸ“‹
Kirkland Riviera Carpark πŸ“‹ Spinks Park Carpark πŸ“‹
Laurie Allan Centreβœ”οΈ Stock Pot Kitchen - Old Art Gallery 🚧
Lions Park πŸ“‹ Stocks Park (Cedar Log Shed) 🚧
Lismore Airport Terminal 🚧 Terania Building 🚧
Lismore Basketball Stadium 🚧 Tucki Tucki Creek Reserve βœ”οΈ
Lismore Centra Tourist Parkβœ”οΈ Victoria Street Carpark βœ”οΈ
Lismore City Hall 🚧 Visitor Information Centre βœ”οΈ
Lismore Lake 🚧 W Tresise Railway Park βœ”οΈ
Lismore Lake Precinct including Boat Ramp πŸ“‹ Wade Park βœ”οΈ
Lismore Library 🚧 Wade Park Toilet Block βœ”οΈ
Lismore Memorial Baths βœ”οΈ Wilsons Walking Trail πŸ“‹
Lismore Pipe Band Building βœ”οΈ Wyrallah Park βœ”οΈ
Lismore Railway Station Toilet Block (Union Street) βœ”οΈ Wyrallah Park Amenities βœ”οΈ

The availability of contractors and materials may cause delays in the progress of the restoration projects. Some restoration works are also subject to weather conditions which may cause delays.

If there is a damaged building, park or facility missing from this list, please use the Q&A function below to assist Council in locating further flood damaged assets.

New Website Location

Updates for the Flood Restoration Portfolio have now moved to a designated page on the Lismore City Council website.

For further information, please visit: https://www.lismore.nsw.gov.au/Business/Flood-Restoration-Portfolio/FRP-Project-Updates

We apologise for the inconvenience.

This page is dedicated to updating our community on the extensive damage to Council’s Buildings, Parks and Facilities since the February and March 2022 flood events.

Over 100 Council sites were affected by the February and March 2022 flooding events, including buildings, parks, public toilets and facilities.

The majority of this project is funded under the Community, Recreation and Cultural (CRC) Assets Restoration. The scope of this project covers the restoration of assets that have been flood affected. There are other Council owned assets that are not identified in the scope of this project, that will fall under different grant funding guidelines.

Council is currently working to an estimated completion of June 30, 2024 for the repair of all affected sites.

All current works that have updates are categorised by project name. If viewing via a smartphone, you can find the 'Projects by Name' at the bottom of this page. If on a desktop, 'Projects by Name' are to the right.

Council was able to complete Emergency and Immediate Restoration works under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements for these assets until 31/12/22 (subsequent extension was granted to 31/01/23). Emergency works for larger built assets have focussed on the removable of flood debris, impacted building materials and electrical componentry, structural drying and providing emergency temporary facilities such as port-a-loo’s and electrical connections. Whilst less damaged assets such as Public Toilets and Parks have had immediate restorative work completed.

The demolition and removal of impacted materials from larger built assets has enabled the scoping and estimation works required to make submissions to Resilience NSW’s administering agencies to secure funding to return these assets to their pre-disaster condition. Community, Recreation and Cultural Asset Restoration works can be completed within 2 years after the end of the financial year in which the disaster occurred.

With many assets requiring restoration, Bennett Constructions has been appointed as the managing contractor.

The below table identifies all the different Council Buildings, Parks and Facilities that require restoration works following the February/March 2022 Natural Disaster event.

βœ”οΈ Restoration is completed 🚧 Restoration works underway πŸ“‹ Assessment completed and works scheduled to begin

For further specific updates, see 'Projects By Name' tab

Buildings, Parks or Facilities requiring restoration works
Airforce Road (20) Reserve Park πŸ“‹Lismore Regional Gallery 🚧
Albert Park Baseball Facility / Complex βœ”οΈ Lismore SES Headquarters βœ”οΈ
Arthur Park πŸ“‹Lismore Transit Centre 🚧
Arthur Park Archery Club βœ”οΈ Mackenzie Oval βœ”οΈ
Arthur Park Toilet Block βœ”οΈ Marie Mackney Netball Clubhouse βœ”οΈ
Barnard Park βœ”οΈ McKenzie Park Toilet Block/Kiosk βœ”οΈ
Blair Oval βœ”οΈMeadow Drive Park πŸ“‹
Brunswick Street Depot βœ”οΈ Memorial Park βœ”οΈ
Caniaba Street Reserve βœ”οΈ Monaltrie Creek - Drainage from Footbridge Airforce Road Reserve πŸ“‹
Caniaba Street Reserve - Soccer Clubhouse βœ”οΈ Mortimer Oval βœ”οΈ
Captain Rous Park πŸ“‹ Mortimer Oval amenities - Brick Building βœ”οΈ
Cattle Sale Yards 🚧 Mortimer Oval amenities - Container Building βœ”οΈ
Clyde Campbell Carpark βœ”οΈ Neilson Park βœ”οΈ
Clyde Campbell Carpark Toilet βœ”οΈ Nesbitt Park New Toilet Block βœ”οΈ
Coronation Park, The Channon βœ”οΈ Nesbitt Park Old Toilet Block βœ”οΈ
Croquet Club - Spinks Park βœ”οΈ Nesbitt Park 🚧
Crozier Field Canteen 🚧 Oakes Oval Facility (Gordan Pavilion) βœ”οΈ
CWA Building - Spinks 🚧 Old Helicopter Main Building βœ”οΈ
Davidson Oval βœ”οΈ Municipal Building 🚧
Dungarubba Reserve Toilet Block and Shelter βœ”οΈ Pritchard Park βœ”οΈ
Elaine Blanch Tennis Courts βœ”οΈ Public Toilet - Dawson Street βœ”οΈ
ELGAS Office, Amenities and Store Room 🚧 Quad Park Lismore CBD 🚧
Family Support Network - Old Scout Hall South Lismore 🚧 Radio Controlled Car Building -Nesbitt Park βœ”οΈ
Fawcetts Bridge Carpark πŸ“‹ Rhodes Street Park βœ”οΈ
Fredericks Carpark πŸ“‹ Richards Oval βœ”οΈ
Gundurimba Building βœ”οΈ Richards Oval - Workers Soccer Clubhouse βœ”οΈ
Harold Fredricks Car Park Lights πŸ“‹ Riverside Park βœ”οΈ
Heaps Oval 🚧 Riverside Park Toilets βœ”οΈ
Hensley Carpark (Lower) πŸ“‹ Riverview Park 🚧
Hensley Carpark (Top) πŸ“‹ Riverview Park Amenities and Clubhouse βœ”οΈ
Heritage Park βœ”οΈ Roder Oval βœ”οΈ
Humbley Oval Hockey Club Kiosk 🚧 Rowing Club Carpark
Joblin Park βœ”οΈ Sam Trimble Oval βœ”οΈ
John Crowther Carpark πŸ“‹ Sam Trimble Oval Amenities 🚧
Jolley Field βœ”οΈ Shearman Carpark πŸ“‹
Keen Street Carpark βœ”οΈ Spinks Park πŸ“‹
Kirkland Riviera Carpark πŸ“‹ Spinks Park Carpark πŸ“‹
Laurie Allan Centreβœ”οΈ Stock Pot Kitchen - Old Art Gallery 🚧
Lions Park πŸ“‹ Stocks Park (Cedar Log Shed) 🚧
Lismore Airport Terminal 🚧 Terania Building 🚧
Lismore Basketball Stadium 🚧 Tucki Tucki Creek Reserve βœ”οΈ
Lismore Centra Tourist Parkβœ”οΈ Victoria Street Carpark βœ”οΈ
Lismore City Hall 🚧 Visitor Information Centre βœ”οΈ
Lismore Lake 🚧 W Tresise Railway Park βœ”οΈ
Lismore Lake Precinct including Boat Ramp πŸ“‹ Wade Park βœ”οΈ
Lismore Library 🚧 Wade Park Toilet Block βœ”οΈ
Lismore Memorial Baths βœ”οΈ Wilsons Walking Trail πŸ“‹
Lismore Pipe Band Building βœ”οΈ Wyrallah Park βœ”οΈ
Lismore Railway Station Toilet Block (Union Street) βœ”οΈ Wyrallah Park Amenities βœ”οΈ

