Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges

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You will find all the latest repair works for Flood Recovery - Roads and Bridges. All current works that have updates are categorised by project name. If viewing via a smartphone, you can find the 'Projects by Name' at the bottom of this page.

Why was this page designed?

Since the February 2022 natural disaster, we have had an extended period of wet weather, which has significantly affected our road network. It rained three out of four days between November 2021 and April 2022.

This resulted in 90% of our 1200km road network suffering extensive damage, with an estimated $200 million to rebuild and repair. Significant damage also occurred to many bridges, causeways, reinforced concrete pipes, reinforced concrete box culverts and footpaths across our road network. Some key access roads have been reduced to single lanes due to landslips.

Immediately after flood waters receded, our road crews conducted emergency repairs on more than 80 roads to allow access for residents. Several construction crews worked extended hours to ensure damaged roads were reopened/made safe as soon as possible. As the repairs progress, we will provide more detailed updates on the specific flood-related damage to our road network and information on how you can report damaged roads to Council.

Assessments are underway at the larger and more complex damaged sites. There are specific engineering tasks in some areas which are necessary and will take time. Some sites may see temporary measures such as side-track access, temporary pothole repair and gravel roads before permanent construction works at these locations commence. Planning will continue to ensure works are undertaken as quickly as possible. Priorities are based on public safety with consideration of further damage, maintaining access and links between communities, hierarchy of roads and efficiency of results.

What process does Council have to go through when we have a 'disaster event'?

When we experience a natural disaster such as a flood event, which causes significant damage to our infrastructure, there are a number of steps that Council has to go through, like an insurance claim process. Council identifies, assesses and then makes a claim for the damage from the appropriate funding body. As we do not have the money to pay for these kind of extraordinary events from our day to day budgets. There are strict rules regarding documentation.

There are multiple steps in this process including design investigation, final design, approval, scheduling of work crews and/or engagement of contractors so there can be a long lag time from the actual event to the rectification works being started and completed. The table below shows further details and indicative timings for the steps in this process: (All timings are subject to weather, contractor and material availability)

Major Flood Recovery Works Map

Flood restoration works are critical to repairing damages caused by previous natural disasters and getting life back on track. However, these works can be complex, especially when dealing with large-scale disasters like the February 2022 event. At Lismore City Council, we understand the challenges that come with flood restoration works and are proud to launch this interactive map focusing on major flood recovery works within the Lismore LGA to assist the community with finding efficient, up-to-date information. Please note, timeframes are subject to change in the next few months as the project delivery strategy evolves.

Click here to view the interactive map.

Disclaimer: This tool has been provided by Lismore City Council to provide up to date information on the status of the flood damaged Council assets. The identified locations are the projects considered for EPAR funding provided by the Australian Commonwealth under the DRFA guidelines. The information provided on this tool is general in nature and subject to change based on final design calculations, funding approvals, and changing site circumstances. This data is frequently updated to provide the community with the latest information. When contacting Council, please reference the location damage number.

Further Information

  1. Report a road hazard or pothole
  2. Information on current delays, accidents and road closures in the Northern Rivers
  3. Register your details to receive flood restoration updates for specific roads via our notification list

You will find all the latest repair works for Flood Recovery - Roads and Bridges. All current works that have updates are categorised by project name. If viewing via a smartphone, you can find the 'Projects by Name' at the bottom of this page.

Why was this page designed?

Since the February 2022 natural disaster, we have had an extended period of wet weather, which has significantly affected our road network. It rained three out of four days between November 2021 and April 2022.

This resulted in 90% of our 1200km road network suffering extensive damage, with an estimated $200 million to rebuild and repair. Significant damage also occurred to many bridges, causeways, reinforced concrete pipes, reinforced concrete box culverts and footpaths across our road network. Some key access roads have been reduced to single lanes due to landslips.

Immediately after flood waters receded, our road crews conducted emergency repairs on more than 80 roads to allow access for residents. Several construction crews worked extended hours to ensure damaged roads were reopened/made safe as soon as possible. As the repairs progress, we will provide more detailed updates on the specific flood-related damage to our road network and information on how you can report damaged roads to Council.

Assessments are underway at the larger and more complex damaged sites. There are specific engineering tasks in some areas which are necessary and will take time. Some sites may see temporary measures such as side-track access, temporary pothole repair and gravel roads before permanent construction works at these locations commence. Planning will continue to ensure works are undertaken as quickly as possible. Priorities are based on public safety with consideration of further damage, maintaining access and links between communities, hierarchy of roads and efficiency of results.

What process does Council have to go through when we have a 'disaster event'?

When we experience a natural disaster such as a flood event, which causes significant damage to our infrastructure, there are a number of steps that Council has to go through, like an insurance claim process. Council identifies, assesses and then makes a claim for the damage from the appropriate funding body. As we do not have the money to pay for these kind of extraordinary events from our day to day budgets. There are strict rules regarding documentation.

There are multiple steps in this process including design investigation, final design, approval, scheduling of work crews and/or engagement of contractors so there can be a long lag time from the actual event to the rectification works being started and completed. The table below shows further details and indicative timings for the steps in this process: (All timings are subject to weather, contractor and material availability)

Major Flood Recovery Works Map

Flood restoration works are critical to repairing damages caused by previous natural disasters and getting life back on track. However, these works can be complex, especially when dealing with large-scale disasters like the February 2022 event. At Lismore City Council, we understand the challenges that come with flood restoration works and are proud to launch this interactive map focusing on major flood recovery works within the Lismore LGA to assist the community with finding efficient, up-to-date information. Please note, timeframes are subject to change in the next few months as the project delivery strategy evolves.

Click here to view the interactive map.

Disclaimer: This tool has been provided by Lismore City Council to provide up to date information on the status of the flood damaged Council assets. The identified locations are the projects considered for EPAR funding provided by the Australian Commonwealth under the DRFA guidelines. The information provided on this tool is general in nature and subject to change based on final design calculations, funding approvals, and changing site circumstances. This data is frequently updated to provide the community with the latest information. When contacting Council, please reference the location damage number.

Further Information

  1. Report a road hazard or pothole
  2. Information on current delays, accidents and road closures in the Northern Rivers
  3. Register your details to receive flood restoration updates for specific roads via our notification list
  • Sexton Bridge Open to Traffic

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    The construction of the new Sexton Bridge is now complete and will be open to traffic from 4pm today.
    All temporary traffic control measures that were in place during its construction will be removed.
    We would like to thank the community for their patience and understanding during the construction of this project.

  • Jiggi Road - Flood Restoration Works Update

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    Council will be completing works to improve road conditions and associated safety for Jiggi Road during November 2022 and February 2023, subject to weather, contractor, and material availability.

    These works were scheduled and started earlier this year, however delayed due to weather. Scope of works have been reviewed to ensure damages due to heavy rainfall are remediated. Single lane traffic control will be in place during the works period.

    Works will apply to six sections of Jiggi Road only, that have been identified as significantly impacted by the February 2022 natural disaster, based on pre and post disaster assessments. Funding has been secured through Transport for NSW and is allocated to repair damage sustained during the February 2022 natural disaster only. Additional works required and subsequent funding for Jiggi Road are being reviewed.

    A map of the allocated sections is attached below. Please note, only temporary works will be completed for Patch 5 at this time. Due to the scope of works required, this section is scheduled for reconstruction at a later date.

    What do the roadworks involve?

    • Road surface: Improve the surface of the road in specified sections.
    • Signs and line marking: Line marking and guideposts.
    • Vegetation management: Manage roadside vegetation to remove obstacles, improve sight distances, and clearances for signage.
    • Drainage maintenance: Re-excavate open drains and remove flood sediment as required. Minor drainage works will be completed prior to pavement works commencing.
    • Driveway adjustment: Adjust access to driveways affected by the wider road footprint as required.

    Road users are advised to follow signage and expect delays as these works are completed.

    Further Information

    Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email council@lismore.nsw.gov.au and include the title ‘Jiggi Road – Flood Restoration Works.’

  • Tatham Road - Temporary Flood Restoration Works

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    Council will be completing temporary patching works to improve road surface conditions for Tatham Road during November and December 2022. These works are a temporary measure, until permanent pavement rehabilitation works are scheduled.

    Works will apply only to five sections of Tatham Road that have been identified as significantly impacted by the February 2022 natural disaster, based on pre and post disaster assessments. Funding has been secured through Transport for NSW. This funding is allocated to repair damage sustained during the February 2022 natural disaster only. Additional works required and subsequent funding for Tatham Road are being reviewed.

    The temporary works are expected to start mid November 2022 – end of December 2022 subject to weather, contractor, and material availability. Single lane traffic control will be in place during the works period.

    These temporary works will involve removing damaged road sections and replacing with gravel road base, with an emulsion sacrificial seal.