The availability of contractors and materials may cause delays in the progress of the restoration projects. Some restoration works are also subject to weather conditions which may cause delays.

If there is a damaged building, park or facility missing from this list, please use the Q&A function below to assist Council in locating further flood damaged assets.

  • Monthly Update - October 2024

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    BUILDINGS restoration works

    Lismore Library

    At the library, installation of the 'Library Feature Tree' on Level 1 and extra lintel replacement works on the eastern side of the building, have been significant highlights in October. Floor defect rectification and scaffold removal have also been completed.

    Downstairs, epoxy flooring was completed, and cleaning works on the ground floor and Level 1 are in progress.

    Up on Level 2, the β€˜decant’ is underway, relocating 13,000 books, 4,000 CDs and library furniture, to remediate mould on the entire floor.

    The Lismore Library restoration continues: L-R Library grounds; Level 1 Feature Tree; New, ground floor epoxy flooring

    Lismore Regional Airport

    Works on Stage 2 of the Airport restoration finished this month. Generator load testing is now underway prior to commissioning the site. The porte cochere (covered driveway, pictured left, below) is now completed, with new signage and final touches to the carpark also in progress.

    Stage 2 restoration works at the Lismore Regional Airport are now completed.

    Lismore Municipal Building

    Timber flooring was installed in October and sealing has now commenced. Ground floor concrete grinding is underway along and the external drainage upgrades. Painting is well advanced with the final coat applied towards the end of October. Services fit off and sub-board installation also commenced during October, and will continue over coming weeks.

    Public Amenities Buildings - Lismore

    Riverview Park:

    The slab was completed toward the end of October (pictured left, below.) The project now awaits the delivery of the modular building.

    Albert Park:

    Earlier form work is pictured (right below.) The concrete slab has now been poured and the project awaits the arrival of the modular building.

    VIP visit to flood restoration projects - Governor General of Australia

    October finished on a high with a visit to Lismore from Her Excellency the Honourable Samantha Mostyn AC, on Thursday 31 October β€˜24. Among the stops on her busy program, Her Excellency inspected the Lismore Library restoration program, noting the progress and efforts of the Flood Restoration Portfolio's 'Buildings' group and Bennett Constructions.

    Her Excellency the Honourable Samantha Mostyn AC tours restoration works at Lismore Library with (L-R) Director Buildings Lismore Flood Restoration Portfolio Brett Lee and Lismore Mayor Steve Krieg

  • Project Updates - August 2024

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    The Flood Restoration Portfolio is a crucial component of Lismore's strategy for community recovery. Across the city, numerous building and facility restoration projects are ongoing, each at different stages β€” from active work to completed enhancements. These projects are essential for revitalizing critical community assets, aiming not only to restore them to their former state but also to improve their resilience and sustainability against future adversities.

    This update provides insights into the progress made on key projects during August. Lismore City Council, in partnership with its managing contractor, Bennett Construction, has achieved significant milestones: 33 projects have been completed, 10 are currently in progress, and 4 are set to commence shortly. Below, you will find updates on the major ongoing and recently completed projects.

    For more specific details on any project, please refer to the Q+A section of the main article or contact the Council directly at council@lismore.nsw.gov.au

    Ongoing Projects
    Lismore Library
    The Lismore Library has seen considerable advancements in August, with the erection of scaffolding along Magellan Street marking a significant phase of the project. Interior and exterior painting has been successfully completed, enhancing the aesthetic of the building. Concurrently, essential services such as plumbing and electrical mains are being fitted and fire safety improvements are progressing well towards completion. The library's entrance roofing and arch bar replacement works are actively underway, contributing to the overall structural enhancements of the facility.

    The QUAD
    The QUAD's development experienced a temporary slowdown due to inclement weather conditions in August. However, the return of favourable weather conditions allowed rapid progress, with the turfing successfully completed and concrete slabs honed to achieve a polished finish. Comprehensive concreting, tiling, and landscaping efforts in both the northern and southern areas of the QUAD were completed by the end of the month. The final steps involve top dressing and nurturing the newly laid grass to establish a robust ground cover.

    Lismore Regional Gallery
    The Lismore Regional Gallery underwent significant internal developments, with the construction of partition walls and ceilings. All service installations, including inground and rough-ins across various areas, were completed, laying the groundwork for operational functionalities. The reception and kitchen areas received wall sheeting, setting, and the application of a rock coat render finish at the reception entrance. By month's end, the cafΓ© floor was sealed, and kitchen tiling along with epoxy flooring were fully completed, marking the readiness of these spaces for use. The Regional Gallery is on track for its reopening ceremony on 27 September 2024.

    Lismore Regional Airport
    At the Lismore Regional Airport, substantial structural developments were noted with the ongoing installation of the Porte Cochere's structural steel. Excavation activities for new grounds lighting progressed, alongside the removal of old carpark lights to a storage area, making way for modern infrastructure. Earthworks continued with trenching for lighting footings and silt fencing containment. The airport's carpark civil works were a focal point, culminating in the completion of new kerb and gutter installations and the addition of Porte Cochere roof flashings by the end of August.

    Lismore Municipal Building
    The Lismore Municipal Building saw significant progress with the completion of service rough-ins and the first concrete pour for the ground floor slab. Corbel repairs were well underway, enhancing the building's architectural integrity. Stair rectification efforts continued with notable progress, including the application of the first coat of stain. The framing around the main room's AC unit was finalized, ready for sheeting, as efforts to finish corbel detailing by Rofe Rendering were completed, ensuring the building's readiness for further interior development.

    Complete Works
    Cattle Sale Yards

    The Cattle Sale Yards project reached completion at the end of August, with all planned works finished. This completion marks a significant achievement in the project timeline, setting a benchmark for efficiency and project management within the overall portfolio.
    Lismore City Hall – Stage 1
    City Hall experienced a series of enabling works, but progress has been curtailed due to funding constraints. Despite the site's demobilization, detailed designs and a comprehensive cost plan for its restoration and improvement have been completed and received. Council is working with various State Government funding agencies to commence Stage 2 (construction and refurbishment) as soon as possible.

  • Project Updates - July 2024

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    The Flood Restoration Portfolio is central to Lismore's community recovery efforts. Across the city, numerous building and facility restoration projects are actively underway or have been completed, playing a crucial role in rejuvenating essential community assets. This ongoing work is focused not only on bringing facilities back to their original state but also on enhancing their resilience and sustainability to better face future challenges.

    This July update details progress through June and July on several key projects. For more specific information on any project, feel free to use the Q+A feature of the main article or contact the Council directly at council@lismore.nsw.gov.au.

    Ongoing Projects

    Lismore Library
    During June, significant progress was made on the Lismore Library. Construction activities included the installation of wall sheeting in wet areas and progress in electrical, plumbing, air conditioning, and other rough-ins. Floor tiles were removed, and new timber flooring began installation, with the laying of battens and ply towards month's end. Window repairs and internal painting commenced, and air conditioning units were installed on the roof. Installation of timber floors and painting are currently underway. Progress is also being made on various service trades.

    Lismore Regional Airport
    At the Lismore Regional Airport, work is progressing on several fronts. The Porte Cochere roof soffit has been removed, and abrasive blasting of the structural steel is underway. Additionally, the old structural steel is being replaced with new roof purlins. Power systems have been updated, and the plans and approvals for Stage 2 are almost complete. Excavation and electrical work for upgrading the car park lighting are also ongoing.

    The Quad
    At The Quad, there was significant focus on concrete work, involving extensive excavation and removal of spoil from both The Quad and the Northern Terrace. Sub-soil systems were installed, and by the end of the month, preparations for new concrete slabs were complete. Paving and the installation of new storm water trunk lines in The Quad area were finished. Concrete was poured in both the western and northern areas, preparing them for final touches with sand and topsoil. Further enhancements included the delivery of bulk topsoil and the start of landscaping and furniture setups. Concrete pouring continued on the Northern Terrace and in the Southern Quad, with tiling also progressing on the Northern Terrace.

    Cattle Sale Yards
    Recent developments have included the removal of fencing and the completion of landscaping.

    Municipal Building
    Work on the Municipal Building advanced with continued external parapet works. Flooring demolition began to make way for the new concrete floor. Render on architraves advanced, and concrete pours for bathroom and foyer areas were completed. Doorways were resized with new concrete lintels installed.

    Completed Projects

    Stock’s Park (Cedar Log)
    All planned works for this site have been finalised early in the month.

    Lismore City Hall - Stage 1
    Early works at the Lismore City Hall site included completing Stage 1 footings and blockwork, which were core-filled. The setup of stage 2 footings, columns, and block walls, along with the installation of structural beams, progressed. Adjustments to props allowed for the next stages of work, with blockwork and column installations completed by late June. Stage 1 has been successfully completed, with preparations underway for the initiation of Stage 2.

    Netball - Stage 2
    All scheduled works for Stage 2 have been completed, marking the project as finished for this phase.

    Lismore Basketball Association
    The project was completed with a handover meeting officially conducted on June 9th.

    CWA Building
    In June, the CWA Building saw the completion of finishing touches, culminating in a final walkthrough and handover. This update highlights the significant progress and completion of various restoration projects, showcasing the ongoing recovery efforts in the Lismore community.

    Demolition Projects in June:

    • Sam Trimble Oval
    • Humbley Oval
    • Family Support Network – Old Scout Hall
  • Project Updates - May 2024

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    There are a number of Flood Restoration Project works currently being completed, on the vast list of buildings and facilities requiring repair. This page aims to share milestone updates, that may benefit the wider community. Please see below updates on some of the projects shared for this month. Projects are listed in alphabetical order.

    If there is a project you would like particular updates on, please utilise the Q+A function of the main article or contact Council on council@lismore.nsw.gov.au(External link)(External link)

    Cedar Log Shed

    Works commenced on the roof structure. Estimated completion mid-June.

    CWA Building

    Extension was framed, ready for roof works. The render is completed, with joinery started, flooring sanded and power restored.

    Estimated completion mid-June.

    Lismore Airport Terminal

    Stage 2 commenced, with Terminal upgrades externally. Scope of works includes front entry and fly over roof. Electrical upgrades and carpark repairs have now also been approved.

    Lismore Basketball Association

    Flooring was laid mid-May, then sanded with the first coat of sealer applied. Towards the end of the month the sports floor was lined and sealed.

    Padded walls were installed and the interior walls painted. New led lighting installed, and driveway works underway.