    Future pavement repair works, expected to be carried out in mid-2023 will include:

    • Road surface: Improve the surface of the road in places.
    • Signs and line marking: Line marking and guideposts.
    • Vegetation management: Manage roadside vegetation to remove obstacles, improve sight distances, and clearances for signage.
    • Drainage maintenance: Re-excavate open drains and remove flood sediment as required. Minor drainage works will be completed prior to pavement works commencing.
    • Driveway adjustment: Adjust access to driveways affected by the wider road footprint as required.

    Road users are advised to follow signage and expect delays as these works are completed.

    Further Information

    Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email council@lismore.nsw.gov.au and include the title ‘Tatham Road – Temporary Patching Works.’

  • Tuntable Creek Road - Flood Recovery Update November 2022

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    Tuntable Creek Road experienced significant damage during the February 2022 natural disaster. Due to the nature and high number of damages incurred, works are being finalised on how best to provide timely improvements for the community and road users.

    Road surface conditions

    Pavement repairs have been approved for funding to address the road surface conditions. These works are currently being scheduled for the entire sealed road damage package. Unfortunately, this is taking longer than expected due to constraints on resources and the prolonged period of wet weather. Dates of these works will be released shortly, with temporary measures such as gravel fill being implemented to assist road users in the interim.

    Road closure – between Rose Road and Beardow Road

    The road closure is a result of approximately 280m of road alignment between Rose Road and Beardow Road being affected by considerable damage. The road in its current condition presents two significant landslip damage locations.

    To date Lismore City Council have completed geotechnical investigations of the sites and undertaken initial design option analysis. GHD have been appointed as the Lismore City Council Road and Bridge Recovery Design Partner, with Tuntable Creek Road their top priority site for urgent design and restoration activities.

    The landslip sites are extremely challenging from an engineering perspective. The soil is observed to be colluvial and residual soils derived from basalt, with large boulders and cobbles throughout. The main damage location leaves no usable width of the original roadway.

    The failure has exposed several large boulders that may indicate older landslide materials naturally in place at the site. The landslide damage extends some distance below the road embankment to Tuntable Creek. Figure 1 below shows an aerial of the main landslip.

    There is significant movement at the location of the landslip and the depth of loose material makes stabilisation of the site a major engineering challenge.

    The second site presents a now split roadway with tension cracks on the downhill side and a heaved uphill side of the roadway. It is assumed that this is a compound landslide with both up and downhill damages incurred. Damage at road level is significant. Figure 2 shows the visible tension cracking and deformation from the landslide movements. Observations indicate that both these areas of extensive damage to the road are related, and likely part of the same landslide movement.

    The large extent and length of this cracking suggests that a larger underlying failure may be present than is currently visible. This poses the risk of larger landslides in future events.

    Provision of temporary access

    Given the time that a permanent solution will take to design and implement, Council is currently investigating the construction of a temporary access widening at the location of the main slip. The current soil conditions and terrain makes such a solution very difficult to implement, requiring advanced geotechnical engineering solutions and ongoing monitoring to ensure the safety of users. A temporary access design is being prioritised and, if feasible, will be implemented in the shortest possible time frame.

    Council understands the significant impact of this road closure on the local community, and appreciates the feedback received to date. In recognition that permanent restoration will take a significant amount of time, the following will be carried out:

    • Regular updates through online channels and direct consultation with community
    • Additional notification for road users of the surface conditions and road closure
    • Temporary works to address road conditions until permanent works are completed
    • Review of the Nimbin Community Disaster Resilience Plan and The Channon and Surrounds Disaster Resilience Plan

    Additionally, to receive updates directly please contact Lismore City Council via email council@lismore.nsw.gov.au or call (02) 6625 0500 to register your preferred contact details and feedback. Please reference ‘Tuntable Creek Road AF22/1928’ in your correspondence.

  • Kyogle Road - Pavement Rehabilitation Works

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    Single lane traffic control will be in place as Council completes pavement rehabilitation works to Kyogle Road. The works will apply to three sections across the length of Kyogle Road, to be completed throughout three weeks. Works are expected to start late October 2022 subject to weather, contractor, and material availability.

    Funding has now been secured through Transport for NSW. This funding is allocated to repair damage sustained during the February 2022 natural disaster only. The following three sections have been identified based on pre and post February 2022 assessments. Additional works for Kyogle Road will continue to be assessed and reviewed.

    Works will include:

    • Road surface: Improve the surface of the road in places. Road to be raised approximately 150mm.
    • Signs and line marking: Line marking and guideposts.
    • Vegetation management: Manage roadside vegetation to remove obstacles, improve sight distances, and clearances for signage.
    • Drainage maintenance: Re-excavate open drains and remove flood sediment as required.
    • Driveway adjustment: Adjust access to driveways affected by the wider road footprint as required.