    Lismore Cattle Saleyards

    Works have commenced with demolition and removal of materials to make way for the new pedestrian walkway and fencing.

    Lismore City Hall

    Asbestos removal (windows) to the western façade and the north elevation (D1.02) had commenced and was completed by the middle of May.

    Demolition was also completed by mid-May with the installation of footings, columns and block work for prop removal (Level 1 internal). Roof leaks were repaired above the stage.

    Hoardings were installed where the windows had been removed. Load bearing walls were removed where required, with footings being exposed and geotechnical investigations undertaken to firm up footing design.

    Lismore Library

    The rendering to the walls was underway and the white setting to the ground floor was completed. The fire rating to the ground floor beams was in progress.

    Also, during May, new work on the ground floor toilets and services rough ins commenced. Ground floor tile removal was also underway.

    Towards the end of May, the air conditioning fit out, cleaning of the external back brick wall and window painting were all well underway.

    Lismore Municipal Building

    During May, the demolition of the corbel was well underway. As was rendering and the chasing for lights.

    Towards the end of May, the new timber floors on the first floor were being laid and the demolition of the kitchen in progress. Sand blasting of the main room was also in progress.

    Lismore Regional Gallery

    Throughout May services fit offs and ground floor concrete grinding were underway. Vinyl was being laid on Level 1.

    Fire services had commenced and bathrooms finishing. The ceiling construction in the alfresco area was underway as was the amenities fit off. The main electrical distribution board was delivered and installed.

    Towards the end of May, the new track lighting was installed to the galleries. The ceiling lining to the under-croft area and ceiling installation to the Alfresco/Artist Studio were progressing well. A final clean to Level 1 had commenced.

    Riverview Park

    Stage 2 has commenced, which includes field lighting and PA upgrades. The existing toilets will also be modified to Female only, as the upcoming Accessible Toilet/Changeroom Block commences construction.

    The Quad

    With the sun out providing some much needed drying time, works could progress. The soil was turned with the removal of 150mm of turf and soil. Approximately 300 tonnes were sent for disposal.

    Trenching was underway for new comms and electrical and the storm water drainage connected to the Gallery.

    Towards the end of May, large bulk excavation was in progress. This was to cut around the contaminated soil. And connection of the Library and substation power also occurred. Large excavation and truck presence would continue to the end of May.


    Old Essential Energy Building

    Humbley Oval Hockey Club Kiosk

    Demolition has been completed.

    The Northern Star Hockey Club signage was returned to ex-players and current club members. To read the story, click HERE

    Lismore Lake Buildings - Amenities and Pump Shed

    The new modular toilet structure has been ordered. Awaiting updates from manufacturer on delivery date for installation.

    McKenzie Park

    The new modular accessible toilet/changeroom and shed structure has been ordered. Awaiting updates from manufacturer on delivery date for installation.

    Neilson Park

    Demolition has been completed on the old cricket shed/canteen.

    The new modular accessible toilet/changeroom and shed structure has been ordered. Awaiting updates from manufacturer on delivery date for installation.

    Sam Trimble Oval

    Demolition has been completed on the old weatherboard building. Maintenance to the brick building is underway.

    The new modular accessible toilet/changeroom and shed structure has been ordered. Awaiting updates from manufacturer on delivery date for installation.

    The following are scheduled for demolition, due to a number of considerations including structural damage, potential hazards and safety risk to the public, cost of repair and community usage. Dates listed below are estimated, pending project progress, available trades/services and favourable weather.
    If you have any concerns or questions about the demolition of these buildings, please contact floodrestoration@lismore.nsw.gov.au(External link)(External link)

    Family Support Network - Old Scout Hall

    Demolition to proceed - June 2024

    Wade Park, East Lismore

    A new modular toilet is to be constructed, or temporary facilities established, before demolition will proceed. - June 2024

  • Project Updates - April 2024

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    There are a number of Flood Restoration Project works currently being completed, on the vast list of buildings and facilities requiring repair. This page aims to share milestone updates, that may benefit the wider community. Please see below updates on some of the projects shared for this month. Projects are listed in alphabetical order.

    If there is a project you would like particular updates on, please utilise the Q+A function of the main article or contact Council on council@lismore.nsw.gov.au(External link)

    Arthur Park Archery Club - Completed, and handed over to stakeholder user group.

    Caniaba Street Reserve Soccer Clubhouse (South Lismore Celtics) - Completed, and handed over to stakeholder user group.

    Cedar Log Shed

    Scope of works being reviewed, due to commence works in May.

    CWA Building

    Extension was framed, ready for roof works. External painting, tiling and trade services has commenced. Joinery underway, with rendering of internal walls almost complete.

    Lismore Airport Terminal

    Stage 1 of the Terminal works was completed early April. Planning and pricing for Stage 2 is underway and Stage 3 comprising of the airside works are in planning.

    Lismore Basketball Association

    The concrete slab was completed, with the moisture barrier applied to the slab and water stop installed around the perimeter of the building. The subfloor was completed by the end of the month, with timber floor laid aid for acclimatisation. Padded walls have been built ready for installation, and the new grandstand is being manufactured. The driveway and footpath have also been installed.

    Lismore Cattle Saleyards

    Sub-contractors confirmed, works to commence at the end of May.

    Lismore City Hall

    Non-load bearing wall removal has been completed. Props have been installed for the next phase of load bearing wall removal. Site clean-up conducted with removal of demolition rubble and other waste materials.

    Final design discussed with stakeholders, to return the building to a thriving multi-purpose arts and culture precinct.

    Lismore Library

    Fire rating to ground floor beams and rendering of the walls is underway.

    The ground floor concreting received a smooth finish through a process called 'white setting', ready for floor topping to be completed.

    All services trades are now ready to commence.

    Lismore Municipal Building

    Corbel (type of structural and decorative wall bracket) demolition, cement rendering and provisions for light cabling are all underway. Timber and subfloor works are in design and bricklaying is progressing. External works to parapet are ongoing.

    Heritage of the Municipal Building being maintained is a high priority, and contractors are taking care with works to suit.

    Lismore Regional Gallery

    Gallery floors have been resurfaced and sealed. Tiling to wet areas is well underway and internal painting has progressed.

    Vinyl to Level 1 and Bathrooms were also finished by the end of the month.

    Richards Oval Soccer Clubhouse (Workers FC) - Completed, and handed over to stakeholder user group.

    Riverview Park

    Design of upcoming Accessible Toilet/Changeroom Block has been confirmed. Works to commence in May.

    The Quad

    Works progressing. Design was discussed with various stakeholders to include additional infrastructure to improve amenity and use of the restored space.

    Visitor Information Centre building

    Carpet and vinyl coverings were installed. Final painting and service fit offs were also completed.

    These were the final works, ready for completion and handover.

    The following are scheduled for demolition, due to a number of considerations including structural damage, potential hazards and safety risk to the public, cost of repair and community usage. Dates listed below are estimated, pending project progress, available trades/services and favourable weather.
    If you have any concerns or questions about the demolition of these buildings, please contact floodrestoration@lismore.nsw.gov.au(External link)

    Family Support Network - Old Scout Hall

    Demolition to proceed - June 2024

    Lismore Lake Buildings

    Demolition to proceed for toilet block and pumphouse - May 2024
    New modular toilet to be constructed (separate future project)

    Sam Trimble Oval Amenities

    Demolition to proceed - weatherboard building - June 2024
    Brick building to be refurbed
    A new modular toilet is to be constructed (separate future project)

    Humbley Oval Hockey Club Kiosk

    Demolition to proceed - May 2024

    Old Essential Energy Building

    Demolition complete. Works to clean up and close out the site will be completed in May.

    Neilson Park Canteen Building, East Lismore

    Demolition to proceed - May 2024
    A new modular toilet is to be constructed (separate future project)

    McKenzie Park Amenities, North Lismore

    Demolition to proceed - May 2024
    A new modular toilet is to be constructed (separate future project)

    Wade Park, East Lismore

    A new modular toilet is to be constructed, or temporary facilities established, before demolition will proceed. - June 2024

  • Project Updates - March 2024

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    There are a number of Flood Restoration Project works currently being completed, on the vast list of buildings and facilities requiring repair. This page aims to share milestone updates, that may benefit the wider community. Please see below updates on some of the projects shared for this month. Projects are listed in alphabetical order.

    If there is a project you would like particular updates on, please utilise the Q+A function of the main article or contact Council on council@lismore.nsw.gov.au(External link)(External link)

    Arthur Park Archery Club

    Works commencing in April 2024.

    Brunswick Street Depot - Old Helicopter Building - Completed

    Caniaba Street Reserve Soccer Clubhouse (South Lismore Celtics)

    External painting, club signage, changerooms and amenities were all completed.

    The canteen and Level 1 kitchen received finishing touches, with external stairs to be installed early April.

    Cedar Log Shed

    Costing and design for roof structure.

    CWA Building

    Ceiling work underway in the main hall and blockwork began on the extension. The concrete slab for wet areas is progressing, with tiling and services fit off to commence when sheeting is completed.

    Lismore Airport Terminal

    Early March saw the terminal floor finishes and Hearing Augmentation Loop installed and preparation for the generator lift underway.

    External works included pressure-cleaning and external conduit and trenching works progressing. By end of March, joinery and all service fit offs were nearing completion, and the generator was lifted to its new position. Aiming for completion of Stage 1 – early April.

    Lismore Basketball Association

    Subgrade earth works were underway to the gymnasium floor. The screw piles installation commenced, and was completed by the end of March.

    The waffle pod system (underfloor) was delivered and installed. The steel cages and the slab reinforcement also completed, underfloor finalised by completion of the concrete pours.

    Lismore Cattle Saleyards

    Works to commence mid-April. Focusing on the pedestrian walkway and replacement of damaged fencing.

    Lismore City Hall

    Design investigations relating to AV, Stage fit-out, Electrical, Mechanical and Hydraulics works progressing.

    Demolition continued, including external tile removal and internal brick wall removal and will continue in the coming weeks once the new design is approved. By the end of the month, investigation of a roof access system was being carried out and non-loadbearing wall removal was underway, and materials loaded out.

    Lismore Library

    Mid-March saw the establishment of the site and temporary power set up. The scaffold loading bay was installed and the rendering commenced on the ground floor.

    Lismore Municipal Building

    Strip out of all old services and rectification to the brickworks underway.

    Rendering to internal areas commenced and the parapet rectifications were in progress.

    Lismore Regional Gallery

    In early March, works on the ground floor consisted of lining of the wet areas and ceilings.

    Glazing installations in the Northern and Southern Walkways progressed. External cladding replacement was also underway.

    Level 1 works included wall and ceiling linings and skirting installation underway (set and sand). Plantroom deck works included waterproofing, and the replacement of a new Chiller and A/C condenser.

    Richards Oval Soccer Clubhouse (Workers FC)

    Tiling and painting underway and the rough-in almost complete. By the end of March, the epoxy flooring was complete, permanent power re-connected to the building and first floor tiling and fit off nearing completion.

    The Clubhouse is on track for completion in April, allowing for gates to be added to scope of works.

    Riverview Park

    Design of upcoming Accessible Toilet/Changeroom Block progressed.

    The Quad

    Temporary covered walkway constructed – ready for works to begin. Walkway access for pedestrians will remain, ensuring access between Harold Fredericks Carpark and Keen Street.

    Visitor Information Centre building

    Setting and timber trims nearing completion and the main switchboard fit off commenced.

    Towards the end of the month, painting was nearing completion with only Level 2 and one wall on Level 1 to go. The lighting fit-off was completed on both ground floor and Level 1. The spiral duct installation complete and skylights installed. Security and mechanical fit offs and joinery (reception desk/kitchenette) all well underway.

    Ground floor toilets re-opened, seeing the temporary toilets removed. Carpet and final joinery installation will mark the completion of this project in early April.

    Lease agreements are underway for the following buildings, ensuring the successful handover to community. The public notices will be available on the Your Say homepage for public comment.