    Road users are advised to follow signage and expect delays as these works are completed.

    Further Information

    Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email council@lismore.nsw.gov.au and include the title ‘Kyogle Road – Pavement Rehabilitation.’

  • Cawongla Road - Updated Closure Dates

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    Following further community consultation, the culvert replacement works have been rescheduled to assist in reducing the closure period and maintain access for Larnook Public School during the school term. There will be one minor culvert replacement in November 2022. Access for road users will be maintained throughout works for this culvert, via a constructed side track.

    For the safety of motorists and due to the nature of works, a full 24hour hard road closure is required for both work sites during the January - February 2023 works period. Works are occurring concurrently at both sites.

    Site 1: One culvert replacement adjacent to 169 Cawongla Road, Cawongla approximately 1.25km south of the Quilty Road and Cawongla Road Intersection.

    Site 2: Three culvert replacements approximately 500m south of Larnook Public School, adjacent to 1224 Cawongla Road, Larnook. One culvert will be replaced in November 2022 (road access via constructed side-track), the following two in January 2023.

    Please review the road closure locations to determine whether accessing from Kyogle Road or Rock Valley Road is most appropriate for your property. Due to the nature of works, access through the work sites is not possible.

    Road closure is expected to be in place approximately 6 weeks during January - February 2023, subject to weather, material and contractor availability. After this time, road will open to single lane traffic while final stages of the works are completed. Council is proposing to complete the works under extended working hours to ensure the works are finalised as soon as possible. Additional works may include but not limited to extended hours on weekends.

    These works have been rescheduled following consultation with Larnook Public School to enable access for students, families, and staff of the school. Any changes affecting school access will be communicated from the school principal and relevant bus companies directly.

    Council has consulted with Richmond Waste; rubbish collection will be impacted. For collection service updates and information, Richmond Waste has provided their Operations Department number to contact directly – 02 6621 7431.

    Larnook RFS have a plan in place for service vehicles due to location of the station. Council will advise other emergency services. However, in the scenario emergency services are required please note the road closures on your call to assist, and consider if your closest hospital may be Nimbin, Kyogle or Lismore.

    What are the works?

    The roadworks comprises reconstruction of a total of four collapsed culvert lines. This includes the following work:

    • Clearing of vegetation and trees adjacent to the embankment failure
    • Excavation and removal of the existing road surface and embankment material
    • Reconstruction of arch culvert
    • Road embankment reconstruction at each culvert location
    • Road pavement reconstruction

    Tree clearing, temporary fencing and site establishment will commence from the first week in October, in preparation for the works to commence.

    These works are the commencement of flood remediation works for Cawongla Road. Funding is currently being reviewed for further pavement repairs. Temporary patching is currently being carried out for sections of Cawongla Road until further funding is approved by Resilience NSW. Additional works are also being reviewed for Martin Road, with updates to be shared shortly. We thank the community for their feedback.

    What do I need to do?

    Please commute through the detour at low speed, obey adjusted speed limits and directions from any traffic controllers, and drive carefully. Please also adhere to all road closed signs. We will ensure all driveways and farm gates that intersect the road match any changes to the road profile and are safe for property owners/residents. At times the roadworks may create dust, which will be managed by a water cart during work hours.

    Who should I contact with questions/concerns?

    We apologise in advance for the disruption and delays you may experience whilst we upgrade the road. We ask that commuters please plan extra travel time during the construction period, in particular the road closure period.

    Additionally, to receive updates directly please contact Lismore City Council via email council@lismore.nsw.gov.au or call (02) 6625 0500 to register your details and feedback. Please reference ‘Cawongla Road’ in your correspondence.

    Additional FAQs

    Will there be works planned for Quilty Road?

    Two weeks of remediation works will be carried out on Quilty Road prior to Cawongla closure occurring. This includes:

    Shoulders widened to allow passing vehicles

    Pothole patching with gravel overlay to improve driving conditions

    Landslip damage has been cleared, with gravel road graded

    Repair of damaged culverts

    Vegetation management, cutting back the vegetation at the sides of the road to allow more space for vehicles

    *Please note, that not all traffic will be diverted via Quilty Road. Just motorists accessing properties between the two work sites.

    Landslip and current conditions on Martin Road

    Council are currently prioritising projects in regards to public safety, with consideration for minimising further damage and maintaining access between communities.