    CWA Building - 115 Molesworth Street

    Lismore Park Elaine Blanch Tennis Courts (Lismore Tennis Courts) - 82 Ballina Road

    Lismore RSL Sub-Branch - 179 Molesworth Street

    Municipal Building - 165 Molesworth Street

    The following are scheduled for demolition, due to a number of considerations including structural damage, potential hazards and safety risk to the public, cost of repair and community usage. Dates listed below are estimated, pending project progress, available trades/services and favourable weather.
    If you have any concerns or questions about the demolition of these buildings, please contact floodrestoration@lismore.nsw.gov.au

    Family Support Network - Old Scout Hall

    Demolition to proceed - June 2024

    Lismore Lake Buildings

    Demolition to proceed for toilet block and pumphouse - April 2024
    New modular toilet to be constructed (separate future project)

    Sam Trimble Oval Amenities

    Demolition to proceed - weatherboard building - May 2024
    Brick building to be refurbed
    A new modular toilet is to be constructed (separate future project)

    Humbley Oval Hockey Club Kiosk

    Demolition to proceed - May 2024

    Old Essential Energy Building

    Corner Ballina Road and Conway St - April 2024
    Demolition to proceed

    Neilson Park Canteen Building, East Lismore

    Demolition to proceed - May 2024
    A new modular toilet is to be constructed (separate future project)

    McKenzie Park Amenities, North Lismore

    Demolition to proceed - May 2024
    A new modular toilet is to be constructed (separate future project)

    Wade Park, East Lismore

    A new modular toilet is to be constructed, or temporary facilities established, before demolition will proceed. - June 2024

  • Project Updates - February 2024

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    There are a number of Flood Restoration Project works currently being completed, on the vast list of buildings and facilities requiring repair. This page aims to share milestone updates, that may benefit the wider community. Please see below updates on some of the projects shared for this month. Projects are listed in alphabetical order.

    If there is a project you would like particular updates on, please utilise the Q+A function of the main article or contact Council on council@lismore.nsw.gov.au(External link)(External link)

    Arthur Park Archery Club

    Finalising costing to progress works. Currently scheduled to be completed in April 2024.

    Brunswick Street Depot - Old Helicopter Building

    Nearing completion, with painting of first floor offices and additional drainage added.

    Site pack down commenced, as final defects and stakeholder requirements are addressed, costed and completed.

    Caniaba Street Reserve Soccer Clubhouse (South Lismore Celtics)

    Demolition and tile removal was completed, ready for waterproofing and retiling to commence.

    Level 1 linings and carpentry was completed, ready for internal and external painting which was completed by the end of the month.

    Changerooms, amenities and kitchen nearing completion, ready for fit out.

    Cedar Log Shed

    In design review to address extensive damage to the roof structure, with a focus on future flood resilience.

    CWA Building

    Onsite meeting with stakeholders to discuss kitchen fit out, scope of works, final designs and construction underway.

    Lismore Airport Terminal

    Slab and fitting of the generator was completed.

    Inside the Terminal, walls were set and internal painting commenced. Finishes such as skirting, tiling, toilet partitions and high access cleaning were carried out. Automatic doors, flooring and bathroom fit off were completed also.

    The Terminal is on track to be completed by the end of March 2024.

    Lismore Basketball Association

    Entry point in the side brick wall has been established, for easy equipment and machinery access.
    Padded walls removed and safely stored, ready for floor demolition to commence.

    Lismore Cattle Saleyards

    Onsite meeting with stakeholders to discuss working collaboratively and utilising local contractors to complete confirmed scope of works, including walkway, ramps and some fencing.

    Lismore City Hall

    Demolition works are well underway, including tile and slab removal through the kitchen and wet areas.

    Level 3 old cabling was removed, ready for installation of temporary switchboards and lighting. The southern walkway floor reinstatement was also completed, lights reinstated and concrete beams propped ready for brickwork removal on Level 1.

    Lismore Municipal Building

    Scaffolding and site set up complete.

    Onsite meeting with existing stakeholders earlier in the month to confirm scope of works, and gather additional insight to progress with a proposal to make the ground floor all accessibility friendly.

    Lismore Regional Gallery

    The roof replacement and solar panel installation have been completed. External wall cladding, service rough ins and walls and ceilings are underway.

    Southern walkways were a focus with removal of glazing and frames, with window frame installation also commencing.

    New electrical mains cable rough ins, soffits and fan coil units for Level 1 will be completed shortly, ready to finalise wall linings, ceilings and insulation.

    Mortimer Oval Amenities

    Completed and ready for community handover.

    Richards Oval Soccer Clubhouse (Workers FC)

    First floor demolition completed, with demolition of the ground floor to commence.

    Sheeting, rough ins, pipework replacement, plastering, door jams and trims were all underway by the end of the month.

    Riverview Park

    Onsite meeting with stakeholder to address defects and requirements, ensuring space is fit for purpose.

    Confirmed design of upcoming Accessible Toilet/Changeroom Block to be based next to the undercover area.

    The Quad

    Site set up and fencing commenced. Walkway access for pedestrians will remain, ensuring access between Harold Fredericks Carpark and Keen Street.

    Visitor Information Centre building

    Wall linings and sheeting completed, with door hangings and timber trims all underway.

    External works include gutter replacement and gutter guard installation. Site clean up has begun, with the removal of scaffolding. Estimated completion in March 2024.

    Lease agreements are underway for the following buildings, ensuring the successful handover to community. The public notices will be available on the Your Say homepage for public comment.

    Caniaba Street Reserve - Soccer Clubhouse (Celtics FC) - 2 Caniaba Street

    CWA Building - 115 Molesworth Street

    Lismore Park Elaine Blanch Tennis Courts (Lismore Tennis Courts) - 82 Ballina Road

    Lismore RSL Sub-Branch - 179 Molesworth Street

    Municipal Building - 165 Molesworth Street

    Richards Oval Soccer Clubhouse (Workers FC) - 48B & 48I Brewster Street

    The following are being proposed for demolition, due to a number of considerations including structural damage, potential hazards and safety risk to the public, cost of repair and community usage.

    Family Support Network - Old Scout Hall - 41 Wilson Street, South Lismore

    Humbley Oval Hockey Club Kiosk - Cnr of Brewster and Uralba Street, Lismore

    Laurie Allen Centre, The Rowing Club - Molesworth Street. Top two levels only, basement building currently in use.

    Lismore Lake Buildings - the old pumphouse and toilet block next to the pool site. Proposal for the toilet block to be demolished and replaced, pending available funding.

    Sam Trimble Oval Amenities - Proposal for the toilet block to be demolished and replaced, pending available funding.

  • Project Updates - December 2023/January 2024

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    There are a number of Flood Restoration Project works currently being completed, on the vast list of buildings and facilities requiring repair. This page aims to share milestone updates, that may benefit the wider community. Please see below updates on some of the projects shared for this month. Projects are listed in alphabetical order.

    If there is a project you would like particular updates on, please utilise the Q+A function of the main article or contact Council on council@lismore.nsw.gov.au(External link)

    Completed by the end of 2023

    Albert Park Baseball

    Croquet Clubhouse

    Brunswick Street Depot

    Elaine Blanche Tennis Courts Clubhouse

    Lismore Memorial Baths

    Marie Mackney Netball Clubhouse

    Mortimer Oval Container Building

    Mortimer Oval Brick Building

    Oakes/Crozier Amenities

    Radio Controlled Car Building - Nesbitt Park

    Brunswick Street Depot - Old Helicopter Building

    Internal stairs have been built, and floor coverings installed.

    In the workshop, painting has been completed and AC equipment installed. External cladding is in progress.

    Caniaba Street Reserve Soccer Clubhouse (South Lismore Celtics)

    Meeting held with stakeholders to discuss 90% designs, schedule of works and ongoing support. Site setup complete, works to commence end of January.

    Lismore Airport Terminal

    All services rough ins completed during December. The mechanical condenser was replaced, the outdoor PAC unit and 3 x fan coil units installed. Geotech testing of the external generator location was conducted. Linings and insulation of internal walls has commenced.

    Lismore Basketball Association

    Site set up ready for works to replace the subfloor commence in January.

    Lismore Cattle Saleyards

    List of restoration priorities being determined with stakeholders. Scheduling of works to be determined in line with sale activities.

    Lismore City Hall

    Site set up complete, ready for works to commence in January.

    Lismore CWA Building

    Site set up and works to commence in January.

    Lismore Municipal Building

    Onsite meeting with stakeholders to inform accessibility in the design of the ground floor.

    Lismore Regional Gallery

    At the beginning of December, the solar panels were removed from the roof and the NBN fibre was installed. The laying of CFC flooring to L1 was completed and scaffolding erected to the North, East and West sides of external elevations. Roof sheets were delivered in early January which will be installed late January due to weather conditions. Internal cement rendering and repair of ground floor walls underway and the demolition strip-out of internal load bearing walls and kitchen benches are complete.

    Mortimer Oval Amenities

    Internal and external works now complete. Landscaping to be completed, which will finalise restoration for the end of January.

    Richards Oval Soccer Clubhouse (Workers FC)

    Meeting held with stakeholders to discuss 90% designs, schedule of works and ongoing support. Site setup complete, works to commence end of January.

    Riverview Park

    Stage 1 – Completed 20/12/23 and the building handed back to the user group.

    Stage 2 – Field lighting and PA installation - nearing completion

    The Quad

    To be completed in conjunction with the Lismore Regional Gallery. Scheduled to start in March 2024. Scope of works broadly include drainage, shade and landscape improvements.

    Visitor Information Centre building

    Temporary toilets were installed for public use, as works commenced and site setup finalised. Contract procurement, planning with subcontractors and stakeholder conversations also continued. New mechanical upgrades were underway and glazing upgrades in production.

  • Project Updates - November 2023

    Share Project Updates - November 2023 on Facebook Share Project Updates - November 2023 on Twitter Share Project Updates - November 2023 on Linkedin Email Project Updates - November 2023 link

    There are a number of Flood Restoration Project works currently being completed, on the vast list of buildings and facilities requiring repair. This page aims to share milestone updates, that may benefit the wider community. Please see below updates on some of the projects shared for this month. Projects are listed in alphabetical order.

    If there is a project you would like particular updates on, please utilise the Q+A function of the main article or contact Council on council@lismore.nsw.gov.au

    Brunswick Street Depot - Old Helicopter Building

    Service rough ins, ceiling lining and floor preparation for vinyl covering have commenced. Handrail posts were installed and the main frame to the second level also in place.

    Doors were installed, tiling underway and balustrades arrived late November. By the end of November, 90% of the plastering had been completed. Laying of the vinyl flooring and internal painting is now well underway.

    Caniaba Street Reserve Soccer Clubhouse (South Lismore Celtics)

    Mood board and 90% plans have been approved by stakeholders. Container moved onsite for storage ahead of works commencing in January.

    Crozier and Oakes Oval Amenities (Dawson Street and Magellan Street Toilets)

    Restoration and handover has been completed for all amenities blocks. Works on the ticket booth at Oakes will now progress.

    Elaine Blanch Tennis Courts (Lismore Tennis Courts)

    Restoration completed, with final inspection scheduled for Wednesday 29 November. Celebration of the key handover and completion of works is scheduled for December 14.

    Laurie Allan Centre

    Immediate restoration works including deep cleaning, lighting and hot water were completed. Handover to Far North Coast Canoe has been finalised. Additional longer term works are still being scoped and reviewed.

    Lismore Airport Terminal

    Site establishment was completed early November. Mechanical and electrical preliminary make safe had commenced. Hydraulics investigation was conducted and a clean out and rough in was completed. Procurement for mechanical, electrical and hydraulics was completed.

    Towards the end of November, mechanical pipework rough ins had commenced, and the electrical and data security rough ins had commenced.

    Lismore Basketball Association

    Meeting held with stakeholders to discuss site set up ahead of January 2024 start to replace the flooring.

    Lismore City Hall

    Storage containers onsite in preparation for early works to commence in December.

    Lismore CWA Building

    Scope of works increased, to incorporate additional roofing requirements. Works scheduled to commence in January. Estimated completion date is March 2024.

    Lismore Lake Buildings

    Meeting held with stakeholders to discuss scope of works.

    Lismore Library

    Estimated start February 2024. Slight schedule changes to accommodate Lismore Regional Gallery, The Quad and Lismore Library being completed concurrently.

    Lismore Memorial Baths

    The Pools were filled and filter system activated. With power restored, tiling, painting and cleaning including the cleaning of the 50m pool commenced.

    Installation of the mod wood slat seating in the Grandstand and landscaping also commenced. Preparing for a December 2023 opening.

    Lismore Municipal Building

    Estimated start February 2024.