    Martin Road is known to Council and works are being reviewed. The high priority is on Cawongla Road for now, due to the collapsed culverts posing future risk to a number of road users.

    Cawongla Road Closure Period

    This work is expected to take six weeks, estimated to start first week of January, and carry on through to February. Start dates will be advertised closer to the time, pending weather, contractor and material availability. Six weeks has been advertised as the designated closure period, which takes into account additional time for unforeseen delays.

    Due to old culverts needing to be removed and replaced, it is estimated earthworks to complete this task will require a potential 8+ metre excavation, resulting in a worksite inaccessible for motorists. A number of road access options have been considered, and will continue to be reviewed as works progress.

    Community Consultation

    Council has met and will continue to communicate with Larnook Public School and Larnook RFS representatives to ensure community needs are considered for these works. Additionally, to be emailed direct updates, you can register your contact details with Council.

    Plans to manage the closure period are still being finalised with Larnook Public School, this includes the bus services. Direct communication will come from the school for families, students and staff when the plan is finalised.

    Updated mail out to residents was sent October 14 to 200+ addresses. The letter was an early indication of the closure, and plan of works. Further more specific information will be shared closer to the closure date. Additionally, this early notice was also shared with a number of local businesses, Kyogle Council and emergency, transport and postal services.


    Works are now complete on Kellas Street, after a major water break caused extensive damage to the roads surface on Sunday.
    Due to the extent of the repairs, the road was expected to be closed until the end of the week. However, thanks to Council’s roads team, Kellas Street has opened to traffic a day ahead of schedule.
    All detours have now been removed.


    We have another busy week coming up for our pothole repair teams. They have been out and about focusing on:

    Coraki Road
    Tuntable Falls Road
    Reseals works
    Various South Lismore Area Roads
    Various East Lismore Area Roads
    CBD Roads

    While progress is being made to repair potholes across our road network, it remains a massive job which is made worse every time it rains. We thank the community for their on-going patience.

  • Current Project Updates Tuesday, 11 October 2022

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    Please note, there are several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently. Below are updates of some projects progressing this week.

    Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like to secure specific updates on, please utilise the Q+A function of this page, or email council@lismore.nsw.gov.au

    Caniaba Road - Shoulder widening and kerb and gutter installation completed, awaiting pavement backfill against kerb.

    Caniaba Road

    Blue Knob Road - Drainage and preparation work started this week, with further stabilisation works scheduled on various sections for next week - subject to weather, contractor and material availability. The landslip is being monitored as scope of works is determined.

    Gravel road repairs - Young Road, Noble Road, Robb Road, Milgate Road, Beardow Road, Browning Road, Fairfull Road, Gibson Lane have all undergone maintenance. Upcoming maintenance is scheduled for Webber Road, Cook Road, Tulk Road, Fraser Road, Rose Road, Wybelena Road and Gray Road.

    Gundurimba Road - Drainage works are scheduled for completion on various sections.

    Gungas Road - Emergency culvert repair on Gungas Road, following damage sustained after recent heavy rainfall.

    Gungas Road - emergency repairs

    James Gibson Road - Temporary patching is scheduled, while scope of works for remediation is finalised.

    Jiggi Road - First section has been completed, with an additional five to be completed. There have some delays due to weather, with scope of works reviewed to ensure damages due to heavy rainfall are remediated. Proposed works include pavement rehabilitation and drainage works.

    Keerrong Road - Final stages of works, with a tidy up to be completed. Additional sections are scheduled for maintenance in December.

    Nimbin Road - Drainage and Stabilisation are being completed on Nimbin Road with four patches completed out for the six scoped for repair. Guide posting and line marking works still to be completed. Stabilisation works are also scheduled for Nimbin Road (near Shipway Drive and Swift Road) in the coming weeks - subject to weather, contractor and material availability.

    Pinchin Road - Final stages of completion on the sections of heavy patching works.

    Pinchin Road - heavy patching completed

    Sexton Bridge - Bridge deck pour and earthworks are currently being completed.


    A major water break has occurred across Kellas Street, in Lismore Heights.

    The road has sustained major damage and is in need of significant repairs. The section of road impacted by the water break will need to be rebuilt.
    Due to the extent of the repairs, the road will be closed until Friday, 14 October 2022.

    Bus companies and emergency services have been notified. Detours have been setup for access to the University and other services within this area.
    Travelling East, detours are in place via Dibbs Street, Dalley Street and Military Road.
    Travelling West, detours are in place via William Blair Drive and Parkwalk Drive to University Road.
Page last updated: 23 Jul 2024, 04:48 PM