    Lismore Regional Gallery

    During November, site was established. Temporary power had been installed and isolation of the solar panels carried out. Early strip out and make safe was completed, by the end of the month the ceiling in Level 1 was stripped out and removed. Design was completed with procurement of trades well underway.

    Mortimer Oval Amenities

    Restoration and handover complete on the Container Building. User groups have been notified, ready to prepare for next season.

    Site establishment was completed for the Brick Building. Demolition complete and rendering well underway. Plumbing including roofing works commenced at the end of November.

    Marie Mackney Netball Courts (Lismore Netball)

    Flooring, painting (internal and external) and electrical fit off were all completed in November.

    Towards the end of November, the stainless-steel benches and roller doors were installed and all fit offs by service trades (electrical, plumbing and security) were well underway. Final inspection has been completed, awaiting handover with user group.

    Radio Controlled Car Building - Nesbitt Park

    Completed, finalising handover to user group.

    Richards Oval Soccer Clubhouse (Workers FC)

    Meeting held with stakeholders to discuss 90% design and colour options. Mood board and 90% plans have been approved by stakeholders. Container moved onsite for storage ahead of works commencing in January.

    Riverview Park

    Works have begun with site establishment complete, and the redundant shower block demolished.

    The Quad

    To be completed in conjunction with the Lismore Regional Gallery. Scheduled to start in March 2024. Scope of works broadly include drainage, shade and landscape improvements.

    Visitor Information Centre building

    Temporary toilets were installed for public use, as works commenced and site setup finalised. Contract procurement, planning with subcontractors and stakeholder conversations also continued. New mechanical upgrades were underway and glazing upgrades in production.

  • Project Updates - October 2023

    Share Project Updates - October 2023 on Facebook Share Project Updates - October 2023 on Twitter Share Project Updates - October 2023 on Linkedin Email Project Updates - October 2023 link

    There are a number of Flood Restoration Project works currently being completed, on the vast list of buildings and facilities requiring repair. This page aims to share milestone updates, that may benefit the wider community. Please see below updates on some of the projects shared for this month.

    If there is a project you would like particular updates on, please utilise the Q+A function of the main article or contact Council on council@lismore.nsw.gov.au

    Brunswick Street Depot - Old Helicopter Building

    Construction commenced, with the the electrical, data and security wiring started. Sheeting of the walls and ceilings in the workshop offices is also underway.

    Caniaba Street Reserve Soccer Clubhouse (South Lismore Celtics)

    Design progressing with colour scheme selections made in conjunction with stakeholders. Schedule of works will be set following cost plan completion.

    Crozier and Oakes Oval Amenities (Dawson Street and Magellan Street Toilets)

    Dawson Street toilet block was reopened to the public in early October.

    Magellan Street ceiling sheeting, fit out and painting has been completed.

    Crozier Oval block linings and fitout is mostly complete, with painting to follow.

    Elaine Blanch Tennis Courts (Lismore Tennis Courts)

    The wall and ceiling sheeting was completed at the beginning of October. Setting of the wet areas and the timber trim installation was also commenced. Internal linings and carpentry fit out were completed with new glazing installed. Internal painting was well underway.

    The training wall was finished and the shed repairs completed with both now being ready for painting. Repairs were also underway on the fencing. Joinery was well underway and the external painting started.

    By the end of the month, floor preparation for epoxy was underway, and the electrical fit off to ceilings started. Lighting and switchboard works had also commenced and external painting and window repair started.

    Delay of works has been attributed to trades and material availability. Handover to the Tennis Club is scheduled for November.

    Lismore Airport Terminal

    Site set up has been established and external fencing has been erected. Works have commenced, completing a basic strip out, ready for trades to start.

    Lismore Cattle Saleyards

    Onsite meeting with stakeholders to finalise scope of works required.

    Lismore CWA Building

    90% design completed, cost plan currently being reviewed. Schedule of works will be set following cost plan completion. Estimated completion date is February 2024.

    Lismore Library

    Design is progressing, pending completion of the cost plan. Construction dates will be determined following cost plan and design completion. Estimated January 2024 to commence.

    Lismore Memorial Baths

    The sheeting of the walls in the Pavilion commenced as well as electrical, hydraulic and security rough ins. The new hot water systems were installed in the pump room.

    Toward the end of the month, roofing on the lifeguard tower had been installed. All stud framing and villa board walls in the Pavilion were completed and painting commenced. Service trade rough ins were completed in the pool amenities building and ceiling framing and re-lining underway. Replacement of the existing roof and box gutters were completed. Works on the two pools had progressed and included a new filtration system.

    Scaffolding has been taken down from around the Lifeguard Tower and Pavilion.

    Laurie Allan Centre

    Offsite storage for boats is being explored to ensure disruptions to members and building users are minimised during works period.

    Lismore Municipal Building

    Colour scheme determined in conjunction with stakeholders. Design progressing for floor upgrades. Estimated start January 2024.

    Lismore Regional Gallery

    Remaining equipment and Gallery items have been stored ready for Stage 1 construction. Restoration for The Quad confirmed be completed in conjunction with Stage 2 of the Gallery works (commencing in 2024).

    Mortimer Oval Amenities

    All flooring, the external ceiling and an external clean was completed. Electrical fit out and all roofing was also completed. By the end of October, the internal fit out and flooring was completed as well as internal and external painting. Shower linings and toilet partitions to be installed in the coming weeks.

    Marie Mackney Netball Courts (Lismore Netball)

    At the beginning of October, the insulation and wall sheeting were completed for both floors including the wet areas. Setting was underway to the wet areas. Internal linings were completed and internal fit off including doors was also underway.

    The switchboard installation and electrical requirements progressed well.

    By the end of October, preparation for painting had commenced, and the doors installed. External cladding was reinstated. Timber trims and doors were completed. Internal painting to Level 1 had begun and external painting to the south elevation was finished.

    Delay of works has been attributed to trades and material availability. Handover to the LDNA is scheduled for November.

    Radio Controlled Car Building - Nesbitt Park

    Site set-up has been established, and works are steadily progressing.

    Richards Oval Soccer Clubhouse (Workers FC)

    Onsite meeting with stakeholders to determine scope of works.

    Riverview Park

    Works have begun with site establishment complete, and the redundant shower block demolished.

    Visitor Information Centre building

    Construction has commenced.

Page last updated: 07 Jan 2025, 10:58 AM